Jerusalem Spaceport of Peace Digital Scrolls splash sm

Jerusalem, Spaceport of Peace – The Digital Scrolls, December 27, 2023

JERUSALEM is CLAIMED by JEHOVAH the MOST HIGH GOD because THE TEMPLE MOUNT is a SPACEPORT. Not just ANY spaceport. THE spaceport that the CITY OF HEAVEN, THE NEW JERUSALEM will land on. Satan in his avatar as ENKI wants to prevent GOD’S WILL, in what he (Enki, the Devil) thinks will be his last stand against GOD.

OUR FLAT EARTH AND NIBIRU Digital Scrolls 20Dec2023 splash

OUR FLAT EARTH AND NIBIRU – The Digital Scrolls, December 20, 2023

Shocking video proof! It is not known who recorded the above video, but as we know that the Freemasons are Mystery Babylon and serve Satan, we know they know what the Truth is because they exist to hide it from us.

THE GREAT RESET RAPTURE COVER-UP Substack splash 15Dec2023 sm

THE GREAT RESET RAPTURE COVER-UP – The Digital Scrolls, December 15, 2023

The same entity (NASA) which provided the Sun's CME burst from GOES footage pays subcontractor astronomy writers to fabricate lies on demand and keep the public from knowing what's really happening in the Holy War above. EVERYTHING IS DONE TO HIDE WHAT'S COMING AND MANIPULATE HUMANS TO GENETICALLY ALTER THEMSELVES BEFORE IT HAPPENS SO THEY CAN'T RETURN TO GOD.

Satan the Artificial Spirit

The Apocryphon of John revealed AI, Sumerian computer code used to enslave mankind, and Satan, the Artificial Spirit

The clamor of voices attempting to explain these crimes against humanity being committed IGNORE ONE FACT: This computer code artifical intelligence is THE DEVIL, whose language is a binary duplication of an inverted reality. Are they refusing to speak of the reason for all of this - JESUS CHRIST? THE AI IS THE ANTICHRIST, AND ALL DENYING JESUS BY OMISSION ARE TOO. (1 John 2:22)

Elliptical orbit of Nibiru Planet X


The only reason the study of Nibiru (Apophis, Planet X, Wormwood) is considered pseudoscience conspiracy theory is because a wildly mutated version of the story was put out by a CIA agent masquerading as a professor and somehow overthrew the centuries of study, and literally, the world of evidence.



Meanwhile, another dimension called a country (due the the limits of the 1, 2 and 3 dimensions restricting the spirit in held thoughtforms) named Egypt expressed itself from the deep as Lucifer's first city, and he split off into avatars, which are all devils. His memorable first post-Eden avatar was a crocodile named Sobek, then he became Osiris, twinning bodies with demonic spirits...

The devil and his spawn archons in the human mind

The Weaponization of Psychiatry, Especially Against COVID Critics – interview with Dr. Peter Breggin

Dr. Breggin is featured in an eye-opening interview by Sherry Strong of Childrens Health Defense Canada where we learn more about how psychiatry is now targeting COVID critics and resisters.

UNPACKING THE STRONG DELUSION OF 5G – Repost of my April 2020 article

REPOST OF MY APRIL 2020 ARTICLE ON HOW MAGNETIZED AND WIFI-TRIGGERED SELF-ASSEMBLING NANOTECHNOLOGY SYNTHETIC BIOLOGY IS CHANGING THE HUMAN GENOME AND THAT COVID IS A TROJAN HORSE - the elite are using the deception of the Great Reset to hide the Rapture and ALL THE CHURCHES ARE IN ON IT. You have a choice, and it will be the hardest one you will ever make because they have cut all of humanity from the herd and are literally culling us like cattle. People are truly physically addicted to their cellphones now, and to the process of uploading their souls to the hive. Fear has been instilled in nearly every human being on the face of the earth that some "virus", the ruse to hide the deaths from 5G, is going to kill them all. 

Ba'al Diptych TADETA


A trailer for the show about to begin. Excellent commentary.