America The New Sodom & Gomorrah – Pastor Sandy Armstrong

Amen to this. All of it. I had a vision during it of my own aborted child comforting me in Heaven. It is very hard to know one could have been a more Godly, obedient parent, and see one's children lost. This is what prayer is for: God answers. All agendas and narratives hide truth, but soon every knee will bow. One needs to wake up and  meet Jesus now, before it is too late.

Chinese Navy officers wave in front of a five-inch cannon on a Kidd-class destroyer during the Han Kuang military exercise held about 10 nautical miles eastern of the port of Hualien

Sinim – what the book of Isaiah calls China – launches 3rd Electromagnetic catapult-equipped aircraft carrier in Shanghai

China will launch strategic nuclear strikes to cities in America to bring down this portion of Babylon.