Originally published on August 20 – 24, 2019
© Pastor Laura Rohrer Little Brooks, https://eatingtoascend.com

Link to the full CooperGates most recent interview published on February 16, 2021, in which Bill Gates admitting that cement will be made differently after “The Reset”, AKA the forced MARK OF THE BEAST Covid-19 Coronavirus Sars-Cov2 mRNA CRISPR technology genetic reengineering shot and the deaths from that as well as the deaths from nanotechnology triggered by 5G ELF (extra low frequency) microwaves to trigger the cytokine swarms in all individuals embedded with the nanotechnology and tracked by RFID chips in the “vaccination”, for which no virus has been identified.


“… Woe to him that increaseth that which is not his! How long? And to him that ladeth himself with thick clay! Because thou hast spoiled many nations, all the remnant of the people shall spoil thee; because of men’s blood, and for the violence of the land, of the city, and of all that dwell therein. Woe to him that coveteth an evil in his house, that he may set his nest on high, that he may be delivered from the power of evil! Thou hast consulted shame to thy house by cutting off many people, and has sinned against thy soul. For the stone shall cry out of the wall, and the beam out of the timber shall answer it. Woe to him that buildeth a town with blood, and stabilisheth a city by iniquity!” – Habbukuk 2:6-12 KJV

US Patent 4203674A Use of Blood and Blood Products in Building Materials

The implications of US Patent 4203674A for “Use of Blood and Blood Products in Building Materials” for cement are staggering. The patent reads:

Use of blood in the cement, mortar and concrete industry for obtaining a lightened material
The present invention relates to the use of blood in the construction and building industry, whereby blood and extracts of blood containing haemoglobin are used as air entraining colloids. The recommended process for preparing a lightened material consists in associating a construction element chosen from the cements, mortars and concretes, with at least one air entraining colloid chosen from whole blood, globules, red blood corpuscles and haemoglobin. The invention also relates to the lightened material obtained according to this process.
C04B28/02 Compositions of mortars, concrete or artificial stone, containing inorganic binders or the reaction product of an inorganic and an organic binder, e.g. polycarboxylate cements containing hydraulic cements other than calcium sulfates
C04B24/00 Use of organic materials as active ingredients for mortars, concrete or artificial stone, e.g. plasticisers
C04B24/12 Nitrogen containing compounds organic derivatives of hydrazine
C04B24/14 Peptides; Proteins; Derivatives thereof

This begs the question: Where will the blood – the bodies come from?

And even more sinister in aspect is why are people not talking about this? Why is this not ‘news’? Actually, the last question is the easiest to answer, being rhetorical, since all media is owned by six entities who are illuminati, and are cosmological parasites shapeshifting into cloned bodies to exert rule over humanity, which to them is a resource they harvest. Their depopulation agendas, as put forth in public proclamation of the Georgia Guidestones and explained by Bill Gates, one of Lucifer’s digital arms (the other being Apple), who said in a TED Talk “With vaccines, we can lower the world’s population from 7 billion to 500,000”. The video is just below the images, and is a few moments long.

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Another resource derived from biological life that is being used for ‘world-building’ purposes (further examination on the descriptor ‘WORlD BUILDER’ to follow) is CO2 itself. Not only the gaseous emissions of respiration and physiological metabolic processes from living creatures, but emitted by ‘expired’ physical bodies – like a library book, used and returned after the birth-to-death cycle of enslavement – lifeforms in the decay process. Called NETs – Negative Emissions Technologies – this takes the concept of greenhouse gas use to a whole new level, capitalizing on carbon-based lifeform bioemissions.

CO2 in building matls tweet 19Aug2019

In 2006 I was the first person on the now-defunct-replaced-by-the-CIA’s-Facebook social media platform MySpace – and possibly in the United States – to disclose the Beehive Colony Collapse observed and documented in cellphone wireless tower vicinities: this is now somewhat ‘common’ knowledge now. Insect and animal, mammalian and reptilian migration patterns and birth cycles are off. Human reproduction rates have never been lower.

We have free will, but we are our soul’s custodian, not owner. We shape our souls and the souls of others, and in the course of every human interaction, we are responsible for the souls of others. Incarnated in this dimensional experience of physical body we call life, all humans experience the test of the winnowing process. From the vesica piscis of the soul’s conception placement into a human body and the lowering of the veil over the soul’s eyes at birth, this physical incarnation is the death we resurrect from when the soul leaves the body upon its’ death, with the last expiration. That is the expiration date of the body but the lifting of the physical bands withholding the soul. during life the soul must prove its merit, intention and identity by its lifelong series of choices while entrapped in the human body, which is subjected to the indwelling influences of Lucifer polluting all experiences. Using the engine of a car as analogy, the wellness of the body is dependent upon the performance of the interaction of its discrete elements, and each of them derive contributory integrity to the correctness of their manufacture. GIGO. Garbage in, garbage out. And Lucifer is the garbage, influencing every organ, emotion, and every sensory perception through the very physicality of existence. Remember, only a human being has a soul. Although humans are kin to animals and instructed not to eat them. we are the Son of man, the man is of the One, the LAW, the Godhead, and the temple is within the body. We are all pieces of Creation ItSelf! And the Most High is eager to experience every soul return home to Source, reclaiming their Light Divinity.

ALMIGHTY_GOD For it is written: “Behold, all souls are mine; as the soul of the father, so also the soul of the son is mine: the soul that sinneth, it shall die.” – Ezekiel 18:4 KJV 1611 Version

The erasure from all world ruler-approved (government/monarchic/oligarch/military/secret societies/vatican/elite/military-industrial complex/extraterrestrial AKA fallen angel nephilim – all of this is Luciferian at root) discourse of all history, education and accepted 501c3 and accredited religions of the cyclic return of the Destroyer Nibiru does not make this inescapable cosmic event invalid. Omitting and replacing actual history does not mean the truth is true. It’s happening NOW, the long-anticipated Messiah’s Grand crossing of The destroyer. It’s WORMWOOD, from Revelation, but they don’t want humanity to know/gnow. Not only would they lose a lot of money because people would have their “Come To Jesus”moments and stop working as slaves, and focus on getting themselvesand their families right with their maker, but Lucifer and his minions want to take as many souls as they can to Sheol with them, to forever burn, destroyed in the pit internally.

We are not their human cloud storage.

The black hole sun’s implosive opposite-of-infinity of Creation, Light and the Most High which human souls are splinters of, is their hell, separating wheat from chaff.

That’s the reason for the constant cloud cover to hide the enormous striped planetary body, which they call an asteroid sometimes, or PlanetX, but exaggerate its distance from earth and exponentially understate its size – when ‘they’ occasionally drop some breadcrumb soft disclosures, which they have to do, according to how spellcasting and witchcraft work: magicians must tell their subjects/victims what will be done to them.

Both of these industrial applications rely on the very essence of life. Add these to the already-in-use stem cell ‘therapies’, cloned organs grown on animals, within the recipient, or in petrie dishes of medium in labs, the use of murdered human baby cells in skin and bodycare products or dermatological treatments and plastic surgery augmentations, vaccines and pharmaceutical as well as over-the-counter products (OTC) and the  ‘Natural Flavor” https://eatingtoascend.com/mass-forced-human-fetal-cell-use/ and https://eatingtoascend.com/mass-forced-human-fetal-cell-use/natural-flavor-aborted-fetal-cell-product-list/ . Increasingly, all of these are deceptively named and the labelling as encouraged by the government bodies who people assume exist to protect us only work to fabricate new misleading names for the cannibalism being forced down everyone’s throats. THIS IS SORCERY, AND CALLED PHARMAKEIA, MAKING ALL COMPLICIT IN THEIR WITCHCRAFT AND INCREASING VIOLENCE AND CAUSING DISEASE, INCLUDING PRION DISEASE, WHICH IS ZOMBIFICATION. An example of commonly seen shell-game labelling: “natural hickory smoke flavor” or “natural lemon flavor”, “natural honey flavor”, or”natural spice extract”: if the ingredient was actually the very thing, it would say hickory, lemon, honey, or the type of spice- no “natural” flavor” in the nomenclature!

But this HUMENT human cement… What will they do with the dead bodies? No, the proper question is what are they doing with the dead bodies of the people they’re murdering already, the numbers of which are planned by them to increase? For we know that disclosure is always chronologically behind by decades, or centuries, or in the case of flying crafts, lighting and computers, thousands of years. As William Milton “Bill” Cooper, the honest, loyal American native citizen who was murdered by the powers-that-be for his providing the truth of this world to humanity pointed out in his book Behold A Pale Horse, any technical disclosure revealed is actually exponentially by many, many years in military/industrial use by a factor in years of at least 400:1.

Jeffrey Epstein brought his own concrete mixer truck to his island: it cost him $100,000. Who needs concrete on an island, and why? To hide the bodies.
Not to mention a dentist chair and an ambulance, on an island with no hospital.
Watch the video. (You can’t – account terminated.)

Cement mixer on Epstein's Island

AND WHY ALL THE STRONG, LIGHTWEIGHT CONCRETE? For we are aware that their existing subterranean cities created to withstand cataclysmic geologic forces only caused cosmologically and in previous ages and this ‘new Hument technology would be overkill, but they know that the one which we are entering into now is the greatest threat to the long game played since this holy war began, so they’re taking even more seriously the notion of structural integrity and reinforcement? Really, I ask this as a question. For cities on planets or floating in space?
Or both?

What if it’s neither?

Certainly there are more lightweight, replaceable substrate sources for the lightweight pourable, moldable, transportable and by its very nature evidence-obscuring structural building material resource they seek. Non-human, organics like hemp, feathers, cellulose, cactus needles, tree anythings come to mind. Then, there’s PLASTICS, which Dustin Hoffman’s character was sotto-voccio-told in the 1960’s here’s-how-bad-the-world-is coming-of-age post-Ivy League college, ‘the world’s your oyster’ disclosure sorcerer’s holly tree wood wand Hollywood film THE GRADUATE. In the dystopic film SOYLENT GREEN, people know they’re eating people. And now it’s fetal cells used to make the benign-sounding ‘Natural Flavoring’ on almost all ingredient labels – even the products claiming to be vegan, non-GMO and organic. How much more ‘natural’ to a human than a fellow human! How they deceive us! I obtained a bottle of the SOYLENT meal replacement drink on the market now, which includes human cells, look at it for yourself!

Ruminate on this [sic!]: “You’re tastier than you think you are!” Moo? Or baa!


Are the millions of black plastic FEMA coffins, which can hold at least three adult-sized bodies, actually anaerobic, passive solar source heat-dependent putrefaction chambers, stackable, and sized for ready access to provide the carbon-based human material for US Patent 4203674A’s “HUMENT”, as it might aptly be called. In January, I noticed a concertina wire fenced parking lot adjacent to a B&O (Baltimore and Ohio) railroad train tracks in daily use on Route 194, less than fifteen minutes from Frederick, Maryland. Hundreds of stacked, empty black plastic FEMA coffins were in that heavily restricted parking lot – with pallets of lids.

The toxic load import of these additions to the already barely disguised death industries of healthcare (physical, mental and behavioral), food, products, religion, education and all media makes human body derivatives in cement of the most horrifying disclosures ever. Not only are they using us as livestock after having exhausted the celestial atmosphere and our planet earth of its gold, and completely depleted then terraformed Mars via a nuclear-type event, but they now have publicly filed patent licensure process rights, and in an unparalleled act of pure evil, be humanity’s rites post-death. Why would they not opt to use plastic instead of human blood and body parts? Plastic is inert, and lasts almost forever. And it is a fact that there’s a lot of it available for the cement industry!

The Brave (built on Google Chrome) browser constantly reveals humanity’s place in the NWO end times scheme and all throughout history – WE ARE BATTERIES. The Dendara Lightbulb reliefs at Luxor, Egypt are possibly the first evidence of this practice – and Satan the Reptilian, “Sobek”

No, there are far more unthinkably insidious motivations and goals at stake here for the death moguls, the elite who rule this world. They’re even referred to as worldbuilders, by the very ones who have been deceived by the lies told to the world “that they are aliens (the Ancient Aliens television show, the pope, the Canadian prime minister, media soft disclosure are just a few of these disinformation sources), and some are evil, some good”. The truth is, they are all fallen angels, even the ones who are believed to be benevolent to humans: they’re still the aliens, as referred to in the canonized bible, the extrabiblical texts, and all the other texts, scrolls and cuniforms researchers and the public have been allowed by the world rulers – THEM, the ALIEN FALLEN ANGELS – to have access to and glean the true history of this world from. The archeological evidence is inarguable.

Are they trying to prevent the dead from ascending? Probably! Already they have the Spacefence in place, that GWEN tower DEW 5G grid blanketing the surface of the earth. Except for Trump’s MiraLago, Florida hometown, and the country of Israel: every other square mile of earth is weaponized with the DARPA kill-grid system. We know that Lucifer and his minions leave no detail or chance out of their game of thrones. So it’s absolutely conceivable that embedding dissolved, mass-homogenized processed human bodies within concrete might, to their completely sick thinking, prevent their soul’s bright nature from translating to the higher dimensions, leaving this soul trap wheel. Do I think that that is a threat to ascension? No, I don’t. The duplicating thief, liar and murderer who is the ultimate parasite named Lucifer (or any other assumed name including Yaldaboth, Sammael, Thoth, Hermes, Enki, Poseidon, Bilial, Ba’al, Baphomet, Prince of Tyrus, Pharaoh, Ahriman, blah blah blah – and all his serpent multiples, with or without feathers or wings) himself was incepted by the Most High. The something from nothing will become less than nothing forever and then some, for time will itself cease. O the incredible dimensions we cannot imagine, ever, behind this dimensional veil! But as his reign here is almost up, there is nothing he will not stop at.

Have they created a new process by which they, after all the torture of addictions, beatings, rape, forced acts, prostitution, kidnap, murder, live organ and adrenochrome harvesting through which they extract every trace of adrenal and aetheric energies… have they now reached a point in their depopulation plan of Agenda21 (then Agenda2030 and Agenda2050 – but don’t hold your breath, you satans: prophecy is against you) and vaccinations and epidemics (e.g. LUCIFERIAN MILITARY/INDUSTRIAL BIOTERRORISM), coupled with the weaponized weather through which they create fake events like all the unprecented heretofore hurricanes, tornadoes and winter storms these last fifteen years, but in actuality, one can look back to the Dust Bowl of America’s Great Depression days to see the hidden hand of the Prince of the Airwaves at work… Have they reached a point where now their next level, their new low, is to entomb what is left of human remains post-Satanic Ritual Abuse and cannibalism or cloning in such a way that our death is their new gold mining?

Have they, now that they have exhausted all the earth’s gold, stiff-neckedly rebellious and unheeding the Most High God, devised this United States Patent 4203674A for “Use of Blood and Blood Products in Building Materials” to aetherically harvest the exuding soul calls of entrapped trauma and simultaneously use us to build their twisted version of a Stairway To Heaven using liquified human remains as unthinkable manna? As if the Spacefence weren’t enough, as if the Tower of Babel never happened, and whatever transhuman post-human cyborgs are left – this is now REALLY dystopic – will work in their colonies within structures made of human Carbon-based DNA latticing within the silica-based cement architecture in what they conceive as the ultimate deconstruction of the existence of Man, who is God, the Most High indwelling within each one of us (unless of serpent seed bloodlines only looking human from the outside).

The gold was once the basis for their wealth, as well as the jewels. But they have harvested and off-worlded all of it, and used it to build their underground bunkers, and to deploy every single one of their terrorist programs against humanity to destroy God’s People and The earth – to attempt to extinguish Light Itself. The entire paradigm of money is based solely on trauma and death struggles. who isn’t familiar – hopefully only through the entertainment industry exposure of movies, television, and print – with the Mafia practice of encasing someone partially in cement and then dropping them off a bridge, boat or pier to ‘swim with the fishes’? Months shy of twenty years ago, just as I came home from work at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center where I had top security cleance as a LAN/WAN tech, as I shut the car door and began to walk up the font porch steps, there was a loud rumble and crashing sounds, and the substantial broad porch steps trembled. At first I thought it was an earthquake. I lived less than a dozen houses from the Baltimore Beltway, which divided my street from the Spring Grove State Hospital grounds where much of the CIA/Timothy Leary MK Ultra mind control LSD experiments took place in my childhood and adolescence. It wasn’t an earthquake: the traffic on the beltway had suddenly stopped, and a silence which had only happened once since, after the Satanic Ritual cabal financial extortion scheme to create a ruse for terrorism and enable the crimes against humanity under Homeland Security, 9-11. The traffic halted and I heard people screaming. A walking bridge had suddenly collapsed less than a half of a mile away. A new bridge, less than five or ten years old. Were bodies in the poured concrete, weakening the seams? This IS within the DC Beltway, a road for the den of vipers.

Another fact to remind the reader of in order to grasp this concept of a sort of nephilim human cement Stairway To Heaven as possible is the fact that the only thing that the father of all lies, disease and death can do is imitate, never create. We are aware of the Luciferian agenda being carried out to convert all carbon-based life form to silica-based, and why: to cease biological reproduction, create cloned races and species, and to put an end to pollination and plant growth, rendering the earth unihabitable. They are already doing all of these things.

“A termite, trapped millions of years ago in pine resin, was embalmed when the resin hardened into amber. The rainbow colors indicate areas of strain created during the insect’s death struggle.” Struggle to LIVE! I have found no better visual proof of how we become stars than this. “The rainbow colors”: the living organism’s ENERGY created this color, and color is a frequency and we SEE it, meaning it is STILL IN MOTION ETERNALLY, interacting with US, NOW. This should help explain TARTARUS soul trap energy extraction, their charging us for utilities, what TESLA tried to let the world know was there for them, and much more.

So the conclusion that I have come to is that this human ingredient cement patent is like that termite forever trapped in coniferous tree resin that hardened into a stone, now called Amber, except entombing the human essence in cement. In the image above, one observes the colors in the now-crystal which were created “by the forces of the termite’s death struggle”. Take that concept one step further as you realize that all crystals, rocks and gemstones were made like this, from reaction to cosmological forces. If you are aware of Roger Spurr’s Mudfossil research and evidence, and have studied for yourself the geographic evidence freely available (enjoy it while you can, and archive all you can) online, it’s undeniable, based on the visual and tectonic reset/restructuring earth evidence, that giant trees once covered the earth, and the remains of giants – GIANT giants – create mountain ranges and landform features which are visibly evident. Analysis of the rock formations – especially the megacellular structure of the mineral Basalt, so epithelial – reveal what once was: the Tree of Life which was this world once, ages and resets ago. It is my opinion that The Law manifested this world that’s sabotaged, the Law, The One, The Light, and the energy they mine and harvest from us, because they’re black hole dark. Think Tartarus but cosmic scale.


This is a rare photograph of Golgatha, where the Messiah Christ was crucified. That is the skull of Adam. Look how big the first human was! All that bright light energy lost as, in a vesica piscis decent from a spirit body to a material one; imagine the energy harvest that began for the prince of darkness, the challenger to the Most High. So it began. And now, as they (foolishly, for all wrong is that) appear to be using dead humans as pourable, castable, moldable, anonymizing hide-the-evidence building materials containing the forces of human death struggle enclosed in silica-based medium of cement, for what? Lighter, stronger structures. What? The Empire State Building’s still standing (they haven’t imploded that with Thermite yet), as are the St. Louis Arches, the Golden Gate, Brooklyn and Chesapeake Bay bridges, the Roman aqueducts and ampitheaters, the L’Arc de Triomphe, the pyramids and the Sphinx. It was the Romans who invented concrete in the first place. Their aqueducts and roads carried all their filthy louche and lucre and dirty deeds and all sin to the four corners of the earth. “All roads lead to Rome”, the phrase they invented to glorify themselves as they established dominion capitalizing on the complete disarray of the last cosmological reset caused by Nibiru’s passing

They’re totally up to something ‘fishy’, these Dagon worshippers. And as always, since they created rule, ownership and commerce – wealth – in the first place, having completely weaponized the truth of peace and love into socialism and communism to enable their domination – of course they’re going to ‘patent this application’ to monetize it for corporate trading on the markets. Truly this should elucidate to all readers the scope of the octopus.

A few weeks ago, late in the afternoon, I looked up at the soup of a false-cloud sky and saw what looked like a tractor beam of dark grey energy going up at about a 45′ angle from the central near horizonline and into and disappearing past the topmost clouds which faded into upper atmosphere white-out. Readers here might recall my observations of atmospheric craft sounds before, especially at night. This looked like a conveyor belt vapor beam moving upwards. Did I witness what I conjecture here?

I contend that, like the Tower of Babel, the purpose for them of putting human blood and body products into the aggregate mixture of cement is more than a practical application – since plastics or another biological kingdom source mentioned above could be used – but it would have to be transported to and made available at the location the building is taking place. Since to them we are just livestock (they call humans “useless eaters”), and because they created the paradigm of wealth from the harvest of blood, the first of which was Tiamat’s gold veins, the earth herself, and then from the Lulu hybrid slave labor the Annunaki harvested… the ritual sacrifice evidenced on all continents… The deduction one comes to is that this is yet another evilly masterminded plan to further strip the value of humankind from existence by off-worlding it en masse, forcing the assembled hive workers to build while simultaneously harvesting them for aetheric and adrenal energies, feeding them with themselves, and having the working still-living (if you can even call it that) mix in themselves as building source into a physical structure as they power the operation off the collective horror of it all in the first place. It really doesn’t get much darker than this, when motive is examined from this standpoint.

And thus, on an exoteric scale exploded exponentially physically, they conceiveably could be replicating the helix of DNA in cast (caste, [sic]) aggregate mixture hardened, and on a cosmic builder scale, making a genetic lattice structure supercomputer… FROM HUMANS, THIS WAY. Anyone who remembers the CGI piece that starts with an atom and pans out and out until the point of view is looking at the world from space (it’s flat, they lie) in a reverse zoom and the involuntary inner rush this gave the senses to watch it (you had to look twice, if you could) can quickly apply that same scalar – yes, I said scalar for a reason – perspective to bring an understanding of the import of what this human cement can actually mean to them, looked at as explained here. As a human resource, we have been enslaved as a human borg, by the very nature of the ropeworm gut serpent within, which is why humans sin, because it’s been from the inside out. So the borg concept is not new at all to us as a species. We’re just beginning to see it, finally.

Led Zepellin did do the song, and they recorded it in Aleister Crowley’s estate. We know what this means.

The stairway to heaven is the mainframe of human DNA in cellular hument cast into borg ships to house their black goo powered artificial intelligence as cloning centers and battle stations: cities of death using humans as energy source and when breathe leaves the body husk, as building materials. The hijacked double helic DNA infected with the parisitic DNA of Lucifer which they miscegenated into all humanity and in their continual black hole suck they presume to quarry our lifeblood and take their black goo intelligence mind and entrap our soul information creative lifeforce into a cement structure expanding mainframe, using us as product, power and – they think – a subsumed, eliminated, farmed creative force, creativity being something they hate more than anything, because all they are is DEATH AND EVIL. It is an attempt to circumnavigate the process the human soul will undergo, either to return to The Creator as a Light Body or become a formless one of sin destined for the Sheol hellfires of eternal death upon the final judgement. The Jews wore cubes on their foreheads in the time of Yeshua’s existence on earth in flesh form for a reason. The black goo borg concept is not new, and not only conceptual in theory. It IS the antithesis of Life, a force of creation of The Divine Creator who incepted it. With the Hument cement Lucifer hopes to continue to try to interfere with the destiny of every soul: it’s all he does, and it’s the ages-old battle (we do already know the end). Already they have been breaking the human life cycle with the sterilization and reverse gender affects of BPA from plastics, the pesticide Atrazine which makes life forms autofertilizing (think Baphomet), and all the proganda from the illuminati’s Bilderberg-driven Tavistock think tanks which have polluted minds and psyches. As already seen in the masses’ eagerness to use AI like Siri, Alexa, smart devices and apps, like sheep to the slaughter, people will ‘flock’ to ‘build new frontiers in space’. There, whatever is left of their genetic code of Sons of Man Light information, the evil one is attempting to make it impossible for the light energy which is soulspirit to return to The One Creator. Again:

For it is written: “Behold, all souls are mine; as the soul of the father, so also the soul of the son is mine: the soul that sinneth, it shall die.” – Ezekiel 18:4 KJV 1611 Version

As a matter of fact, it is appropriate to stop calling them empire builders, or world builders, and unite in identifying them for what they really are; they are borg builders, not empire and world builders. Their goal is to extinguish our bright nature bodies of light and to assimilate us and always has been. The only empire and worlds in existence are the ones the Most High created. The fallen onces can only duplicate and steal. They desecrate host bodies and worlds, being unable to create their own anything. Their end goal is always destruction of the host, being interdimensional parasites. The terms “world builders” and “empire builders” devive from their own self-written deception of false history as the followers of Lucifer, continuing to execute his futile plans, the success of which are dependent on humans not knowing who they are, diverted onto the treadmill of materiality of lower vibrational existence.


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(God talking to Ezekiel) “Son of man, say unto the Prince of Tyrus, Thus saith the Lord GOD; Because thine heart is lifted up, and thou hast said, I am a God, I sit in the seat of God, in the midst of the seas; yet thou art a man, and not God, though thou set thine heart as the heart of God: Behold, thou art wiser than Daniel; there is no secret that they can hide from thee: With thy wisdom and with thine understanding thou hast gotten riches, and hast gotten gold and silver into thy treasures: By thy great wisdom and with thy traffick hast thou increased thy riches, and thine heart is lifted up because of thy riches: Therefore thus saith the Lord GOD; Because thou hast set thine heart as the heart of God; Behold, therefore I will bring strangers upon thee, the terrible of the nations: and they shall draw their swords against the beauty of thy wisdom, and they shall defile thy brightness. They shall bring thee down to the pit, and thou shalt die the deaths of them that are slain in the midst of the seas.” – Ezekiel 28:2-8

“Behold, I am against thee, Pharaoh king of Egypt, the great dragon that lieth in the midst of the rivers, which hath said, My river is mine own, and I have made it for myself.” – Ezekiel 29:3

AngelsTakingHumanWomen I think the caballists are pretty desperate, really. This beyond-macabre humans-in-cement is as blatantly genocidal as anything can get. Conscripted work camps and crews will come next, as the changing land masses with Nibiru the Destroyer’s effects make the navy maps come true, and people are herded into ‘smart cities’. Every dystopic Sci-Fi film or book is fact, not fiction.

Please give consideration to all I have conveyed here. This is what I have done since learning about US Patent 4203674A. I’ve added it to the long, horrific list of (some of the: my own assemblage is definitely not definitive) other patents for methods they have devised to control and kill us: Trichinosis (yes, this parasites was weaponized by the elite and introduced through the pigs at the Chicago livestock yards when the train era made food production and distribution national), Influenza, Polio, Swine Flu, Hoof and Mouth Disease, Ebola, the Zika Virus, Lyme Disease, Aids, Morgellons, and of course all media especially television, which was invented in Germany and used in the 1930’s to brainwash the people to accept the message Hitler was bring, and brought to the United States by Operation Paperclip. The U.S. may have patented television, but the Germans invented it. The knowledge of all of this will make any reader aware how truly real the battle for our souls is, and why, and galvanize (another cliche of metal and clay, ugh, hate words) them to make a difference. Like others, for I am not alone or special, I have been given insight and strength to comprehend what’s happening which the controllers’ sorceric biochemical and programming veil spells obscure and occult (hide). With this understanding, we must attune and buttress our own strength and will in order to withstand and persevere and help others in this cosmic war we’re in, no matter how they might try to make us each feel insignificant, with their mind kontrol and literally dehumanizing tactics. Every person reading this gnows what I am talking about. These natural-flavor cannibals vaccinated and heavy-metals to the calcified pineal hilt plugged into the beast apps really don’t seem human anymore, do they?
YET THEY ARE STILL HUMAN. It’s up to us to keep shaking the shoulders of the sleepers all around us. Knock over their apple carts. WE MUST ALL BE INFORMED AND AWARE OF THE LATENESS OF THE HOUR.

For this bloody cement should be for all humans the very last straw. It has been egregious already that they are forcing all the world to do as they do as cannibals and workers of iniquity. But to use us in cement? ENOUGH! Rise UP! WAKE UP ALL YOU KNOW! THERE’S NOT TIME LEFT FOR DEFERENCE.


Humans are splinters of GOD, all part of the ONE SOURCE LIGHT DIVINTY. No WONDER they want to strengthen concrete with us to build their attempted off-world colonies and try to escape from damnation.

For I tell you truly: your soul is judged by the side you choose in this holy war for souls. To not choose a side, to remain diplomatic, detached or a fence-sitter undecided is a choice for allowing and empowering evil by letting it subsume the soul energy you should have mustered, putting on and using your spiritual armor but instead, you make it possible for evil to run amok rampant and makes YOU complicit in the loss of all souls you are in contact with, in the ripples and waves of your life.

Have I convicted you yet?

This morning (this article has been written over the course of five days) I woke up to what I have called since my extremely censored YouTube channel’s video about the manufactured morning somnambulent mists. How they do it, I do not know, but my words and speech have been not only erased, but rearranged and edited. Any point I wanted to get across is removed, and I certainly didn’t say that it’s “Good Prevails Day”, I disparaged holidays with the words Hallmark Holiday, and said the boys nextdoor never played outside. And more. I’m shocked my channel is even up still. Look how few views. And read the description. You can see who I used to watch =)

This is geoengineered aerosols that make an atmospheric sunrise whiteout that settles into a morning chemical ground fog which ‘burns off’ as their filters and lens arrays hide Nibiru the Destroyer from being detected directly overhead. This weather witchcraft serves two purposes for them: it hides the huge planetary body which now is so close that it extends beyond all horizons, and it biochemical increases the veils over any senses left in the people to discern truth and reality, free of their lies and deception. Electromagnetic geostorms are happening everywhere as The Purifier passes. Power ‘surges’ and outages: a friend in Snacktown USA just told me her power was out for two days, in some of the worst storms she’s ever seen, with “terrible lightning coming from everywhere”. She’s not firm in her faith and is old (75) and as far from detoxed as a person could be, just full of parasites, I gnow, though healthy-looking by worldly standards. She told me that the loaded her pistol and was about to ‘do the deed”, such is the evil psychic energy satanic forces are able to control the blinded with. She’s the one I gave this plaque to , and she’s SO very poisoned, but still her soul cries out with and for love, and she doesn’t hurt people, she’s not malicious, and the Most High allowed our lives to intersect because He is using me to draw her closer to Him, and she knows it. Seriously, we’re as different in our ways as two people get, but I see and love her soul. If I can love her, how much does GOD? (Incidentally, one of her little dogs is sick from killing and eating all the locusts overtaking the back yard, something else very telling!) And then yesterday evening I had to drive through a police checkpoint and it wasn’t even dark yet: they were “looking for drunk drivers”. At 8PM? I could understand 1AM on a payday weekend night, but in the early evening? No, they are readying for THE EVENT, I realized, recalling the ambulance I had noticed just parked blocks away from the checkpoint, sitting as if on standby, not on a call. All the hydrants have RFID antenna on them, and the police all wear riot gear 24/7.

In my detox journey, the veils that had been in place are certainly gone, the ropeworm too, that serpent in the gut everyone grows: I SEE EVERYTHING. The Most High has granted me this as a watcher. I didn’t write the itinerary for this tour, but here I am, and here you are reading. I implore you to attend to the revelations shared here and go forth for the sake of your soul and the souls of all others you interact with. We are all part of the ONE, who IS LOVE, and LOVES US, and wants us to return. Our individual journeys in this physical incarnation of body are to prove our intent. Here you are, this is the time.



Tags: adrenochrome,antichrist,bill cooper,bill gates is an avatar of satan,blood,borg,building materials,CANNIBALISM,cement,concrete,depopulation,death,DIV‌INE LIGHT BEINGS,DNA,end times,Ephesians 6,Epstein,GOD,Holy War,human ritual sacrifice,Lucifer,MOST HIGH,Nibiru,pedophile,Pizzagate,Roman Empire,satan,satanic ritual abuse,sin,spiritual armor,soul,soultrap,Soylent,SRA
The Destroyer,transhumanism,vampryric energy harvesting,william milton cooper

© Pastor Laura Rohrer Little Brooks, February 12, 2021
Main website: https://eatingtoascend.com

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Confirming, by a triumphant question defying all contradiction, as an undeniable fact, 1 John 5:4, that the victory which overcomes the world is faith: “I believe that unarmed truth and unconditional love will have the final word in reality. This is why right, temporarily defeated, is stronger than evil triumphant.” – Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

End Times , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

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