Angel Stained Glass Window

THE SONG OF ZECHARIA – 3 Hours of DNA Healing – Gregorian Benedictus Chant – Solfeggio 432Hz

SINGULARITY: In the tender compassion of our God the dawn from on high shall break upon us, to shine on those who dwell in darkness and the shadow of death, and to guide our feet into the way of peace.

The trumpet-like sounds of planetary dimensional shift – WARNING, NOT WHAT YOU THINK, MUST READ

I did my best to record what I heard, the trumpet-like sounds of planetary dimensional shift.


Size is irrelevant. We begin as one photon. The planets we see were each one as well, one photon. Stop thinking about time, distance and measure. Irrelevant.

A book for her book (of Life)

I launched a page for the book I am writing for my granddaughter Emily called For My Granddaughter Why I Am Christian, and...


July 11, 2019 Not atoms but frequencies create form Shapes - you have seen the differing crystals - are tones, 432, baby... So we make structured water and eat Light food, and are in a test tube of body to…