“It’s Groupthink” – Dr. Robert Malone, Inventor of mRNA Vaccine Technology interview with Del Bigtree

Del Bigtree and Robert Malone, the inventor of the mRNA vaccine technology, blow the lid off the mRNA vaccine disinformation. Listen or be an ostrich - and worse. BRILLIANT interview, TRUTH. "It's decision making by committee. It's worse than that: it's Groupthink." - Robert Malone #Orwell #1984

The Test Animals for the ‘Elite’ Controllers and the Political Class: Babies and Children

“We are now doing studies that are ongoing as we’re speaking, studies that are looking at what we call age de-escalation, children from 12 to 9 and then 9 to 6 and then 6 to 2 and then 6 months to 2 years.” - Fauci I share this and add that the intentional spike protein and world-wide populace magnet-assisted transfection are The Beast's quantum applied methods of entropic morphic resonance to effect the opposite of Ascension, De-cension. #hell


Alfred Lebremont Weber: [33.29] "So what do you consider to be the status of those 120 million Americans who are fully vaccinated now, who have taken the two shots? What would you think, how would you characterize their status as human beings?" Tony Pantalleresco: "Dead."