Situation Update, Feb 14, 2023 – TOXIC GAS CLOUD unleashed over Ohio as “authorities” stage criminal cover-up

Massive cover-up under way: Journalists threatened, arrested by state troopers. Dead fish, chickens, foxes and other animals widely reported. Hydrochloric acid (HCL) the result of burning vinyl chloride, encountering water vapor. Massive toxic chemical weapon bomb effectively dropped on FARMS and irrigation water. Will impact the Mississippi River and its food production basin. The EPA is complicit in this and against all safety protocols is pushing total lies, telling residents to return. P.S. Collapsed buildings in Turkey had support columns removed by first floor retailers.


"And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:" - Revelation 13:16

Is Satan’s Plan To Bring God’s Judgment Over The World Invoking The Rapture On A Very Specific Day?!

Has the enemy planned to bring God's judgment about on a specific date and have shown the world that date in plain sight, without most knowing what it is that they were looking at?

America The New Sodom & Gomorrah – Pastor Sandy Armstrong

Amen to this. All of it. I had a vision during it of my own aborted child comforting me in Heaven. It is very hard to know one could have been a more Godly, obedient parent, and see one's children lost. This is what prayer is for: God answers. All agendas and narratives hide truth, but soon every knee will bow. One needs to wake up and  meet Jesus now, before it is too late.