Annunaki draconian overlord statues In Japan

Fast in SIGHT May 24, 2020 – battling DoS attacks and MS scripts

With the satanic end days lockdown and social distancing, people everywhere are using cellphones more than ever. They are feeding themselves into eternity of destruction and soul death as they do this. The telephones are called cellular because they activate the nanotechnology that has been placed in the human body and people are uploading their conciousness into the soul trap.

RESPONSE TO WSO’s latest video 30April-1May2020

THE CONCEPT HE HAS BEEN TALKING WITH HIS SMALL STABLE OF "EXPERTS" WITH TO BRING TO HIS AUDIENCE IS NOT "NEW". Steve limits his field of vision to the same cast of characters, and spins a lot of people's spiritual wheels. While it is good to examine data seeking truth, the evidence exists and not everyone still has amnesia. Nibiru, or whatever you want to call it, and it's apron of smaller asteroids, is making its Grand Crossing, and this is the final one. Geoengineering was created to hide this event from human perception, create a space fence, and they want to trap souls inthe matrix of this 3D hell.


Mantras are the same sound frequencies used to move enormous stones, as seen in all antedeluvian structures, the pyramids, and in the modern Buddhist temples built in the present day. Chanting voices, bells, bowls, the resonance of OM in human voice - why eastern music sounds nasal to western ears - this is why mantras exist and are used.


It seems to me that the sounds of crickets and water and scents of plants and the coo of babies and the almost silent unfurling of leaves and all that is organic in this world made by LIGHT as sound is the intention of angels. Who we would like to become, or something that which we cannot imagine, being in form. Pure intention.

The power of the senses, 8th century wisdom you need NOW

The ego, being intent on pleasure, regards the five senses as means of enjoyment. Foolish and ignorant persons are bound to sense objects by the rope of desire... detoxing the ropeworm removes the scales from the eyes, and the path of the seeker of truth is enlightened. This is why truthseekers renounce the world, fast and meditate.


Update to original post with clean sound file called The trumpet-like sounds of planetary dimensional shift


Sound and silence are not juxtaposed, for when one gets past the narratives, thoughts, distractions, to their place of being, the creation sound, that frequency of joy and love for nothing identified is the nirvana bliss of The All.

Stop the re-capture

Denial is the longest river of shit in the world, and as we keep executing the "No, I'm not a robot" reCATPTCHA to use the internet and to live life (for it has come to that now, ~UNdeNIably), we are giving ourselves to the captors. When we we cease to exist, unless WE JUST STOP?