Elephants fleeing the earth falling away Spring 2021


As you all know (my long-time readers and friends/family), I LOVE ELEPHANTS. I read this article a few days ago about the elephant tribe in China heading to higher ground to survive - and they have harmed NO ONE, they are not "rogue" or dangerous, and now my fellow Wormwood System Watcher Viscardi366 has posted about their flight to safty today. Truly we must watch the SIGNS AND WONDERS. I have included a song from my life: HIGHER GROUND by The Feelies (friends of Kristin Hersh, who has artwork in her house that I made for her). As I wrote in my Patreon post this morning (exclusive to Patreon supporters https://www.patreon.com/posts/52137939 ): "They have the Chronovisor and our DNA. They know who are God's people and what we would do in these last days." I look at the music I listened to and the art I made and see how I knew the days we are in now were coming.