Ascension Clothing – What You Must Know

What clothing should we be wearing as we live, in light of The Event? The coming of Our King with the clouds? The torroidal field EMF event horizon pole shift? The planetary reset? The dimensional shift? ASCENSION? RAPTURE! "My people…

Megahome Countertop Water Distiller


If you have not fasted before, please don't fear it. Jesus Christ instructed on how to remove parasites - these archons, the djinn, these demons... He went into the desert and fasted fasted for forty days and forty nights. And not only fasting, but the use of enemas. For demons live within the body, and if you eat food, and walk on this earth, you have them. A year and a half ago, in my second year of treating myself for Morgellons, I became a vegetarian. If you have not heard of it, it is a syndrome (some say a disease) characterized by fibers, crystalline shards... and parasites. Parasites which are unlike any known to "modern medicine" and are genetically unique to the host, defying identification. Individuals with Morgellons become experts at cleansing the body of "alien things". And that is what parasites are. They are truly evil. This will blow the minds of most, but parasites are archons, devils, demons. We must expel these demons from our temple and prepare it for the kingdom of God.