Yuval Noah Harari – WE STAND ON THE EDGE OF SILICON LIFE 29July2022

Yuval Noah Harari tweeted a spell on July 29, 2022. Learn about it here: it's necessary to understand exactly why this was done. Transhumanism achieved renders Post-humans heartless. Understanding cannot be separated from morals. The heart functions as the conscience.

Laboratories in USA can’t find Covid-19 in even ONE of 1,500 supposedly positive tests

People have been fooled by fear propaganda. With worldwide, government-controlled 24/7 fear propaganda by the mass media, most people have come to believe that there is indeed a life-threatening virus that makes people sick much faster and more severely than seasonal flu. However, even the latter is demonstrably not the case. Influenza A has been the leading cause of death from pneumonia in the developed world for years. But send people designated as severe Covid patients to a few ICU’s, put cameras on them constantly, instruct a few physicians that they should only discuss the worst cases, and you have your “televised pandemic".