UNPACKING THE STRONG DELUSION OF 5G – Repost of my April 2020 article

REPOST OF MY APRIL 2020 ARTICLE ON HOW MAGNETIZED AND WIFI-TRIGGERED SELF-ASSEMBLING NANOTECHNOLOGY SYNTHETIC BIOLOGY IS CHANGING THE HUMAN GENOME AND THAT COVID IS A TROJAN HORSE - the elite are using the deception of the Great Reset to hide the Rapture and ALL THE CHURCHES ARE IN ON IT. You have a choice, and it will be the hardest one you will ever make because they have cut all of humanity from the herd and are literally culling us like cattle. People are truly physically addicted to their cellphones now, and to the process of uploading their souls to the hive. Fear has been instilled in nearly every human being on the face of the earth that some "virus", the ruse to hide the deaths from 5G, is going to kill them all. 


You have a choice, and it will be the hardest one you will ever make because they have cut all of humanity from the herd and are literally culling us like cattle. People are truly physically addicted to their cellphones now, and to the process of uploading their souls to the hive. Fear has been instilled in nearly every human being on the face of the earth that some "virus", the ruse to hide the deaths from 5G, is going to kill them all. 


It is possible that no one has realized the deception caused by this word "kids" in regard to our children. OUR CHILDREN ARE NOT BABY GOATS - THEY ARE LITTLE LAMBS

The Wizard Of OZ Exposé, Via NPR

It is the 80th anniversary of the film The Wizard Of Oz, one of #Hollywood's most obvious, hidden in plain sight programming movies created to reveal the sleight of metal hand they use as they cast a spell on Americans.…