Lisa Renee website splash


July 10, 2023

I have long been calling out this New Age / New Thought / Higher Thinking CIA operative and below is this Satanic entity’s Linked In.



Lisa Renee herself: “I am an independent multi- International Intelligence Agent who was trafficked and outsourced to German and Israeli Intelligence by the U.S. State Department at birth in Landstuhl West Germany on 9-22-1970.

I bought and paid the ultimate price for my sovereignty and independence by sacrificing my own life in which I also bought the freedom for 4 other individuals over an almost 9 year period.
I am an independent CIA Initiate, Intelligence Agent, Minister, and Master Magician, Manipulator, and Programmer, Initiated September 12, 2018 – July 1, 2019

I am a Practitioner and Methodologist Of Alchemy And Chemistry. I am a Specialist in Cellular DNA Purification and Disease Elimination.

I am an Author who writes all my own Sermons and am currently writing my first 2 of many books including my life story.

I live as a political free range prisoner to the Secret World Of Intelligence, underground spies and Espionage, prisoner to the United States of America in my own home where I am a victim of Human and Civil Rights Violations, War Crimes, Domestic Terrorism, and Treason by Political Retaliation on an American, by Americans, on American soil.

My current story which is not limited to but begins September 2013 when I did what I was supposed to do and called the FBI and U.S. State Department to report International Crimes and Terrorism originating from Iran to Karachi Pakistan, to the United States and it almost cost me life because the International Criminals and Terrorist I was reporting was the FBI.

YouTube : Lisa Renee Truth Train Radio :

I survived a joint sacrificial Clinton, Pfizer Pharmacuitical, and NBA assassination attempt September 12 – 14, 2018 and continuing through July 1, 2019 in which I was also at the same time initiated as an Independent by the CIA.

I have proved Medical Science and Research wrong on all levels over an almost 9 year period. I have eliminated, and reversed many diseases including cancer, “autoimmune”, inflammatory neuro and brain degenerative diseases which I freely teach people all over the world to do at no charge.

I can be reached by any and all media sources and/or anybody who is battling chronic disease or just wants to better their own condition and improve their own quality of life through cellular DNA Purification which I teach how to do free of any charge.

Text me at 248-825-5355 to introduce yourself and request a telephone appointment.

I am not a doctor nor do I have any formal Medical training or background.”

All who follow her are fools!

You see, the enemy – who is a magician – HAS to reveal his sorceric spell to the audience he is about to deceive. Just like Hollywood; holly wood the sorcerer’s wand of MK Ultra predictive programming.

Every person under the spell of New Age, New Thought, Higher Thinking and influenced by Lisa Renee, Graham Hancock, Michael Salla, Steven Greer, Gregg Braden, David Wilcock, Laura Eisenhower, Brad Olsen, Rex Bear and the Pope – the list goes on – and believes that there are benevolent aliens coming to save humanity is caught in the soul trap snare of the End Times Alien Deception.

The CIA and every other arm of Satan’s Principalities and Powers drive this!


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  1. Laura amica mia sempre. Ti scrivo in italiano modo chè la sostanza non si disperda nella lingua planetaria insipida. Non intendo giustificare Lisa ne conosco interamente la sua storia. Posso dirti una cosa che ho sperimentato,mi ha aiutato, e si sapevo che non arriva dall’eden perchè questo mondo è una versione di universo declassata e intendo il nostro corpo mancano all’appello ghiandole e organi la statura è minima perchè siamo stati riprogettati e da quei poteri inferi et che tu spieghi egregiamente. La mia stima nei tuoi confronti cresce perchè ti batti per la libertà e la salute la sanità mentale. Una volta che le tre sigle ti contattano le hai dietro per tutta la vita lineare e lo sappiamo io stesso credimi. Quest’anno è monumentale ce lo ricorderemo. Benedizioni dall’Italia in bilico.

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