Jesus' Hands holding wine cup


Bridegroom Dream, January 12, 2024
Laura Rohrer Little Brooks

Yesterday was a portentous date because all of the eclipses – both past and future – book-end mirror each other in our measured linear Time in an equidistant numerical precession of days meeting in alignment upon a space-time singularity at January 11, 2024, which is November 11th on the Hebrew calendar: 11-11. But we don’t know what date it actually is, because the calendars have all been manipulated.

Late last night there were two unnatural periods of torrential rain and hail as if poured from buckets controlled by On-Off switches. Severe winds that sounded like freight trains struck in distinct bursts. Incredible flashes of lightning lit the skies from all directions yet no thunder one would expect accompanied these plasma arcs, and if there was, it had no timing as we think of. My ears, brain, body and being experienced the EMF HAARP radiation at unprecedented levels and my normally intrepid dog was terrified. Then the violent deluge stopped as suddenly as it had started, and after a bit of quiet, I fell asleep, praying for the Holy angels fighting to break past these demons below the firmament with their Direct Energy Weapons and Space Fence Operation Solar Warden that they have in place in their attempt to prevent Jesus Christ from taking His Bride out of this realm of incarceration of death, the Rapture which will precede the Great Tribulation, or the 4th Industrial Revolution Great Reset, as Satan’s powers refer to it when programming us humans. This is the awareness in my consciousness as I finally fell asleep.

Then I dreamed about Jesus, my Bridegroom!

I was moving in a surge of people up and around levels toward an arena-like reception hall. They came from different entrances and directions, all branching into one group pressing upward toward a higher area. Some young, some old, some in families and groups, some alone, like me. A demographic not unlike that in a large international airport on a busy day.

As the crowd in front of me moving forward approached a large open-double door entrance to the reception hall I saw Him, Jesus my Bridegroom! He was to my left in front of a wall of windows revealing the beautiful clouds we used to have, surrounded by His disciples who were quietly “fussing over Him”, tending to His garments’ perfect order, as one man with gentle reverence lifted a soft camel brown scarf over His head and warm reddish-brown wavy hair, then tucking it across His shoulders into an orderly draping fall. Jesus’ eyes were all colors, not just brown, green or blue, and as if drinking water after great thirsting, I watched Him make the most patient, loving eye contact with each of them on their individual soul levels simultaneously. And then He looked at me in that same instant moment with such Love and tenderness and connection I’d never seen or felt so strongly. He radiated glowing warmth and infinite pure presence. And He Loved me! My joy! His Presence at once took in the attention and caring of His disciples’ hands and faces and their Love for Him at the very same time He looked into me with His Love – all at once in Time without end or beginning.

As I watched Jesus being readied for our wedding, His Holy grandeur washed over me – all in an instant, transfixed – I thought in solemn astonishment “this is my husband!”, incredulous that He chose me. And then His eyes held mine again in a gaze with that Love, and the disciple before him who I think was John held out to Jesus a round gold serving tray which He took into His hands and held, never taking His eyes from mine.

Still moving with the crowd, for Time had no part in this, I entered the hall where the wedding would take place, surrounded by all the others who were waiting for Him as I was, some at tables, some standing alone or with others. The floor was smooth white marble, and I was looking down at my foot in a black platform sandal as I slid it across the floor looking for seams to see if I could slide dancing – and I could! Perfect! I love to dance! My dress in layers like flower petals rippled out in spirals of translucent jewel colors as I whirled and spun like when I was a skater, lost in patterns of vibrational ecstasy.

And He came to me in that consciousness of moment as I danced in unfettered prisms of light and as He looked into my soul held out to me the tray He had been given and on it an ornately embossed gold chalice, and it was inscribed with a language new to me but understood, and His eyes were bright with tears of Love for us to share.

With wordless inner understanding I knew my Love the King came to serve me and all of us His Bride there, and He had waited to share this Marriage cup with us all. None of us deserved Him, yet He loved us completely with His Grace.

Although I had seen the people who did not come here as if they were all wrapped on Earth as if in Masonic Ritual canvas body bags which zipped, I realized that I was not mourning: I had no grief or sadness at all.

Then I was awake and knew that I had been given this vision of Our Beloved’s Love for His Bride who He so patiently waits for whom He loves. It was beautiful and I thanked God for this dream vision of our Eternity with Him.

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