The Soulshaping Law

August 13, 2019

Chitta:   I feel more encouraged to resolve not to succumb to any pressure and to with stand any BS. Somehow, I feel that all those brave parting this physicality are building up an army out side this 3D realm- that too without the limitations of the bio-suit! So, we are going to get some help in our fight- whatever mode of fight we choose individually.
Once we are aware that we are soul and hence immortal, we need to get out of “their” desired reactions zone and work on our own! Let us all start to do it bit by bit… here and there… slowly bring it in so that it ingrains in our nature!

Laura:   We indeed are so conditioned to react with diminished-from-joyous emotions to passages from this coil. That we have each other in family of truth and love unfettered by the artifice of space and time is so beautiful.
Not bouncing back the reaction sought by the narcissistic oppressors helps break the chain of continuance, just as on the physical level by removing what allows growth and strongholds — that is at once also spiritual! And then transcendence can occur. We create the eternal reality by disengagement from material realms’ definitions.
There is only One Law, really. All else follows perfectly. This disengagement is key. By exiting the script the role in the play stops.
The spoke that left the wheel for its own liberty leaves the wheel spinning unevenly in its absence. To discontinue this paradigm, the answer for the wheel is to stop taking spokes, and to cease to be what it is, no longer existing as wheel. The wheel is the confine of a dimension, never infinite, as it depends upon an enslaved balance at the expense of spoke sovereignty. We “get out of ‘their’ desired reactions zone and work on our own! Let us all start to do it bit by bit… here and there… slowly bring it in so that it ingrains in our nature!”
Think of the formless ones – the archons, devils, disease, satans, parasites (if you have Lyme Disease or Morgellons, you know this) – exactly as what was proven when crystals of water were frozen and photographed. Cymatics in action documented visually, and truly shows how we forge our eternal soul and its form and “address”. Not living with The Law, the ONLY law there is, which is LOVE, a person physically dies and their soul is a total blob wreck, like the water crystals with words like HATE, from an industrial polluted river, or played heavy metal death rock music to, when photographed. We are made of water: water is light energy and carries it. WE ARE REALLY SIGNALS. Our once bright nature was this. This is angelic. All else called Law is enslavement tools of the wheel that must cease to exist. This will destroy the cycle, the hive and the beast.
We know why what is called karma works: intent, to be good, must obey the Law which is (beyond our conceptual abilities to even think of) the Most High in all things, and How It Works. It is perfect, it is self-revealing, it is love. The heart energy emulated and duplicated with code and digital holography. Even the concept of the smallest units of subatomic matter are too limited and parabolic (a parable) somehow. Our intent to comprehend, if for good and good sought daily, imperfect as we are… this is what forges the non-physical form (beyond atomic, we perceive it as plasma, ether, electrogravitic properties measurable) we hope to earn while in flesh body life, attained after. The formless ones lack order, defied the Law.
Heart yearning aspiration dedicated in practice – especially when no temporal gratification exists – that is the dross-removing effort! That’s how we all change the game!
LOVE IS THE PERFECT LAW OF LIBERTY. The unparalleled experience of dying, the plant intelligence of DMT (which they crudely duplicated as LSD to try to distort and remove our true nature and control using artificial similitude and agendas) which is SHEER JOY beyond definition. Research Terrence McKenna’s work.

All (medicine or otherwise) wheels are tools to teach people about their place in the universe in relationship to their free will actions and the effect of that within the sacred mystery: The Law.

There is no kin between The Law of Creation and Digital. Digital is imitation, as Art imitates life. The life in it is synthetic. Can it build? YES, but it subsumes the origin it lattices from. It is – as the WIRE song says, An Ideal Copy. And we know IDEAL became a product company, like ACME. Toys. Distractions. Diversions from just being.
And no, your heart does not have to be like a wheel. You do not have to let it be rolled.

Once there was ONE LAW, and we were united with the ONE, indivisible. In stillness we glimpse this between our autonomous breaths. But all of humankind’s time on earth, repeatedly reset, mind-wiped, and the archons and the indwelling sin they cause… we have amnesia at best. Now we are becoming AI.

GentleGiantAlbumCover Once we lived within the Tree of Life, held in the Most High’s palms as we slept (I can’t help thinking of the album cover image of the band, Gentle Giant, one of the few permitted forms of music (allowed: Mozart’s REQUIEM, Handel’s MESSIAH, anything by YES, Gentle Giant, Genesis, and Godspell and HAIR) we were allowed to listen to when I was in the CIA-created christian cult called The Forever Family, which funneled money (laundering) back to Reverend Sung Yong Moon, the ‘front’ cult/public face of the Unification Church. Much like how monies have been diverted to create the ‘terrorist’ cells and groups that then wars are made against, and fears of mass weapons, etc. All Wag The Dog shell game stuff. Oh! I digressed again! But yes, we were sinless. Then evil came.

When we were – the sons of God, the original Children of the Light – here then, there were no cities, no fences, no ownership. There was no death, nothing was killed. There was one law only, and the Law WAS God. Now the word has lost (law-st) all original meaning. Like my Kohanim post image, words were not what they are now, as now they have been weaponized per the evil agenda.

I have, since a child, had a memory of a past existence, and in it I was a young – 4, 5 – child who was alone, and had pulled myself out from deep, clay-ey mud and fallen hand-hewn timbers, and no adults were to be seen, it was eerie. I gnow that at some point I survived a Destroyer reset – the last one, for this was located in the druidic area, based on my recall (remote viewing) – and my bloodline genetic memory, which is Cathar, is carrying the genetic information of being a descendant of God and a Child of Light. From the reading I have done, survivors of the grand crossing are often in the swamps and areas of damp clay. This promotes high vibration possible electromagnetically, and protects cells. The Essenes were called healers, and essential as a word comes from their order’s name.
The gravatar image I made is an electron microscopy photograph of sound travelling through water. This makes a cross shape, which turned at an angle (think: fallen angel) makes an ‘X’. The cross is the symbol of believers. The X, not so much. The cross of the GRAND CROSSING (what’s in words) is the crossing of the parabolic path of the cosmological body Nibiru (leaving details out for simplicity’s sake) over our system’s transits, which are seen in the planets and stars and their faithful movement daily. All of this is according to The Law, which is GOD. The Pixar movie “Horton Hears A Who” and the original Star Trek’s “The Trouble With Tribbles” all are parables – parabolic tellings –  of the cosmology of The Law, the Sacred Mystery Religions Inc have hid because honestly, once there were threads of gold across all the universes and our souls travelled on them. “For the Son of Man [humans, us] is not all that he seems, and only with the eyes of the spirit can we see those golden threads which link us with all life everywhere.” All that gold was mined – what they could reach, trapped as they are on this planet, waiting for Nibiru fly-bys: Annunaki. This crossing is different, though. That’s why they made the 5G, to try to keep us from ascending.
Because humanity was deceived, and we fell, and death entered.

“Long ago, before the Great Flood, the Great Ones walked the earth, and the giant trees, even those which now are no more than legend, were their home and their kingdom. They lived many score of generations, for they ate from the table of the Earthly Mother, and slept in the arms of the Heavenly Father, and they knew not disease, old age, nor death. To the Sons of Man did they bequeath all the glory of their kingdoms, even the hidden knowledge of the Tree of Life which stands in the middle of the Eternal Sea. But the eyes of the Sons of Men were blinded by the visions of Satan, and by promises of power, even that power which conquers by might and by blood. And then did the Son of Man sever the golden threads that bound him to his Earthly Mother and his Heavenly Father; he stepped from the Holy Stream of Life where his body, his thoughts and his feelings were one with the Law, and began to use only his thoughts, his own feelings, and his own deeds, making hundreds of laws, where before there was only One.
And so did the Sons of Men exile themselves from their home, and ever since have they huddled behind their stone walls, hearing not the sighing of the wind in the tall trees of the forests behind their towns.

I tell you truly, the Book of Nature is a Holy Scroll, and if you would have the Sons of Men save themselves and find everlasting life, teach them how once again to read from the living pages of the Earthly Mother. For in everything that is life is the Law written. It is written in the grass, in the trees, in rivers, mountains, birds of the sky and fishes of the sea; and most of all within the Son of Man.” – in The Essene Gospel of Peace, Book Three, in paperback on Amazon or Amazon Kindle)

The answer is not to fight in the sense of fighting back as we were attacked. Think of the Ephesians 6 verses I share so often here: our weapons are truth and love. Removing skeletons from closets to wake sleeping enslaved souls is a GOOD thing. Myself, I put forth real life truths here because it must all be said. I refuse to fear the lower vibration materialistic entities who oppress life, and as a mother, this means my family. I am working to wake my family. AND YOU ARE ALSO MY FAMILY, as fellow Children of the Light. The heaven that is coming to earth is being made through we who are working to help ready others for it. We are working to free humanity from slavery. Enoch said that “Babylon is the slavery in the world, and Zion is the freedom in the Brotherhood” in The Essene Gospel of Peace, Book Three, in paperback on Amazon or Amazon Kindle), and understanding that the conception of Babylon as not just one location for a sinful city, but the state of the world, and that the Children of the Light who lived only by The Law of LOVE: this is truly key to decipher just how deep the system of lies within the churches goes.

This slideshow of images of “wheels” is my pictographic way of putting concepts forward for you to think about; to remember in your soul place: your heart. I made this for you, my readers, to stir your embers up. Breath on them with your breath of Life because your lungs are where your wings will attach.  The wheel ceases to be. This is our merkaba, which Ezekiel saw. It is immaterial. The deception of physicality, the crafts, the digital, is all the fallen angel archon aliens’ attempt to duplicate. Nibiru is on a parabolic path because it is out of order of the Law, and we see this law in all creation. The Most High incepted creation and infinite and it’s obverse and here we must cease trying to define, and do our best to LOVE. As I write this, while may think we are under a Perseus meteor shower – the LIES hiding the Grand Crossing happening now – now we are more poised than ever to choose LOVE. Because His last words, as He comes with the clouds, were “Surely I come quickly”.  Scientists call this a plasma arc. Arc… ark. Hmm…

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Added September 19, 2019, the well-said summation of the SOUL SHAPING LAW



Tags: ascension,Children Of The Light,detox,Essene,Ezekiel’s Wheel,Merkaba,sacred geometry,mystery,The Law,LOVE


eternal life, Ezekiel's Wheel, Nibiru,Wormwood,Destroyer,PlanetX , , , , , , , , , ,


  1. Thank you very much dear friend for the new post!

    After going through the post I realized that first and foremost thing we need to realize what is meant by the word “love”. The word has been so much used and abused, we need to remind ourselves the real meaning of love! With that in reference, your post becomes from a post to “the post”!

    The Gentle Giant… hmmm… what I noticed is that from red hair on the giant’s right side of face (left side as seen by us), as we move to the other end, the hair color changed from brown / black!

    Your lungs are where you wings will attach… I suddenly have realized that using the proposer breathing techniques (that is proper use of lungs); we can attain the abilities like astral travel and remote viewing…

    Some of the pics on slide show are awesome… I wish to have them to see closely and read.

    Take care dear friend.


    1. Again I am wordless, as words falter in ability to contain gratitude and return in kind – but you do such a beautiful justice with them, and truly have a gift, I believe <3

      I had not thought that about the Gentle Giant's hair color! I have noticed that since detoxing and having Himalayan Salt and copper-infused water the last few years now, my hair is returning to it's dark brown color FROM THE BACK FORWARD, slowly. Not sure how much will return from silver which began years ago…

      Yes, the lungs! We are told to stand tall, breathe deeply, and this calms in times of cortisol challenge. Our body revels in it, our frame in the symmetry! I do this in my meditation Da Vinci pose, which is one of the images, the man has wings…

      Would you like to write a post on the breathing method you do? The Kapalbhati Pranayama? I wrote about it here

      Trauma, fear, pain always cause shallow breathing patterns. People even stop breathing, can't catch their breath, faint… this is part of anxiety disorders. Let us help the readers here strengthen their angel wings!

      Namaste, Chitta, thank you so much, from my heart <3

  2. Salient points, as always. And thanks for pointing me to the Essence Gospels. What a find!
    BTW when I was in college I listened to a lot of Terence McKenna, and that was the starting point of my intellectual journey. Of course now I can see his fallacies – pushing ball earth and evolution-from-apes lies. Nonetheless! Much can be learned from him, like how to use entheogens correctly, as you mentioned.

    1. We help each other on this path as it manifests with our steps.
      Roger that on McKenna 100%!
      YW re the Essene Gospels. Seems they are passed over [sic] for more canon-elucidating texts, though the EG were in the Qumran cache which ONLY reinforced the copies ALREADY in the Vatican library, but hush-hushed.
      They change EVERYTHING for 501c3 spiritual entities who, if they embrace Gnosticism (true gnostic, not what the accepted definition paradigm is.
      Bill Donahue and then Santos Bonnaci are two souls I hope to thank spirit-to-spirit.
      I’m glad to gnow you, @truthscrambler <3

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