September, 2019


“Wherein in time past ye walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that now worketh in the children of disobedience:” – Ephesians 2:2 

5GNicolaT_300p In the verse above, the disciple Paul identifies Lucifer as the ruler of the airwaves. By word-of-mouth, information has always travelled. Who is not familiar with the childhood game of Gossip, in which a group sits in a circle, and one person is chosen to think of a sentence, and while covering their mouth with their hands, in a hushed breath of air whispers their thought into the ear of their neighbor, who has been instructed to ‘keep a pokerface’. One-by-one, the message transmitted is passed from mouth-to-ear, until it returns to the ear of the person who began the transmission. We all remember what happens next: they repeat what was told to them after their original message traveled, and reveal what it was when it started – and it’s always different! Everyone laughs, some may be embarrassed or shamed, but always, the truth of the original message became a fiction fabricated by the collective imaginations of the hearers. Even smoke signals are less deceiving than this! In tropical regions, this is actually called “the coconut telegraph“!

5GEffectsFrequenciesSteiner1924_470p When the Gutenberg printing press was invented, and then affordable, privately owned presses, suddenly the written word took the same form at the gossip game, but worse: it fell under the influence of those in power, and at a rate unequalled in humanity’s history (that we know of still, for it is quickly revealing in these days), exerted influence upon the minds of humans gained more footholds. The telegraph coupled with the power of steam used in the new industries of railroads and steamships both freight and luxury, and then planes made the gossip circle broader. The turn of the last century ushered in books, magazines and journals of all kinds, all mass distributed.

RadarRangeMicrowaveVintageAd And then radio was invented… the governing entities with their regulatory bodies (who had already created the central banking system) cut up the airwaves like cake, and for fees, allocated usage rights amongst the ‘bands’: the bandwidth frequencies. Westernized cultures changed altogether, united by the mesmerization of the programs and the news from the (never ending) wars, and when radio became a part of life, that was World War I. The elite-orchestrated fall of the financial markets hit, and the Dust Bowl famine (like so many whirling dervishes), and unbeknownst to most, this: in the 1930’s, television had already been invented by the Germans and was in use there to condition and program the people to embrace the political program which led to the acceptance of all that became World war II and the Holocaust. The signals embedded in the television frequencies were embedded with sorceric imagery, and the extra-low frequency waves were designed for mind kontrol (control is spelled with a ‘k’ in German). This is how the nation was used to turn humans against humans, making them kill as beasts do. This is how the atrocities were accomplished, and how good people were influenced to destroy one another in choices they were manipulated into making, detached from hearing their souls.

GWEN_ExplainedWithImgs400p After the United States ‘won’ [sic] the war, top-level Nazi scientists and researchers were brought over in Operation Paperclip. The doctors who designed the mind kontrol program went on to establish MK Ultra. The television was fraudulently reconceptualized and patented as an American invention, and the PROGRAMMING on the radio waves became the television programming. Already, there was Hollywood’s films in theaters, and films and film strips used by the controller’s arms of education, churches, government offices and science in society, but television was so affordable that the brainwashing happened daily in one’s own living room. (And for families who couldn’t afford it were ‘credit-building finance programs’ making it possible to buy a TV and pay in installments, O the American Dream!)

So here we are now, with devices and apps and biosensors, the AI and the Internet not only of Things, but EVERYTHING. The beast is embedded in the technology itself.

5Geffects_WORDYbigMEME420p The reason for the mini-history lesson is to underscore the longstanding succession of the so-called advances in communication the prince of darkness uses to entrap and enslaves humans within what has come to be known as the matrix. Each computer device used has a unique hardware number, and connects via an internet protocol IP address which puts the person using the device mappable, regardless if location is in the settings of the device is enabled or not. Even with sophisticated VPN use, the ultimate internet backbone, DARPA, knows exactly where the user is physically located, to the point of drone target ability. Most phones now are 4Gigahertz microwaves transmission, and many are 5G. The towers and transponders being implemented all over the face of the earth – except for two exceptions: the country of Israel and the town of Mira Lago, Florida, the POTUS’s home – are actually GWEN Towers. G.W.E.N. stands for ground wave emergency network. These extra-low microwave range frequencies are military weapons for crowd control, and, if aimed, can activate nanotechnology within the human body, ultrasonic ringing in the ears, V2K (voice to skull) thought interference and implantation, can cause pain, muscle spasms, heart attacks and death. Human beings are being electronically cattle-prodded into death chutes on every level of existence: mental, physical, psychological and spiritual. In the recent Paradise, California fires, satellite and drone DEWS – direct energy weapons – were used to control swarms of nanobots that targeted homes, shops and businesses but left untouched the surrounding land, controlled by the prince of the air to depopulate the area for the satanic agenda.

Here is the United States Patent using ELF microwave frequencies for the weather manipulation warfare against humanity and earth, heartfelt thanks to Luca G. for sending to me <3


5G_CellBeamingMansFaceTowersBehind333p Now this matrix control grid and the Spacefence are set to attempt to completely control all souls. With the return of The Destroyer here in this Fig Tree Generation in what we know is the prophesied Tribulation, not only do the workers of iniquity and darkness want to control the world’s populations as societies collapse, but with the 5G grid extending upward to the firmament of the impassable dome the Most High created, the Luciferian plan is to prevent souls from ascending. Health care practitioners in USA and Europe are now reporting that patients are complaining of health problems they have never had before, including anxiety, insomnia, depression, growing unresponsiveness to medications, ADHD, stroke, and high blood pressure. These symptoms clear up when WiFi routers are removed and digital device use is minimized, shielded or eliminated. 5G, when fully implemented, will have nodes every ten to twelve housing units, installed at bedroom windows. This is already in place. The following is a list of things you can do to optimize your health and minimize risk and damage. DEW Photo with ID

  • If you don’t already, begin drinking distilled water only, so the light signals within your cells transmit as designed, for unless only pure water, which is one Hydrogen atom and paired with two Oxygen atoms and no more, our very organs become the filters, causing organs to prematurely age and fail
  • Eat foods that will begin to carry heavy metals from your body, which include wheat grass, cilantro, spirulina and blue-green algae, seeds (hemp, flax, pumpkin) and nuts (almonds!) and antioxidant-rich foods
  • Before bedtime, have either DE (diatomaceous earth), BC (bentonite clay) or powdered charcoal with 12-16 ounces distilled water to bind and carry out the heavy metals being removed from your body
  • Wear Shungite jewelry, and place Shungite shields on your internet devices, keep Organite in your environment, and especially by your bed when sleeping
  • Do not keep an electric clock or any electric devices near your bed
  • Use a Faraday Cage around your bed, which could easily be metal window screen on the floor below, on the ceiling above, and at each side. A canopy bed is excellent for doing this
  • Be sure your mattress, box spring, rails and bed frame are free of any metal or springs.
  • When sleeping (if possible) turn off the circuit breaker(s) that power your bedroom and adjacent rooms, including rooms above and below the bedroom, to create a sphere of reduced electric field exposure levels within 1 – 2 meters around your bed at night in all directions, even above and below you, and on the other side of the wall by your bed.
  • Never keep a cellphone on your body or in a purse hanging by your side, and stop using laptops and pads on your lap. Set them on desk, at least 2-3′ from your torso and head
  • Use a hard-wired-from-the-pole Cat5 modem and router instead of WiFi – no matter how much your internet service provider pesters you to “Upgrade For Better Performance” – ALL HUMANS ARE EMF-SENSITIVE
  • Disable WiFi in devices when you are not using them, and if possible, power off and remove the battery, and shield yourself from their built-into-the-circuitry satellite detection biometric data sensors by keeping them in a metal tin or box when not in use
  • Move all electric power cords as far away from your feet as possible, including surge protectors and inline or clip-on transformers. This reduces electric field exposure. Surge protectors also usually have several transformers plugged into them, which are considered “point sources” of magnetic field exposure that extend up to two to three feet
  • LED lights are also dangerous: this is called LiFi, where undetected by the human eye the signal is modulated by ELF (extra low frequencies) for mind control: minimize all LED exposure, use blackout curtains, put black electric tape over light-emitting diodes on the things in your home and car
  • The magnetic ballast of a fluorescent light fixture will damage the organs of anyone in the room above it, as well as below, so pay attention to where children sleep
  • Do not use baby monitors, they emit excessive microwave radiation (as well as open portals for demons)
  • If you can, do not have a smart meter on your home. If it must be there, put a smart meter shield over it by wrapping it over tightly with metal window mesh hardware cloth
  • Don’t use cellphones, Bluetooth or satellite radio in the car. The vehicle is an electromagnetic frequency resonance chamber and will concentrate the damage to all inside the vehicle, and this is especially damaging to pregnant mothers, infants and children
  • Eliminate wheat, white potatoes, pasta and sugar from your diet – and it is a process, but gradually stop eating all factory-made processed foods, since all of these contain nanotechnology added to the ingredients: the FDA does not have to list it, and it is in everything
  • Heavy metals, molds and yeasts create the network which heavy metals and nanotechnology attach to and utilize to make the human body a living 5G antenna, so begin to focus on eating GMO-free probiotics you make yourself, like the fermented cabbage juice cleanse, miso paste soup, kimchee and other fermented fruits, vegetables and kombucha – food is your medicine and you can grow it and make it at home
  • Begin to take a Detox Nanobath daily: to a tub of the hottest water you can stand, add 1-4 cups each of Epsom Salts and Borax (the kind from the box whose label hasn’t changed!), and on alternating days add also either a cup of Pink Himalayan Salt or a cup of baking soda. Targeted Individuals swear by this: I began this bath in late 2015, and began teaching others on my now-archived Facebook group in 2017. (Bye Bye Blue Skies adopted it and cut the ratios down, reducing the effectiveness.) When I began, I did this bath thrice daily, and now only once a week – after four years. So much nanotechnology released from my skin that it looked like crystalline sand from a bathing suit after a day at the beach, the first year and a half I did it! Moisturize with coconut oil while your skin is still damp
  • Alkalize your body and diet by adding citrus juice to your water (lemon, lime, orange), ACV (apple cider vinegar), and do your best to maintain an alkaline diet, as the nanotechnology – including the chemtrail fibers – are designed to thrive in acidic environments, which the Western diet and lifestyle create and promote
  • Wear only natural fibers and avoid metallic and chemical dyes – and this includes tattoos – stop getting them
  • Do not use hair, skin or household products, nail polishes, artificial nails, hair dyes – use what Jehovah made
  • Brush teeth with hydrogen peroxide, baking soda and diatomaceous earth, and look into oil pulling

This is just a short list for now, but it’s a start. Even if you apply a quarter of the suggestions here, you are going to see a difference, especially regarding device exposure, nutrition and shielding. Remember, 5G is a control grid weapon, we are the targets, and you need to do all you can to minimize the ability to place your body in their sites. if you have any questions or comments, feel free to contact me, so that we can all work together to make everyone liberated with the truth.


Dr. Martin Pall, “Wi-Fi is an important threat to human health”

Tags: 5G,all governments are nephilim,cell degradation,DARPA,depopulation,direct energy weapons,death,disease,DNA,extra low frequency waves,ELF,GWEN towers,kill grid,Luciferian,microwave,military weapon,radar,SpaceFence,US20060201547A1,weather management using space-based power system,WiFi


5G, Depopulation , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,


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