Still in progress, but enjoy these CYMATIC FREQUENCY healing audio (some video) files and re-alibrate your vibration to the higher levels needed so desperately at this time!

Kapalbhati Pranayama, the etheric human battery system, compartmentalism and us

May 22, 2019 I searched "Kapalbhati hydrogen cells" and the results were for alkaline car batteries. This makes complete sense, as we are batteries sourced for our etheric energy unless we transcend that with our disengagement from the trauma harvest…

Excellent Frequency Music for These Days

May 4, 2019 There are two frequency pieces which I play often (besides the Schumann Resonance, linked on the right sidebar of this page). One is quite austere and solemn sounding, a 417Hz Tibetan Singing Bowl session, and really grounds…

Mt. Saint Michel in France, Tartarus Star Fort

[Image below, please read the preface.] We see the resemblance to the Tower of Babel in the spiraling construction of this ancient architecture built by the early descendants of the Annunaki fallen angels, who are the nephilim. These beings, who…

Honey Honey

Manually reblogged from Aug Tellez [comments mine] You ready? What they call “manna and honey” from Heaven is the process of ritual abuse whereby an innocent child (virgin) is taken and frightened, traumatized, to death. The glands are then harvested…

Ways to protect Yourself from Negative electromagnetic and human energy (video)