Aluminium: The Not Green At All Metal

Aluminium: The Not Green At All Metal
by Chitta Ananda, published April 24, 2020
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Aluminum in INDIA TODAY 3Feb2020

On March 5th, 2020, one day after reading the post “HOW DOES THE ASCENSION DIET AFFECT OUR SOUL?”, I just happened to read an article in the February 03, 2020 issue of India Today magazine’s “Focus – Health” section entitled “Aluminum: The Planet Friendly Metal”; on page number 39. It seemed to me to be an advertisement, because it had a grayish-blue background for a half-page writeup, without page number or any other mark up at the bottom, whereas the entire magazine had a white background with page numbering, the magazine name and issue date at the bottom of each page!

The title header states: “As the most abundant metal in the earth’s crust, fully 8% of the ground beneath our feet is made up of aluminium. We all consume small amounts of aluminium constantly – in the food we eat, the water we drink, the air we breathe and even medicine we take.”

It reads: “Be it vegetables like peas, potatoes and spinach or chicken and tea – they all contain Aluminium. Still aluminium’s name crops up as a reason for a certain condition of problem. Cancer, Alzheimer and what not attributed to it. This has led to a lot of studies and research on this metal. And the results declare Aluminium as one of the safest materials to be used by mankind.”

The article and its incorrect data silently hides the amount of Aluminium in those food items, which was negligible when foods were natural and organically grown in olden days past in a less toxified world, and then humans started to behave like (evil) gods – how much of the metal do we need to have cancer or Alzheimers!

It goes on: “As per US Centres for Disease Control and Prevention exposure to aluminium naturally present in food, water and through food cooked in aluminium pots and pan is not considered to be harmful. The good thing about aluminium is that less than 1% is absorbed in the body while the rest is ejected out through urine and excreta. The number of people who consume Aluminium in form of an antacid itself may be mind – boggling and huge. That by itself is a big certificate for Aluminium because a single dose of antacid may contain 100-200 mg of Aluminium. The myths of aluminium being a carcinogenic or cause of certain neurologic disease suspected to be cause by injections of aluminium containing vaccine have been repeatedly proved false by organizations of world repute like the WHO, Alzheimer’s Society and American Cancer Society.”

So, I can safely say that antacids containing aluminium are not to be consumed. Instead, having soda bi-carbonate (baking soda) with lemon water or citric acid crystals is far better! Understand that the hydroxide of Aluminium and Magnesium is used in antacid. And, that hydroxide part is useful and not the Aluminum metal part of it! Also, do not use utensils made of aluminium, and do not vaccinate! The fact is, after a complete detox, even once you eat your food in aluminium vessel, it is absorbed in body so much that even hair stores it!

Alzheimers is caused by too much accumulation of Aluminium in the brain. The basic brain function of controlling the body is done through minor electrical charges rushing through neurons. Aluminium, being a good conductor of electricity, actually changes the path of electrical charge. So, body parts may not get the right signal, no signal, corrupt signal or no registration of signal at all!

The writeup highlights Aluminum’s light weight, strength of metal and its durability! It further brings attention to its conductivity being 16 times greater than that of steel, and talks about energy savings if foods are cooked in aluminium cookware, adding: “Aluminium foil extends shelf life of food and medicines, prevents light, oxygen, moisture and contamination, this reducing food waste”.

It concludes: “But what really takes the cake is that Aluminium is recyclable. It can be recycled repeatedly with no loss in quality. It has been rightly referred to by many as the Green Metal.”

I must say that if an average person would just think further and research a bit, they will realize that what this advertisement says is exactly opposite of what is necessary for health and avoidance of disease! I prefer to use butter paper, like wrapper for a sub, instead of aluminium foil.

Another thought is this: if Aluminum is the world’s most abundant metal in the earth’s crust, why was this metal was found and brought into usage so very late in the human timeline as compared to other metals like gold, silver, copper, iron and brass? Was it found to be poisonous and thus not considered for production in prior times, when other metals were discovered?

As I had read about this metal in the blogpost HOW DOES THE ASCENSION DIET AFFECT THE SOUL, I concluded that my coming upon this Aluminum magazine article is synchronicity and it must be mentioned here!

By Chitta Ananda, a Sovereign Light Being occupying a human body in Western India

aluminummercurycombined This article published published here on January 14, 2019 called SCIENCE VIDEO What happens when Aluminum and Mercury are combined shows the actual reaction of aluminum and mercury are combined, and demonstrates the effects of vaccines on the human nervous system.

Below is a linked list (partial, there are more) of things which will help detox aluminum and other heavy metals from the body:

Citric Acid
Sodium Bicarbonate – Baking Soda
Icelandic Kelp tablets
Klamath Blue-green Algae

Whatever you do, don’t do this (PDF).

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Namasté and hari OM.


Depopulation , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,


  1. Thank you for inspiring to write and also posting what came out of inspiration!

    Namasté and Hari Om.

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