November 19, 2019

First, thank you. I am a semi-retired naturopath with 25 years of chronic Lyme. I am now preparing a workshop for people with Lyme or any chronic condition alike. I was lucky to have knowledge and support, many do not have that karma. So now I am almost fine and want to help in return. Now, what you are writing makes total sense. I have always felt that there was a multidimentional aspect to these bugs. I am a practicing Buddhist and Tibetan medicine recognizes the presence of demons and all kinds of entities associated with disease. Since I still have some bioelectrical symptoms which I manage with kratom, I would like to experiment with your diet as I am in quest of getting better and better. Dying healthy is important.

Thank you again.

My reply:

And I am first of all in complete empathy with the struggle you have endured in your learning what this affliction created by the dark one and his minions is. Our Creator led us to find each other on this journey, our souls to meet. Thank you for reaching out to me. I completely agree that it is – dare I say vital  – to die with as healthy a body as possible, YES! What a blessing I have been given to begin this day receiving your email. This chapter is soon becoming a book on its own, and will be available on Amazon for your students and clients. Please do not hesitate to bring any and all questions of observations you have to my attention, as we are all just beginning to realize the true manifestation of evil in this world, in the Kali age. I have come to see that in the Divine Mercy of the One, this is a very integral – if not the most integral – component of the ENERGETIC SORTING taking place. What we perceive as affliction is a gift to have the opportunity to transcend.

A Naturopath Agrees: Archons In The Body