Originally posted on October 1, 2019

Going over the yesterday’s post Secrets of Cymatics, DNA, and Egyptians (I comb through it, as it’s a lot to go through, the reblog of seven articles as one post here, but think of it as a book shared), the first fascination I have, since we are being purified, we Light Children, to ascend, is Susan Alexjander’s research into DNA sequencing and its direct existence as musical notes in helix tablature (my wording).
Here is one of her “pieces”:

and her entire album SEQUENCIA is on Spotify, , with tracks called Thymine, Adenine, etc., but now that Google enforces their surveillance API called “Widevine” as a requisite to continued use of Spotify, that’s out, I’m gone, pffft. Every day that passes, the beast shows itself and one can choose to walk away; not play its game. Or not.

So as the days go by now, and the dimension shift becomes apparent to you (if you are so fortunate to be your self created), understanding the roles cymatics, music and frequencies play ( <3 <— word use ! ) in your translation is something you directly are able to take initiative and responsibility for.

Bartolomeus Traubek’s TREE RING MUSIC is creation. Immerse yourself in it. That is what the MOST HIGH hears. He (really, sex-less, but we are entrained to divide) made the instruments, the symphony of light resonance. OAK is one of my favorites, and for me, especially since I refinished so much of the antique furniture I used to have, the quality of the wood sings clearly. Truly it is heavenly.

Reflecting ( <— again ) on sounds, chants, bells, water, nature, drums and tones, the intention-all surrounding of yourself in your environment, we accellerate the translation we desire.

And then there are the symphonies of the crickets…

And slowed further…

In the Essene Gospels of Peace, the Christ Jesus, the LIGHT made manifest; materialized in form to aid humanity in its struggle against the Annunaki archons of the demiurge taught those who could gnow such things about the angels of nature. It seems to me that the sounds of crickets and water and scents of plants and the coo of babies and the almost silent unfurling of leaves and all that is organic in this world made by LIGHT as sound is the intention of angels. Who we would like to become, or something that which we cannot imagine, being in form. Pure intention.

It is difficult to word the things which I am coming into of in.

Stripping back all layers of definition, time, identification systems and paradigms…

BEYOURSELFMIRACLEPICTURE333 I wrote about our souls being the space between visible ripples… the interior of each atom is empty space… we are the spark of light made not by fire but SOURCE… our choices shape our spirit in the container of soul, that space, endless and undefinable. Illimitable.

Fragrance is spiritual: scent. Find ways to release the intelligence of plants, minerals and resins. I burn, aerosolize or passively waft frankincense, myrrh, Nag Champa Agarbatti, raw ambergris, sage, Palo Santo, peppermint, orange and lemon oils, lavender, Thieves (Five Knives), more. I burn bay leaves on salt. All this counts.

Having bells helps. The Tibetan monks, their bowls that sing. I have a bell hanging in my car. On either side of this idiot box machine, and bedside. When I approach using this technology, it’s become a ritual of cleansing before, during and after.


I’m just a human, and I have hurt others, as I have been hurt. I forgive all.
I just want the MOST HIGH to want me in His presence.


Tags: ascension,creation,cymatics,DNA,frequency,incense,music,SOURCE,spirit,soul

@EatingToAscend http://eatingtoascend.com

Ascension , , , , , , , , ,

1 comment

  1. Thank you for wonderful post on natural symphonies!

    Daring to be different, sticking to your right to be different than dichotomy offered and not investing any emotions to entire activity (very difficult one) is on of the way to get over maya. I got encouraged just by viewing a video shoot in South Africa, wherein the experienced man stood to his ground against the charging bull elephant. His not moving an inch deterred the bull and stopped his charging towards him. In your case against Maya in humans and AI!

    Yes, it is important to understand the cymatics and power of sound frequencies. There is a documented witnessing of lifting of a huge rock over 200 feet from ground by tibetan monks, around 1925 or so. Also, it can be used to repair altered / tweaked DNA.

    Thanks for bringing back the memories and feelings of listening the clips you shared here!

    You are in His presence!

    Thank you for all.


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