If you are one of the elect, you have purer genes – the Tribe Of Dann / DaNaan, restored blogpost copy

October 5, 2019
Reposted because this post was completely hacked of content by the gremlins in the alphabets.


My (first, ex) mother-in-law’s maiden name is Dann. She is paternal grandmother to my children. Their father’s paternal great-great-great grandfather, a Little, was gardener to Queen Victoria in England and of Scottish descent. This is the blood my children have on their father’s side.
The Red-haired Race – Giants of Danann (Dann).
My deceased daughter-in-law Nichole and her twin Morgan are Rh Negative. They have extra teeth as do all the Littles.
I wanted to share this here in hopes that you may be spurred to examine your own past. However, do not have your blood tested by the geneology services like 23 and Me, etc. They are creating a database of nephilim genes to repopulate the earth after the cataclysm – the apocalypse. They will fail, but do not volunteer your DNA to anyone anymore. There are reasons for this so complex I will not go into them here at this time.
People are targeted MKUltra and other alphabet agency programs (what government exists for) for their high amount of VMAT2 gene expression, indicating that they have lower levels of Luciferian DNA. The CIA created a vaccine which was deployed via geoengineering stratospheric aerosol injection over all of the face of the earth, to destroy what they call “The God Gene”. It was sprayed from moving vehicles: planes, trains and automobiles, beginning in 2002. Here is the leaked Pentagon briefing. It is called “Fun Vax” – a vaccine for fundamentalist believers.
Also this webpage is full of data… with thanks to Rex Bear of Leak Project.
The Christ materialized in human form on earth as a DNA rescue mission to teach humanity how to break the bonds of sin within our DNA (see the document about the ex-Illuminati whose DNA revealed the third parasitic strand  – and if you are not detoxed, or are saturated with fluoride in your pineal gland and bathed in WiFi and eat the food they make all consume, etc, you may not be able to take in much of the true data you are presented with by those who endeavor to share what has been hidden. Sin is a genetic defect caused by archons in the body.

Chuck Missler breaking down the history of the world:


Lands connected to the Tribes of Dann  can be traced through this blood factor.
The Rh-Negatives Factor is considered a “Mutation” of “Unknown Origin”.Connecting the red-haired gene with RH-negative bloodline and Canaanites – The Rhesus negative factor was
introduced into Europe
thousands of years ago by a migrating people.  Although we find a small percentage of rhesus negative people spread throughout Europe; we find a high percentage among the Basques,
the Albanians, and Guanches of the Canary or Fortunate Isles. Rhesus negative Basques were one of the many groups of refugees from Atlantis and the root  “CAN”  in CANary is a
derivative of the word Cain or Canaan and is Latin for Dog. ANUBIS.

This cylinder seal shows the presentation of the ‘plough’ as described in left column (translated)
The Anunnaki Birth Goddess holding up the First Adam

A Babylonian tablet located in the British Museum (No 74329),  circa 2000 B.C. contains  the  Sumerian record of the Line of Cain. Copied by A.R. Millard and translated by W.G. Lambert
(Kadmos, vol. VI), it speaks of the beginnings of a group of people who were ploughmen,(agriculturists)  which corresponds to the biblical “tiller of the land.”
They were called AMAKANDU – And, the Mesopotamian chief of these people was  KA’IN
“Ka’in built in Dunnu a city with twin towers and gave himself  lordship over it. ”
“….After the death (or murder) of Ka’in, “he was laid to rest in the city of Dunnu, which he loved.”
“….We also find among traditional Assyrian eponyms of royal names the combination Ashur-bel-Ka’ini (“Ashur, lord of the Ka’inites”). The  Assyrian scribes paralleled this name with the
ASHUR-EN.DUNI (“Ashur is lord of Duni”), implying that the Ka’ini (“The people of Kain”) and the Duni (“The people of Dun”) were one and the same; and thus reaffirming the
biblical Cain and Land of Nun or Dun.” 
– Zechariah Sitchen

The Creation of the Shepherd Kings by Mary Sutherland

The Hebrew word for the creature who tempted Eve is “nahash” which literally means “He who solves secrets.”
The notion of the serpent as evil  came into our consciousness during the early Christian era. Prior to this, the biblical serpent was often connected with godly knowledge,  healing and

Caine was the first in the Shepherd Kingship line. The line of Cain went on to produce what we know today as the ‘blue blood’ lineage, always interbreeding within the Anunnaki families
in order to maintain the purity of the hybrid blood status.

The Anunnaki came to earth for the purpose of colonization and mining. Through their advanced knowledge of genetics, they created a slave race.  To watch over their ‘herd’ of slaves, they
created a hybrid group of ‘shepherd kings’. These ‘hybrids’ enjoyed the protection of the gods in exchange for their services and loyalty. Being at least 75 per cent Anunnaki,

To be descended from Noah’ is a code for the Illumanati bloodlines.See Noah

The serpent bloodline interbred with Nordics, who carried the blond and blue eyed traits.  These Nordic features are for some reason very desirable to the Serpent cultures and as legend
goes ‘

The Tyranenians were an offshoot of the Atlanteans,who eventually branched off to become the  Etruscans and the Carians, commonly known as the Phoenicians.  The Eus-Cara
became the Basques of Spain and the Taurkes became the Tauraks (Tauregs) who settled North Africa bringing with them the Atlantean knowledge. In their ancient cavern systems
located in the Ahaggar Mountains murals can be found depicting their Atlantean ancestors holding snakes and swords with tridents on the blades.  The Tuaregs also perform a dance in
honour of the Atlantean fire god, Voltan or Votan (Caine)

*In my research I again found the name Tyranenians linked to North America through their mining operations.  dating back as early as 3000 B.C. Tyranena, now known as Lake Mills,
became one of the bases of operation for the early Tyranenian miners and traders of copper mined in the Upper Michigan Peninsula. From Tyranena, the traders traveled the Rock River
to the Mississippi River and then down to the Gulf of Mexico. When they ceased their mining operations they left the area but before leaving, they flooded the site , creating a lake to protect
their secrets and the dead they left behind.  (
Revelations – Truths Revealed by Mary Sutherland)

“Look for the country of Aztalan, the original country of the Aztecs.”
Leaving Tyranena, they migrated south establishing the Aztec and Mayan civilizations. Many generations later, a second migration., of what were now Aztec, came back to the north from
the south, moving back to the Great Lakes Area. When they arrived they reestablished a mining settlement near the old settlement , naming it Aztalan.  H. P. Blavatsky states in her book
‘The Secret Doctrine’,

During the Great Atlantean War, the Phoenicians were defeated and captured by  Ramses III, Pharaoh of the XX Dynasty (identified with Plato’s Atlanteans), they divulged the location of
their copper sources in North America. From what he had learned, Ramses III sent out an expedition to North America in search of the Phoenician mining operations. Ramses III
declared in the Harris Papyrus that he : ‘sent out an expedition to the LAND OF ATAKA  (The prefix At  was often used to designate Atlantean holdings -ATAKA was also an ancient name
for North America , along with ATALA and PUSHKARA.  According to Wikipedia Egypt was beset by foreign invaders (including the so-called Sea Peoples (Phoenicians) and the Libyans.
In Year 5 of his reign, the Sea Peoples, including Peleset, Denyen, Shardana, Meshwesh of the sea, and Tjekker, invaded Egypt by land and sea. Ramesses III defeated them in two
great land and sea battles.

Colonizing Greece were the Pelasgians who worshipped a serpent goddess called Athene or Neith who was depicted as a serpent or goddess covered by snakes.  They  first landed on
the Pelopnnese in Greece and settled in Arcadia. They later became known as the Arcadians or Athenians who was at war with their cousin Atlanteans prior to the Deluge.

The  Tibetan  Dzyan documents a system of underground tunnels the ancient Atlanteans built that  encircled the entire planet.  The western tunnel network had its beginning under the
Atacama Desert in Chile running in the direction of Tiahuanaco – Cuzco – Mount Shasta – Grand Tetons, under the American mainland and the Atlantic ocean towards the Atlas mountain
range in western Africa and then under Ahaggar/Tibesti mountain ranges towards their final station at  the Giza pyramids. One important center was under the Mato Grosso region in
Brazil, where Agartha had a strong connection with the  Atlantean cities on the surface. The Himalayan network was of extraordinary importance. Here an underground civillization was
developed as a mirror of an Atlantean colony that  existed on the surface in the area of contemporary Gobi desert. Of course then it was no desert, but a subtropical paradise. The
Himalayan network had its source under the Gobi Desert where it expanded under the Takla Makan Desert and then onwards under the Pamirs, Altai, Karakorum, Baltistan, Kunluns and
the Chang Tang plateau towards the Himalayas.

A group, from the people of Caine ,settled in Asia Minor (now Turkey), Greece and the Aegean Islands and came to be known as the Dananns or Danites. (the root of Danann or Danite is
Dan which is an anagram for Caine -.   (On my site, burlingtonnews.net/tunnels you will find that thirty six underground cities have been discovered in  Cappadocia  going down eight
levels.  Some of these cities were able to hold a population of thousands with a ventilation system  so efficient that even eight floors below the surface  the air remained fresh. Thirty vast
underground cities and tunnel complexes have also been found near the Turkish city of Derinkuya.   The Danaan worshipped the moon goddess, with the given name of Diana or Dana.

The Great Mystery Schools

The  Island of Rhodes,was the home of the Danaan brotherhood of initiates and magicians known as the Telchines. The name Rhodes is connected to the German word “Rot”, which
means “Red” The Rothschild’s Red-Shield became a code name for the Elite Serpent Bloodlines. According to the Greek historian Diodorus, the Telchines had the ability to heal, change
the weather, and ‘shape-shift’ into any form.

Malta was an important center in 3500 B.C. and the home of an important Mystery School. Under Malta is a vast network of tunnels and megalithic temples where secret rituals took place
and still do today. Malta’s original name was Lato, named after Mother Lato, the serpent goddess.  The Knights Templar secret society was formed in the late 11th century to protect the
reptilian bloodline or ‘Le Serpent Rouge ‘ the red serpent or serpent blood, together with their associated order, the highly secretive Priory of Sion.

Tuatha de Danaan

After arriving in the British Isles, they became known as the “Tuatha de Danaan”.  The Danaans also settled on Cyprus, known during ancient times as “La-Dan” or the “Isle of Dan”.
There is little doubt that the “Isle of Man” in the Irish Sea, a place so important to the Druids, was a Danaan settlement.  Tuatha de Danann (pronounced Thoo-a day Du-non). Tuath Dé
(tribe of the gods), were, according to Irish Folk History,  a race of supernaturally-gifted people.  According to Sir Laurence Gardener ” Sumaire” in the old Irish language means Dragon.
He further believes that  the subsequent culture of the region, phoenically called Sumerian (pronounced “Shumerian”) was actually Sidhemurian (Shee-murian) . This case is now
considerable since the early Ring Lords of Scythia (the Tuatha De Danaan king tribe) were actually called the ‘Sumaire’.

Ireland and Scotland

The Egyptians established a colony in Ireland . The Egyptologist, Lorraine Evans, ‘Kingdom of the Ark’, suggests that the colonists were  led by Princess Scotia, daughter of Akhenaten
and half sister to Tutankhamen.   She died in battle and the grave yet today is marked by a slab that has  never been excavated. Scotia’s descendents went on to become of the High
kings of Ireland at TARA in County Meath and then continued on to Scotland which means ‘Land of Scotia’.

King Dan I (ODIN) commenced his reign in Scandinavia in the year 1040 B.C. and his family line was known to have stretched back to Troy or the Great War of Atlantis

O-DIN is a title indicative of  Kingship or Shepherd lineage. (Also  known as WO-DEN, WO-TAN and DAN)  ODIN  comes from the  Hebrew ADONAI which means “LORD”.   The families
descended from ODIN derive from the ancient Trojan Kings.

Ancient classical and extra-Biblical sources indicate that the TROJAN KINGS were of the ROYAL LINE OF JUDAH and that they were closely related to other ROYAL FAMILIES IN IONA,
GREECE AND CRETE. The early British king-line is traditionally DESCENDED THROUGH THE TROJAN KINGS, and the kings of Ireland are stated to have sprung from the MILESIAN
ROYAL FAMILY in IONA into which ‘Pharaoh’s daughter’ married.”  .  Priam Herman L. Hoeh traced Odin’s linege  back to Jacob, which confims he was of the kingship line.

“Accepting these sources,” notes the magazine, “the royal families of the NORTHERN NATIONS OF EUROPE — Irish-Scottish, Early British, Frankish, Norwegian — are all of the
SCEPTRE TRIBE OF JUDAH and the many intermarriages of these royal lines would thus all be within the one great royal family of which so much is prophesied in Scripture. Queen
Elizabeth II has stated that she is WODEN-BORN” (Dec. 1981. Christian Israel Foundation, Walsall, England. P. 117).

Akhenaten and Moses Tie to Scotland
The Story of St. Patrick running the snakes out of Ireland is based off an earlier version dating back to the grandson of Akhenaten

Princess Scota was the daughter of Pharaoh Akhenaten named Meritaten. The name scota was original written as sceadu which has a lot in common with the Egyptian word shut, the
Shadow. Scota is not the name of the Princess but the name of the attribute, the “stone of destiny” or the “portal”.

Scota gave birth to a boy named Gaedhael or Gadheal Glas. One day Gaedhael was bitten by a snake and he went to Moses for relief. Moses prayed to God and touched the bite with his
staff. Miraculously the bite healed and Moses gave Gaedhael his staff stating God commands and I command that this boy’s descendants will live in a land free from snakes.

At that time Moses was the principal advisor of Pharaoh Akhenaten

The Battle of Troy, indeed Troy itself, was long thought of as just part of  incredible Greek legends or mythology. Troy and the events pertaining to it were still considered to be pure
mythological when Charles McLaren sugested, back in 1822, that a certain mound in eastern Turkey, called Hissarlik, was the site of the Homeric Troy. It was only when a businessman
named Heinrich Schliemann, risking his own money, came up with spectacular discoveries as he dug up the mound in 1870, that scholars began to acknowledge the existence of Troy. It
is now accepted that the Battle of Troy had actually taken place in the thirteenth century B.C. It was then, according to the Greek sources, that “gods”  and men had fought side by side; in
such beliefs the Greeks were not alone.

The Tauras Mountains in Turkey, the Baleric Islands and Syria  were also Danaan settlements.

The female Amazons were a branch of the Hesperides or Hespera, a name for Atlantis. They, too, followed the goddess Athene or Nieth and venerated her symbol, the double-headed
axe. They built  shrines to the goddess in many places, including the famous centre for Diana worship at Ephesus and other locations along the Turkish coast.


(Reference:  Children of the Matrix, David Icke)

Jeoulosy between  the Atlantean Kings erupted resulting in a great world war.  Laws of Nature were abused and nuclear and high tech wars took place on planet Earth, bringing  about
great earthquakes, floods, volcanoes, plate shifts, and other great disasters…including radioactive fallout.

The Polynesians claim that Atlantean survivors travelled to India before returning to the remnants of their homeland, the Pacific Islands, and becoming the Polynesians. James
Churchward says that these people also settled in Egypt via India. Chinese legend talks of a continent in the area called Maurigosima, which sank amidst  a great cataclysm, but its king,
Peiru-un, escaped to mainland China and continued his bloodline there.

After the destruction of Atlantis and the surface of Earth was once again safe to live on,  the Atlantean survivors  began to recolonise the planet.

The snake travelled the world and finally bit its own tail back to Australia ,where the lightning brothers came. These 2 men were   the ‘biblical’  MOSES AND AARON who were known to the
Egyptians as the Pharoahs 
AHKTANATEN and SMENKARE . Their sister, Miriam was the Egyptian NEFERTITI .  They brought with them the LAW and the sacred colour RED ..The one outstanding
life form they left us was the Egyptian war dog now called the 

The daughter traveled with the AID OF FLIGHT and moved through Asia to the North of Australia leaving the dingo and the STORY OF THE SACRED KINGFISHER  along the way until arriving in
Nova Scotia by air and 
BRINGING TO AMERICA   the law and the  dingo now  called the CAROLINA WILD DOG. . Then to Scotland.. not directly from Egypt, as was and still is thought to be the

The promise of the Bird King is  fulfilled in the Time of Darkness…..from now on the truth will come forth.
“Red is  his hair , hooked his nose. Fair is his skin and green are his eyes” The same description as all tribal people throughout the world have…He is the bear,the snake the smooth white
stone ,the eagle,the sacred secret kingfisher and the red flower sometimes called a rose.”

“The Snake, the Bear, the Smooth White Stone, the Sacred Red Flow-er and most important, Iam the Sacred Kingfisher ..from the blood who also gave you the Wild Dog which is the Egyptian
War Dog, known as the dingo. Iam the Living Sun Dance. Red is my hair. Green is my Eyes. Fair is my Skin and Hooked is my Nose. Iam the Promised Bird King”The Aboriginal of the Finders
Rangers have already declared me so. The place where it was declared is a place called BELTANA . To them I am 

The so-called Rama Empire of Northern India and Pakistan developed at least fifteen thousand years ago on the Indian sub-continent and was a nation of many large, sophisticated cities, many
of which are still to be found in the deserts of Pakistan, northern, and western India. Rama…was ruled by ˜enlightened Priest-Kings who governed the cities. The seven greatest capital cities of
Rama were known in classical Hindu texts as ˜The Seven Rishi Cities. 
According to ancient Indian texts, the people had flying machines which were called ˜vimanas’. The ancient Indian
epic describes a vimana as a double- deck, circular aircraft with portholes and a dome, much as we would imagine a flying saucer. It flew with the “speed of the wind” and gave forth
a˜melodious sound. There were at least four different types of vimanas; some saucer shaped, others like long cylinders cigar shaped airships.” 
D. Hatcher Childress, “Ancient Indian
Aircraft Technology” In The Anti-Gravity Handbook
An aerial chariot, the Pushpaka, conveys many people to the capital of Ayodhya. T
he sky is full of stupendous flying-machines, dark as night,but picked out by lights with a yellowish glare.”
Mahavira of Bhavabhuti (A Jain text of the eighth century culled from older texts and traditions)
“In the Vedic literature of India, there are many descriptions of flying machines that are generally called vimanas. These fall into two categories: (1) manmade craft that resemble
airplanes and fly with the aid of birdlike wings, and (2) unstreamlined structures that fly in a mysterious manner and are generally not made by human beings
. The machines in category (1)
are described mainly in medieval, secular Sanskrit works dealing with architecture, automata, military siege engines, and other mechanical contrivances. Those in category (2) are described in
ancient works such as the Rig Veda, the Mahabharata, the Ramayana, and the Puranas, and they have many features reminiscent of UFOs.” “There are ancient Indian accounts of man made
wooden vehicles that flew with wings in the manner of modern airplanes. Although these wooden vehicles were also called vimanas, most vimanas were not at all like airplanes. The more
typical vimana had flight characteristics resembling those reported for UFOs, and the being associated with them were said to possess powers similar to those presently ascribed to UFO
entities. An interesting example of a vimana is the flying machine which Salva, an ancient Indian king, acquired from Maya Danava, 
an inhabitant of a planetary system called Taltala.” Richard
L. Thompson, Alien Identities
The cruel Salva had come mounted on the Saubha chariot that can go anywhere, and from it he killed many valiant Vrishni youths and evilly devastated all the city parks.” The Mahabharata
The airplane occupied by Salva was very mysterious. It was so extraordinary that sometimes many airplanes would appear to be in the sky, and sometimes there were apparently none.
Sometimes the plane was visible and sometimes not visible, and the warriors of the Yadu dynasty were puzzled about the whereabouts of the peculiar airplane. Sometimes they would see the
airplane on the ground, sometimes flying in the sky, sometimes resting on the peak of a hill and sometimes floating on the water. The wonderful airplane flew in the sky like a whirling firebrand –
it was not steady even for a moment.”
Bhaktivedanta, Swami Prabhupada, Krsna
In the Sanskrit Samarangana Sutradhara, it is written: Strong and durable must the body of the Vihmana be made, like a great flying bird of light material. Inside one must put the mercury engine
with its iron heating apparatus underneath. By means of the power latent in the mercury which sets the driving whirlwind in motion, a man sitting inside may travel a great distance in the sky. The
movements of the Vimana are such that it can vertically ascend, vertically descend, move slanting forwards and backwards.With the help of the machines human beings can fly in the air and
heavenly beings can come down to earth.

The Hakatha (Laws of the Babylonians) states quite unambiguously: The privilege of operating a flying machine is great. The knowledge of flight is among the most ancient of our
inheritances. A gift from ‘those from upon high’. We received it from them as a means of saving many lives.

The Old Testament’s story  of  Moses being  placed in a basket and floated down the river to be found by a royal family mirrors the earlier Sumerian account of King Sargon.

Sumerian Star Gods

In agreement with biblical history, Sumerian texts documented stories of extraterrestrials called ‘star gods’ who interbred with human women and took the earthly kings to the stars.  According to
the Sumerians, the ‘star gods’ were from Mars, the star system Pleiades and the star Sirius. The  Sumerian texts also contain  drawings of  the solar system

From  Waddell’s book, Makers of Civilization, we find that the accounts of Sargon were recorded prior to ancient Egypt and that the  Sargon records were not written in Egyptian hieroglyph, but
Sumerian hieroglyph. The early Sumerian-Egyptian hieroglyph shows Sargon’s grandfather as a world leader known to the Egyptians as Khetm, the Sumerians as  Takhu or Tekhi. In the Old
Sumerian Kings List he was known as Tuke and in the Indian King List he was called Vri-Taka or Dhri-Taka.

Sargon’s father inherited the kingship and became  in Egypt as  Ro but called Puru-Gin in Sumerian-Egptian hieroglyphs. In  the  Old Sumerian Kings List he was known as Buru-gina;  in the
Indus Valley Seals he was Buru or Puru  and in the Indian king lists he was called Puru (II).

Inscriptions about  King Sargon were discovered in one of the oldest tombs located at Abydos in Upper Egypt. Waddell recognized the inscriptions as of  the same script he had seen on the
Sumerian seals found in the Indus Valley.

In the early Sumerian script King Sargon was known under his personal name of Gin-Ukus and in Egypt he was known under his personal name as Gin-Ukussi.  The title Ukus or Ukussi in
Egypt signifies that he was ‘descendant of the first Sumerian king, Ukusi or Ukhu ( meaning Sun Hawk) …the first Aryan King. Both the Indian Epics and their Holy Books, the Vedas, uses the
solar title of  Ikshwaku or Ukusi of Ukhu. All these kings of the Sumer Empire were given ‘solar titles’ because of the  emphasis on the worship of the Sun and the symbolism of the Sun as God.
It is extremely likely that Horus or Haru, the Egyptian Son of God came from the Sumerian word, Hu or Ha, meaning ‘HAWK’. (Hawk  or Sun-Hawk was a Sumerian symbol for the Sun)

King Menes

Menes, son of Sargon and the first Egyptian Pharoah, led a revolt against his father and took  control of Egypt, declaring it independent of Sumer. As a result, Sargon not only disinherited him but
gave the succession of kingship to Sargon;s younger brother. After  a decade or more his brother died and Mene’s took over the kingship, uniting Sumer again with Egypt.  (Evidence now points
to Menes dying  on an ocean voyage to the West. )

Ireland and Scotland

The Egyptians established a colony in Ireland . The Egyptologist, Lorraine Evans, Kingdom of the Ark’, suggests that the colonists were  led by Princess Scotia, daughter of Akhenaten and half
sister to Tutankhamen.   She died in battle and the grave yet today is marked by a slab that has  never been excavated. Scotia’s descendents went on to become of the High kings of Ireland at
TARA in County Meath and then continued on to Scotland which means ‘Land of Scotia’.

King Dan I (ODIN) commenced his reign in Scandinavia in the year 1040 B.C. and his family line was known to have stretched back to Troy.

O-DIN is a title indicative of  Kingship or Shepherd lineage. (Also  known as WO-DEN, WO-TAN and DAN)  ODIN  comes from the  Hebrew ADONAI which means “LORD”.   The families
descended from ODIN derive from the ancient Trojan Kings.

Ancient classical and extra-Biblical sources indicate that the TROJAN KINGS were of the ROYAL LINE OF JUDAH and that they were closely related to other ROYAL FAMILIES IN IONA, GREECE
AND CRETE. The early British king-line is traditionally DESCENDED THROUGH THE TROJAN KINGS, and the kings of Ireland are stated to have sprung from the MILESIAN ROYAL FAMILY in
IONA into which ‘Pharaoh’s daughter’ married.”  .  Priam Herman L. Hoeh traced Odin’s linege  back to Jacob, which confims he was of the kingship line.

“Accepting these sources,” notes the magazine, “the royal families of the NORTHERN NATIONS OF EUROPE — Irish-Scottish, Early British, Frankish, Norwegian — are all of the SCEPTRE TRIBE
OF JUDAH and the many intermarriages of these royal lines would thus all be within the one great royal family of which so much is prophesied in Scripture.Queen Elizabeth II has stated that she
is WODEN-BORN” (Dec. 1981. Christian Israel Foundation, Walsall, England. P. 117).

“….The Battle of Troy, indeed Troy itself, was long thought of as just part of  incredible Greek legends or mythology. Troy and the events pertaining to it were still considered to be pure
mythological when Charles McLaren sugested, back in 1822, that a certain mound in eastern Turkey, called Hissarlik, was the site of the Homeric Troy. It was only when a businessman named
Heinrich Schliemann, risking his own money, came up with spectacular discoveries as he dug up the mound in 1870, that scholars began to acknowledge the existence of Troy. It is now
accepted that the Battle of Troy had actually taken place in the thirteenth century B.C. It was then, according to the Greek sources, that “gods”  and men had fought side by side; in such beliefs the
Greeks were not alone.

Shortly after arriving in Scandinavia from Thrace, ODIN embarked on a venture that was to take him, along with his followers, thousands of miles across the ocean to a mystical land
shrouded in legend.
 This was a result of the descendants of the original migrants seeking to establish their kingdom and authority over the people: “And then they remembered what had
been said about THE EAST. This is when they remembered the instructions of their fathers
. The ancient things received from their fathers were not lost. The tribes gave them their wives,
becoming their fathers-in-law as they took wives. And there were THREE OF THEM who said, as they were about to go away: ‘We are GOING TO THE EAST, WHERE OUR FATHERS CAME
FROM,’ they said, then they followed their road…There were only THREE [who went across the sea], but they had skill and knowledge….They advised all their brothers, elder and younger, who
were left behind. They were glad to go: ‘We’re not dying. We’re coming back,’ they said when they went, yet it was these same three who WENT CLEAR ACROSS THE SEA. And then they
ARRIVED IN THE EAST; THEY WENT THERE TO RECEIVE LORDSHIP” (Popol Vuh: The Mayan Book of the Dawn of Life, translated by Dennis Tedlock. A Touchstone Book, published by Simon
& Schuster. N.Y. 1986. P. 203).

“SONS [descendants] OF THE PRIEST-KINGS RETURNED TO THE EAST, where they received from the KING OF THE EAST the insignia and symbols of ROYALTY, including the canopy and
throne. They then RETURNED TO RULE THE TRIBES” (ibid.,).

Where did these Quiche Maya journey to? From what line of great kings in the EAST did they receive their royal authority? From a descendant of the GREAT TOLTEC RULER who conducted
their ancestors to TULA IN MEXICO shortly after the Exodus!

In The Two Babylons, compiled by Alexander Hislop, the author tells us that “from the researches of Humboldt we find that THE MEXICANS CELEBRATED WODAN AS THE FOUNDER OF
THEIR RACE, just as our own ancestors did. The  ODIN OF SCANDINAVIA can be proven to be the SAME AS THE WODAN OF MEXICO...” Continues Hislop: “…the fact that that name had been
borne by some illustrious hero among the supposed ANCESTORS OF THE MEXICAN RACE, is put BEYOND ALL DOUBT by the singular circumstance that THE MEXICANS HAD ONE OF
THEIR DAYS CALLED WODANSDAY, exactly as we ourselves have” (Loizeaux Brothers, N.J. 1959. Pp. 133-134).

The MAYAS claim that their kingdom was founded by a great EASTERN RULER NAMED ODEN OR VOTAN OR DAN by some of their tribes. And according to legend he was a WHITE MAN who
CAME BY SEA FROM THE EAST, bringing an infusion of new people to their land – TEN CENTURIES BEFORE THE TIME OF CHRIST, notes the historian Ordonez!

This VOTAN — who was also worshipped as a god — was famous for having himself journeyed to a land where a great TEMPLE was being built.

Do we have a king in Europe, living at the time SOLOMON’S TEMPLE was being built (around 1000 B.C.), who had dominion OVER THE SEAS, who was worshipped as a God, and whose
name sounded like Votan? Yes –  WODEN or ODIN, KING OF DENMARK from 1040-999 B.C.. He was worshipped later as a great god. Scandinavian literature is replete with accounts of his
DISTANT JOURNEYS which took him away from his homeland for many months, sometimes years. — Compendium of World History, Vol. II. P. 91.

In the Native Races of the Pacific States, by Hubert H. Bancroft, we find that ODIN gave his name to the “FOREST OF DAN” in the land of the QUICHE INDIANS — just as KING ODIN or DANUS
gave his name to DENMARK (DANMARK) (Pp. 163 & 549 — Vol. V). Also, “DAN…founded a monarchy on the GUATEMALAN PLATEAU” (Vol. I, p. 789). Odin’s capital in Mesoamerica — built for the
Canaanites he brought from the east — was called AMAG-DAN.

The book Fingerprints of the Gods mentions that “there were other gods, among the Maya…, whose identities seemed to merge closely with those of Quetzalcoatl. One was VOTAN, a great
civilizer, who was described as pale-skinned, bearded and wearing a long robe. Scholars could offer no translation for his name but his principal symbol, like that of Quetzalcoatl, was a
serpent.” (By Graham Hanthingy. Crown Trade Paperbacks, N.Y. 1995. P. 103.)

VOTAN  was also known as ITZAMANA; and the Mayan religious texts known as the Books of Chilam Balaam, reported that “the first inhabitants of Yucatan were the ‘People of the Serpent.’ They
came from the EAST in boats across the water with their leader ITZAMANA, ‘Serpent of the East,’ a healer who could cure by laying on hands, and who revived the dead.”

The foremost symbol of the Israelite tribe of DAN was the SERPENT; and McClintock and Strong, in their Encyclopedia of Religious Knowledge, tell us that the standard of three Israelite tribes —
DAN, NAPHTALI and ASHER — was a serpent  – with the motto: “Return, O Jehovah, unto the many thousands of Israel.” Yair Davidy, in his work The Tribes, states that “the TRIBE OF DAN was
represented by a SNAKE…and the symbol of a snake was once worshipped in Ireland” (p. 211) *Remember the Irish folklore speaking of “driving the serpents out of Ireland”


In the beginning, the people knew only one God who created heaven and earth and everything, and that his seat of government was in heaven. A temple was erected to their God and cared for
by the priests. The people brought to the temple presents and alms which was their manner of worship —UNTIL a GREAT LORD called RURULCAN ( KUKULCAN)  came from OUTSIDE
THEIR  LAND with his own people, who  worshipped idols…and from these strangers and their god began the  worship of idols.

Relacion de Quinacama o Moxpipe, Sautillana and Xiu narrated: “The old  ones of this province say that before the Mexicans conquered their lands they did not worship idols. The leader of the
Mexicans, known as   QUETZALCOATL  INTRODUCED IDOLATRY, Their idols of the gods was make from wood, clay and stone and the people were forced to worship them and offer them
things of the hunt, merchandise and above all BLOOD from their noses and ears and THE HEARTS OF SOME WHOM THEY SACRIFICED in their service. They perfumed them with smokes of
copal, which is the incense of this land; and this custom remained until the Spanish conquistadores conquered them.

Mayan and Aztec texts state that A GREAT LEADER arrived from the Gulf of Mexico with a complement of astronomers, architects and priests , claiming his descent from the sun. The  Aztecs
called the man/god QUETZALCOATL and the Mayans called him KUKULCAN. His men wore sandals and robes and taught the natives to read and write, build, weave and worship the sun.

This of course was ODIN OR VOTAN OF SCANDINAVIA (The Third Quetzalcoatl) who   introduced idolatry and human sacrifice into Mesoamerica.

So here we have the records of a DANISH KING sailing across the ocean to Mesoamerica and planting COLONIES OF RED MEN FROM EUROPE and Thrace in the YUCATAN and
GUATEMALAN HIGHLANDS.   After vesting the visiting descendants of the priest-kings who founded Tula with the symbols of royalty and rulership, Odin traveled back to Mesoamerica with them,
planting new colonies of Canaanites in the Yucatan and Guatemalan highlands. The newly vested priest-kings were placed in rulership over them. It is a FACT that Mesoamerican traditions
universally assigned WHITE LEADERS to every major recorded historic migration of the AMERICAN INDIAN from northwestern Europe

The Books of Chilam Balaam, reported that “the first inhabitants of Yucatan were the ‘People of the Serpent.’ It is more than interesting to note that the foremost symbol of the Israelite tribe of
DAN was the SERPENT; and McClintock and Strong, in their encyclopedia of religious knowledge, tell us that the standard of three Israelite tribes — DAN, NAPHTALI and ASHER — was a
serpent or basilisk.

” I Shall Return”

Shortly after the group arrived in the valley of Mexico the leaders, according to the traditions, either left for home or continued  on their quest. Those voyagers who remained in the region settled
near the highest mountains they could find and built the city of Tula in an easily defensible location. Eventually they married into the local population, teaching the arts of civilization. According to
the Popul Vuh, when their leaders returned, the settlers decided  not to return to their homeland, but to stay.

When the Spaniard Cortez invated Montezuma, the Aztec leader  reminded his ministers and high dignitaries:

“You know, as I do, that our ancestors did not hail from this country we live in, but came here from a far distant land, led by a GREAT PRINCE. This prince then left the country again with only a
few of his followers, but returned a long time afterwards. He saw that our ancestors, his subjects, had built towns, had chosen wives from the daughters of the country, and had had children by
them; that they had settled in their new land and would not go back with him.  Since they no longer wanted him as their ruler, he left,   announcing that he would  return  with an immense army or
send someone in his name to take back what was his due.: (Recorded in “In Search of the Roots of Ancient American Civilization,” New Dawn, April/May 1994. Number 24)

Upon meeting Cortez face-to-face, Montezuma told the interloper:

“For a long time and by means of our writings, we have possessed a knowledge, transmitted from our ancestors, that neither I nor any of us who inhabit this land are of native origin. We are
FOREIGNERS and came here from very remote parts. We possess information that our lineage was led to this land by a PRINCE to whom we all owed allegiance” .


The  Precursors to the AZTECS were  the TOLTECS, whose capital, TOLLAN, was reportedly one of the most magnificent cities in Mexico. Enjoying great wealth, the TOLTECS were highly
skilled in cutting Jade, casting gold aong with other works of the craftsman and the ‘feather-worker’. Reference: Maya: The Riddle and Rediscovery of a Lost Civilization
Toltec laws were said to have been strict but justly enforced, and their most important priest-king  was QUETZALCOATL. ,The Tulteca men, particularly in time of warmth, dressed in their cloaks and trunks of cotton; and in times of coldness they donned some long jackets without sleeves, which reached to their
knees, with their cloaks and trunks; they wore shoes in their style, cotaras or catles [cactli] of henequen.The Tulteca women wore their huipiles and petticoats and likewise their cotaras of their own; and when they went outside they donned some white cloaks (toxquemetl) embroided with many
colors, sharp-pointed at the shoulders, as in the manner of a hood of a friar although they reached to the knee pits.The priests wore white or black tunics that reached to the ground, with hoods that covered their heads. Their hair was plaited and reached to their shoulders. Their eyes were always  lowered
and humble, their feet bare at the time of their fasts and when they were in the temple. They seldom wores shoes unless they went outside on a long journey.When the Tultecas fought, they wore clothes in the manner of tunics of a ‘thousand colors’ that hung down to their heels, embroided and very thick and heavy. Some carried long lances and
others spear throwers and clubs studded with iron (iron swords?)  They wore helmets of copper and gold, and some used bucklers, principally those who carried the studded iron clubs.The TUNICS OF A THOUSAND COLORS  is one of the identifying signs of the Israelite tribes descended from Joseph — and is the origin of the TARTANS worn by the clans of Scotland…
Language points to Native American Indian Contacts with the Tribe of Dann
DAN, ESAU, and REDSKINSDene tribes(the name used for themselves by the Apache and other Athabaskans, i.e., Navajo) are derived from the Han tribe in China, thereby fitting in with traditional scholarship explaining
the origin of many of the cultures in the western portion of America.Research has shown a Celtic element in Dene, presumably via the Italic-Celtic of the Tokharian B dialect of the northern Tarim Oases and the Sino-Tibetan border of Kan-su, or else via more
recent incursions of Celtic culture across the Atlantic.Apache (Dene (Dine) from Dan meaning people (also includes Navajo) comes from apachu which is a derivitive of Ponchteca, a  Mayan name for trading people, which is a Zuni word for
enemy. Apaches also called themselves Tinde or lnde (a.k.a. Dene). They were late comers to America from Asia, from the time of Ghengis Khan’s Mongol escapades (1233- 1300) up to the
1400’s and even later. They were excellent horsemen. The same area of China where the red-headed and white people are buried is a high plateau and mountainous area containing a
people (today) who are the best horsemen in Asia and who spend much of their lives on horses. Is there a possibility these Apache and Navajo (Dene) peoples were influenced so much by
Danites (who drifted eastward from their captivity in Assyria before turning and heading west) that they called themselves after that name?Alibamu Indians similarity to the Hebrew word, Oholibamah, meaning tent-dweller.Mandan is a Siouan word. Mandans called themselves Numakik,meaning people.
There is some evidence that the Sioux red people were seeded by the Danites Ireland and Scandinavia. Many similarities exist, including their tall statures and their same sweat lodges. Ref:
The Kensington Rune StoneThe Arikara were Tanish, meaning original people. Dan (people) and ish  which is the Semitic morpheme for human being.Rok means crow of bird people. Absaroke is  is the Crow Indian name for themselves. Rok is a morpheme and is also the snake totem (same as Tribe of Dan). Note also Tanith is the Patron
saint of Carthaginian sailors. (Note Dan (Tan) and Esau/ Phoenicia)

Hopi(u) – means peaceful ones . note similarity to Habiru – Hebrew i.e., moqui

Ojibwa (Anishinabe) means the first people. Note ish is aSemitic for human being. The Chippewa (Ojibwas) and Chippenham are probably variations of the same morpheme seen in
Kjobnhann (Copenhagen), which is pronounced almost identically to Chippenham by the Danes.

Cherokee have said they have been told they are the lost children of Israel.

Early reports from North America include reference to Samoset, the Wampanoag chief who walked out of the woods to greet the Pilgrims in almost perfect English.

There are many references to Gaelic (Welsh) and Hebrew speakers who claimed to be able to communicate with the North American natives in their mother tongue.

The Salishan (Flathead) tribes of the Northwest called themselves Se-lic, a name reminiscent of the Salic Franks of the time before Charlemagne, a time known as the Migration of the
Peoples.What is even more interesting is that a sub-tribe of these Flatheads called themselves Tuadhu (pronounced thingyhu). This is the exact same name as the general proper name for
Franks and other Teutonic tribes, all meaning, The People.  Note also the connection to the red headed Tuatha de Danaan.

Ida Jane Gallagher, in some interesting research, found that whites in Connecticut wanted Indian land for themselves and on April 24, 1729, negotiated with Chief Squantz of the Schaghticoke,
a tribe of Algonquin lineage, for it. The deed was recorded on May 9,1729, and is deposited in the archives of the State Capitol in Hartford, Connecticut, today. The signatures (marks) of the
thirteen chiefs appeared to be a syllabary or alphabet. Dr. Barry Fell has linked them to Basque and Ogam, the Indian deed signatures being the first or first and second syllables of the chiefs
names. Fell earlier had deciphered the Cypro-Minoan signatures of Abenaki chiefs on a 1729 treaty with the British in Nova Scotia, Algonkian signatures on the Nipomuck Indian deed to
Sutton, Massachusetts, (1681), and others. Dr. Fell says that the Cree/Objibwa syllabary used today has many matches with ancient Basque inscriptions. Epigraphers and linguists are
learning that Amerindians had writing systems long before Colonial times.

The Cherokee tell of a ‘white god’ that appeared and gave them the knowledge of the written language. Later they were tricked by another white man and the knowledge of writing was taken
away from them.

All these (above) have been possibilities of Dan and/or other Israelite tribes mixed in with (or having direct influence on) Amerindians. Briefly, can we find possible Esau-ites (Phoenicians) in
America in Indian tribal names?

Chitimacha (man altogether red) inhabited the Louisiana gulf Coast since 600 B.C.E.

Fox (Sauk-Fox) Meskwakihug or Meskwakie  neabs Red Earth People which refers to Atlantis  – These are Muskogean.

Catawba (also Muskogean) called themselves Esaw , meaning people .  Muskogean is of the Sioux linguistic stock.

Barry Fell said the alphabets in ancient America include Arabic, Berber, Carthaginian, Celtic, Cree, Cypriot, Greek, Hebrew, Hiragana, Iberian, Kufi, Latin, Libyan, Minoan, Nashki, Norse, Punic,
Tifinag. Tifinag, remember, is an alphabet, not a language. Any language can be made using Tifinag. Pima is Arabic or Semitic derived from Iberian Punic. Zuni is North African (Libyan).

Fell thinks of the Pima Indians as descendants of some Celt-Iberian tribe that had been converted to the use of the Punic language by Phoenician colonists in Spain, and whose more
adventurous members migrated to the Lands Beyond the Sunset under Phoenician leadership.(West)

His first attention was to a white leather sun-disk in the Pueblo materials in the Peabody Museum of Archaeology at Harvard University, which had been obtained from New Mexico after a
religious ceremony of the Shiwi (Zuni) in 1891. On it was painted the Libyan letters T-M, a formula adopted in Egypt as the phonetic rendering of Atum

ShupShe, a learned Indian scholar of high rank in the Mide Grand Medicine Lodge of the Miami-Potawatomi of Indiana, suggested that both the story-content and the actual vocabulary of these
North African tales may have reached the Pima from visiting Arab-Berber traders in pre-Columbian times or even later. Koranic influence is apparent in the story of the Flood of Noah. Greek
influence appears in the myth of Persephone and the Fables of Aesop. Many of the petroglyphs in the deserts of Nevada, California, and Idaho (Wees Bar) are similar to those of North Africa,
including the name Mohammed and Koranic religious expressions.

Balboa and other early explorers referred to scattered groups of white Indians, black Indians, and traditions of pygmies .. white, North African tribes in the American Southwest that the Hopi,
Zuni, Papago, Pueblo, etc. called the ancient ones,and whom we call Anasazi, Hohokam, and Mogollion. The big question, besides who were they originally, is where did they disappear to
between 1250-1300?

Dr. James L. Guthrie wrote in his Comparison of Gene Frequency Distributions about the Melungeons, one of about 200 isolate populations of the Eastern U.S. who seem to be a union of
Europeans, Amerindians, and Blacks. The Melungians of Tennessee, Virginia, and North Carolina, including the Lumbee Indians, are unique. His studies conclude that the Black portion turns
out to be Portuguese; also, none of them are Indians. Rollin Gillespie (a member of the Epigraphic Society) postulates that these Melungeons descended from Milesians, the founders of
Milan, who fled their Anatolian homeland in 494 B.C.E. Most went to Ireland and Iceland by way of Cadiz. Gillespie relates Caesar’s difficulty in driving the Melungeons from their island
stronghold in 52 B.C.E., and suggests that some escaped to America. A portion of the story tells that they were the friendly White Indians who absorbed the ost Colony of Roanoke in 1587, an
idea supported by the appearance among the Melungeons of family names that were present In the Roanoke colony.

Henriette Mertz, in Atlantis, Dwelling Place of the Gods, presents the case for immigration by Christian Portuguese to Florida in 734 to escape the Moors. Anthropologists studied a sample,
177 people from Hanthingy County, Tennessee, and Lee County, Virginia, and the results showed the Melungeons to be Caucasian: more like Portuguese than English, with negligible input
from Blacks or Indians. Briefly, all the data shows no distinguishing differences between Melungeons and certain people of Libya, the Canary Islands, Malta, Italy, Portugal, and Spain. This
distribution generates a map, almost, of the Phoenician, or Sea-People settlements. Nearly as close were certain populations of Ireland, Sweden, France, Britain, Germany, and the
Netherlands. Again, where we find Phoenicians being traced anywhere, Dan was among them.

To conclude this, to this day the Portuguese laugh at the traditional story of Columbus. They themselves had mapped Newfoundland and Nova Scotia by 1424 and their knowledge seems to
have been based on centuries of transatlantic navigation. Note, too, that some of the Mediterranean people (Phoenicians and Danites) were called Phoinikes, meaning redskins.

To return briefly to Dan and Phoenicia in America, there was the legend of St. Brendan,(Tribe of Dan) who, with a party of 17 monks, made a voyage to America in a leather ship 400 years
before the Vikings and 1,000 years before Columbus (all documented in Latin texts dating back at least to 800 C.E.). The round-trip voyage took seven years. He reported things like pillars of
crystal floating in the sea (icebergs). The boat was made of 49 ox hides stitched over a wooden frame like a patchwork quilt. Tim Severn tells about finding in Ari, the Learned Book of the
Icelanders, dated 1133, a report that Vikings found books, bells, and croziers left by Irish priests on Iceland. In Greenland, the first Norse reported finding stone huts and fragments of skin
boats. These were not Eskimo boats, different completely from their kayaks.


Another voyage by an Irishman (Danite) across the Atlantic was that of Cuchulainn. The two best known figures of South America are Quetzalcoatl and Kukulcan, both reputed to be white men
who arrived from and departed to the east. According to Mayan records, Kukulcan arrived in 987 A.D. The Mayan hieroglyphic dates have been verified by radiocarbon dating. I will skip the
original and lengthy story, but the conclusion is that an Irish oral history has an Irishman named Cuchulainn traveling westward to a new land and retuming…and also accounts written in
South America told that a white man  named Kukulcan arrived from the east, stayed awhile, then returned to his home. My interest in this is, of course, that we have just another record (of
many) of Dan sailing all over the world and especially of his coming to the Americas.

…and in thy seed shall all the families of the earth be blessed.

Jean Hunt tells how she read Lewis Spences Atlantis in America and of her finding in it an explanation of who the Cabiri were. Spence apparently quoted Sanconiathon as saying that the cult
of the Cabiri was of Carthaginian origin and of its being associated with Osiris. The cult of the Cabiri appears to have been brought from North Africa to Egypt and Greece. What is interesting
about these Cabiri is that they are said to have been the inventors of boats, of the arts of hunting and fishing, and of building and husbandry. They also invented the art of writing and the use of
salt and of medicines.    Ref: Blessing given to Esau and Jacob ie. Phoenicia and Israel

Ignatius Donnelly in his Atlantis: The Antediluvian World. Among the ancient nations, there was a general belief that the art of writing was known to the antediluvians. The Druids, for example,
believed in books more ancient than the Flood. They styled them “the books of Pheryllt, and the writings of Pridian or Hu”  Berosus, speaking of the time before the Deluge, says:Oannes
(Noah) wrote concerning the generations of mankind and their civil polity   Noah would have lived during the time of the Anunnaki influence. )

If you can put Noah as Oannes, than you can then make the connection as well to the Dogans, which has the purest record of history of the time when the people came from the sky and taught them the secrets of the universe.

Read my Dogon Website http://www.burlingtonnews.net/dogons

The Little People , Esau and Druidism

Continuing with Jean Hunt, the Hebrews preserved a tradition that the Ad-ami, the people of Ad, or Adlantis, possessed, while yet dwelling in Paradise, the art of writing.
Jean Hunt attempted to prove that the little people found in most of the coastal regions of the world were survivors of the flood of Atlantis. Most if not all these people were found on coastal
areas of earth, and were red people.

Could these people been (Esau-ites) , which would have fit with the blessings given Esau by his father Isaac.
Further conjecture would make creditable our belief that the Gods themselves taught Adam and Eve in the Garden how to do many things, writing perhaps being one of them. Shem could have
brought books across the Flood with him and given them to Abraham, who passed them on down his own line. Shem, may have been also whom Genesis refers to as Melchizedek. BUT
Shem also means…those that came down from the Sky. Which again fits right in with the Dogon History .

Where, then, are these books today? Probably not in existence now, although some might have crossed over the Flood only to disappear later, but not before parts of them had been copied or
memorized then written later. Again, the only complete reference to this period of time is found in the Dogon tradition.

Several Christian writers allude to the existence of a Druidic literature in ancient Ireland. We are told that St. Patrick, in his Roman Catholic religious zeal, burnt 180 books belonging to the Irish
Druids. Also St. Patrick drove the snakes out of Ireland…Snakes referring to the Dan Tribe?

Druids knew and used Ogam (.the Ancient written language of the Celtic nations )Reading and writing were against the law during that time. The Druids also had available to them the
Mysteries of Alchemy which were found in their ancient books later to be destroyed.

Fferyllt remains in modern Welsh as “fferyllydd” for chemist or pharmacist. Fferyllt is referred to as “Druid Alchemists” …”Books of Merlyn”
Lay persons illegally learning and using Ogam were given the geasa, the Druid death curse. With both Caesar’s (Tribe of Dan) and later the Christian persecutions, Druidism disappeared
from public view. A 14th century Irish monk prevented its total loss when he copied some 70 versions of it from older manuscripts into the Ogam Tract of the Book of Ballymote, now in the Irish
Museum in Dublin, Ireland. Robert Graves and Barry Fell both discovered and reported it (both independently) in modern books, The White Goddess by Graves and America B. C. by Fell.(23)

It is these (alphabets and written languages) that Fell and others have found engraved in rocks all over the North and South American continents, Europe, North Africa, and other places. That
Europeans, Asians, and Africans had no contact with this land before Columbus is a fantasy, still held, unfortunately, by some die hard professionals who stick to their own pet theories and
refuse to look at, or seriously consider, the facts.

Reference Search: Grave creek inscription

The researcher and author who collated the above history, Mary Sutherland, has a website here and I am re-sharing this to put this true lineage of Dann and Little history here for my children, and for readers of this blog to access in one place.


Tags: 23 and Me,aliens,angelic,Annunaki,CHILDREN,Chuck Missler,Christ,Danaan,Dann,DNA,Druid,Egypt,end times,England,Fallen Angels,family history,FunVax,geneology,genetics,giants,Ireland,Little,Lucifer,Nephilim,red-haired giants,redhead,religion of Lucifer is witchcraft,revelation,Royal family,scotland,serpent seed,Steve Quayle,Sumerian,True History,VMAT2,witchcraft

@EatingToAscend http://eatingtoascend.com

Angels, Anunnaki, Fallen Angels, Nephilim, VMAT2 GOD GENE , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,


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