Secrets of Cymatics, DNA, and the Egyptians

Secrets of Cymatics, DNA, and the Egyptians

September 30, 2019


Did you know that there is a link between Nikola Tesla, music, DNA, and the Giza Pyramids?Seems far fetched, but I’ll show you what it is…

Did you notice the Tesla coil? Nikola Tesla clearly knew about cymatics* back in the 1890’s…

*Cymatics is defined as the study of how sound affects matter.

If you were paying attention you may also have noticed the phrase “Everything owes it’s existence solely, and completely, to sound.”The original clip explaining that phrase can be found here, and incidentally that assertion was something that Nikola Tesla hinted at as well when he said:

To start to make sense of this, let’s look at how nature works.

Nature and the Fibonacci series (phi)

As shown in the short video above, the fibonacci series is found literally everywhere in nature, and its ratio (phi) is approximately equal to 1.618 (and its reciprocal is 0.618…).

Here are some examples from nature:

Phi can even model the reproduction of rabbits, which is in fact how Fibonacci first encountered the ratio:

The phi ratio also encodes the physical dimensions of the human body:

And not surprisingly, the phi ratio can be found in our DNA:

As you can see illustrated above, DNA is structured according to a 12-sided dodecahedral framework, and thus the axial view of DNA (i.e. as viewed from above) forms a pentagram:

What’s interesting with that, is that a pentagram also encodes phi:

Here’s a lovely computer graphic (borrowed from here) that further illustrates how DNA is structured according to phi. There’s more information on this here as well.

Now, as the Cymatics music video at the top of this page showed, matter responds to sound frequencies – and DNA is no different.

With that in mind, it should be possible to reverse-engineer DNA to find out what sound frequencies DNA is responding to…  and thankfully, someone has already done that work for us!…

The four fundamental frequencies of DNA

Below is an excerpt from this article discussing an academic paper titled “The Infrared Frequencies of DNA Bases, as Science and Art“. The paper is written by Susan Alexjander, an internationally known musical artist, who, in collaboration with Dr. David W. Deamer, professor of Chemistry and Biochemistry at the University of California, Santa Cruz, actually recorded the music of DNA!

The following might be a tricky read, but pay attention – it’s awesome stuff!

“In 1988 the author and biologist Dr. David Deamer collaborated on a science/art project which consisted of measuring the vibrational frequencies of the four DNA base molecules, translating them into ‘sound,’ programming them into a Yamaha synthesizer and using this tuning system as the basis for original compositions entitled Sequencia (1990 and ’94 CD).

The realization of biological, infrared frequencies into sound has resulted in unusual insights into the harmonic fabric of DNA, and reactions from listeners suggest that our bodies may have a way of recognizing their own electromagnetic patterns through the resonance of tone. 

The bases of DNA and RNA have certain resonance frequencies related to the absorption of infrared light. This is a common property of all organic molecules, and in fact infrared spectra are used as a primary diagnostic characteristic in analytical procedures.

As the light is passed through the sample, it is absorbed by the sample at specific frequencies and the instrument plots the absorption bands as a spectrum. 

For reference, below (left) is what the electromagnetic spectrum looks like,and on the right you see an example of what the data from magnetic resonance spectroscopy looks like. This technique is also used in MRI scans (i.e. “Magnetic Resonance Imaging”).

(…) The problem of getting the frequencies within hearing range can be solved by recognizing that any hertz number divided in half or doubled will produce its corresponding lower or upper octave, respectively, whether it be sound or light. Thus, 8.7 x 1013 Hz can be divided in half, again and again, to create lower and lower octaves. Finally we derive, after dividing 36 times, a workable frequency which, if it were sound, would fall within the range of hearing. Thus we would have for the example above 1266, which is a very comfortable frequency for the ear, corresponding to a (slightly sharp) D#.  

To clarify, what is being discussed here is simply taking the sound frequency and scaling it along octaves, much like moving up or down a piano. See this chart for reference of frequency scale on a piano.

The frequencies recorded are far outside the threshold of the human ear which is between 20 and 20,000 Hertz, and hence why the recordings had to be scaled to lower octaves. The sound of DNA is way off the scale on the right, beyond even the hearing of dolphins.

(…) Four base molecules were measured: adenine, cytosine, guanine and thymine.

Each base molecule after being subjected to light yielded about 15 or 18 frequencies; 60 in all. Once this data was collected, it was iterized down into a hearing range and programmed into a Yamaha DX7 IID synthesizer which would create sound banks from any hertz numbers provided as input. A special electronic keyboard was needed because the tunings that were derived were almost all microtones, or tones smaller than a normal half-step (for instance any c to c#) on a piano. 

For further information on how DNA is turned into music, or cymatics in general, this is a great place to start.

As explained here, Susan Alexjander and Dr. Deamer found that there were four fundamental frequencies that appear in DNA: F#, C#, A and D#.

Alexjander goes on to say:

“Are The Frequencies in DNA Bases Harmonically Ordered? They most certainly are. By comparing all 60 pitches one can find all of the precise ratios found in the first 16 harmonics of the overtone series: octaves, P5th, P4ths, Major and minor thirds, Major and minor 2nds and 7ths; even a ‘flat’ seventh. Mathematically, the odds of this happening at random are almost non-existent.

MATH makes processes visible. It decodes meanings. We can see the self-organizing power of the universe, and because the universe is a community it is constantly communicating. Are the sounds of DNA communicating anything to us?

Sequencia (Alexjander’s DNA-music album) first begins to communicate through its concept, that we can hear the hidden beauty of life. This helps to give us a perspective – to find our place in the “Great Tone.” …

… These particular DNA ratios, originating in light, are profoundly arresting to the ear. This first wakes up the nervous system, puts it on alert. What follows in sound is then allowed to enter our psyches on a deep level. People report feelings of connectedness, familiarity. “I feel right at home,” they say. It is tempting to speculate that the body is recognizing itself, and is communicating this to the psyche.”

Resonant frequencies

By now it should be clear that everything in nature is connected to sound, and this  by extension means that everything resonates at a particular frequency.

Water cells for example have a resonant frequency of 432Hz at which they form perfectly symmetrical patterns:

432Hz is the harmonic intonation of nature, and is closely related to 8Hz, which is said to be the fundamental “beat” of Earth, known as the Schumann resonance.

To borrow some words from this short article,

Schumann resonance is an electromagnetic resonance, which has its origin in electrical discharges of lightning within the cavity existing between the Earth’s surface and the ionosphere. This cavity resonates with electromagnetic waves in the extremely low frequencies of approximately 7.86Hz – 8Hz.

As for humans, the “ordinary” thought waves created by the human brain range from 14Hz to 40Hz. This range only includes certain types of dendrites belonging to brain cells, predominantly within the left (the more rational) hemisphere of the brain, which is the center of activity.

If the two hemispheres of our brain are synchronized with each other at 8Hz, they work more harmoniously and with a maximum flow of information. In other words, the frequency of 8Hz seems to be the key to the full and sovereign activation potential of our brain.

And speaking of activated brains, here are the words of someone who was aware of the resonant frequency of the Earth, and its connection with us:

8Hz is not only the natural frequency of the Earth, but as it happens 8Hz is also the frequency of the double helix in DNA replication. Melatonin and Pinoline work on the DNA, inducing an 8Hz signal to enable metosis and DNA replication. A form of body temperature superconductivity is evident in this process.

Researching Schumann resonance further (you can start here), it becomes abundantly clear that we are connected to nature in a very profound way.

Not surprisingly, playing and listening to music that has been tuned to 432Hz would make your body, and the organic world which surrounds it, resonate in a natural way. This would fill you with a sense of peace and well-being, regardless of the kind of song chosen to play or listen to.

Opening your ears for music that has been tuned to the “scientific” 432Hz frequency would benefit the entire planet and everyone who lives on it. Listening to 432Hz music resonates inside your body, releases emotional blockages, and expands consciousness. 432Hz music allows you to tune into the knowledge of the universe around us in a more intuitive way.

With that in mind, one can only wonder why the standard tuning frequency was changed from A= 432Hz to A=440Hz around 80 years ago… given that listening to music tuned to the “disharmonic” 440Hz frequency does harm by causing stress, negative behaviors and unstable emotions…

Knowing what you now know about  resonance and frequencies, it perhaps shouldn’t come as a great surprise that a Japanese researcher called Masaru Emoto found that water cells responded differently to different words, and even thoughts.

In other words, words and thoughts have frequencies that can resonate with water… which is particularly remarkable given that humans are made up of mostly water!

That is rather awesome, but what’s even more amazing is that water isn’t the only thing that has a resonant frequency that can be manipulated, as three people in particular discovered in the last century or so:

  1. Nikola Tesla

Tesla invented a medium for wireless transportation of electricity (i.e. the Wardenclyffe Tower, pictured below) by understanding the natural resonant frequency of the Earth.

Unfortunately, the powers that be (in this case Tesla’s financiers JP Morgan and Westinghouse) pulled all funding and he was kept broke and isolated in a hotel room for the rest of his life as there was no way for wireless electricity (or many of his other brilliant inventions) to be monetized. For anyone interested in learning more about this story I recommend reading this biography.

  1. Dr. Royal Rife

An American inventor by the name of Dr. Royal Raymond Rife (1888-1971) found that pathogens, bacteria, and viruses (including cancer) each had a resonant frequency, and was able to target and destroy these cells by means of an electronic resonator.

Needless to say, he too was shut down by the big-money pharmaceutical powers, as there’s no money to be made from curing people…

I highly recommend reading more about Royal Rife and his invention, perhaps starting with this article. This website also has a wealth of good information.

  1. Ed Liedskalnin

Another person who discovered the secrets of resonance was Ed Liedskalnin, who build Coral Castle by moving huge blocks of limestone using only a harmonic oscillator based on magnetism.

There are plenty of videos on youtube about Ed Liedskalnin and Coral Castle which I recommend looking into. I also highly recommend checking out this site for more information.

Speaking of moving huge stone blocks, perhaps this was the way megaliths (weighing hundreds of tonnes – far beyond the lifting capacity of “modern” equipment) were moved in the past…

Megaliths and the Pyramids

Here are just a handful of examples of huge megalithic structures found around the world:

Let’s take a closer look at the Giza Pyramid, in particular its geometry.

As this article outlines, the dimensions of the pyramid vary from phi (discussed earlier) by only 0.025% (3.67cm), and from Pi by only 0.121% (17.7cm). The pyramids also have incredibly precise architecture and engineering feats (eg. cutting and measuring huge stones to fit perfectly, while also incorporating interior shafts at angles – none of which modern machinery can replicate).

Consider this also:

  • The latitude of the Giza pyramid is 29.9792458°N
  • The speed of light in a vacuum is 299,792,458 m/s.

Coincidence? Hmm…

The Giza pyramid complex also perfectly aligns with the stars in the Belt of Orion (image shows stars superimposed on the pyramids):

And last but not least, as the article referenced earlier pointed out, each of the four chambers of the Giza pyramid have the same four fundamental resonant frequencies as DNA… F#, C#, A and D#!

So to summarize,

  1. The Egyptians lifted and cut millions of huge stone blocks (from miles away no less) in a way no modern machinery can.
  2. They encoded phi and pi into their structure in a way so precise that no modern architecture can.
  3. The latitude of the Giza pyramid exactlymatches the speed of light.
  4. The pyramid complex perfectly aligns with Orion’s belt.
  5. The resonant frequency of the four chambers of the pyramids match that of DNA.

So, the Egyptians were primitive, right…

At the very least, we can conclude that the architects of the Great Pyramid of Giza were extremely intelligent and had a very advanced knowledge of math and astronomy far beyond the standard of their time – and probably even far beyond what is taught in our schools and universities today.

So that begs the question, what happened to that knowledge?

Here’s a clue … notice the apron and necklace in particular:

Big happy family…

Oh, and this guy…

To end this post, and to take us back to where we started (with Nikola Tesla), take a look at the object in the pharaoh’s hand…

It would certainly seem as if the Ancient Egyptians knew more about electricity and nature than we’re told…

2. Leylines: An Introduction

As I showed in my previous post on Cymatics, the ancient Egyptians clearly had incredibly advanced knowledge of nature, science, magnetism, and astronomy (among many other things).

I recommend reading that post first if you haven’t already before reading further here, as I’m picking off where I left off to connect some more dots with regards to ancient knowledge.

This post might feel like something of a history lesson, but I’m laying some really important groundwork here so rest assured that the purpose behind all of this information will become clear once I start to pull things together in my next couple of posts. 🙂

For now, let’s go back to the Giza Pyramids…

Pyramids and Megaliths (continued)

To reiterate some of the key points about the Giza pyramids mentioned previously,

  1. The ancient Egyptians lifted and cut millions of huge stone blocks (from miles away no less) in a way no modern machinery can. Ed Liedkalnin’s Coral Castle gives clues as to how they achieved those feats using magnetic resonators.
  2. Phi and pi are encoded in the pyramids in a way so precise that no “modern” architecture can match.
  3. The latitude of the Giza pyramid exactly matches the digits in the speed of light.
  4. The pyramid complex perfectly aligns with Orion’s belt. The stars of Orion were associated with Osiris, the god of rebirth and afterlife.
  5. The resonant frequency of the four chambers of the pyramids matches that of DNA

Another fun fact (as if those 5 facts aren’t enough on their own…) is that the Great Pyramid’s four faces are aligned to within two seconds of a degree (with 60 seconds in a minute of a degree, and 60 minutes in a degree) off of a 90-degree angle with the four cardinal directions: North, East, South, and West. The chambers in the pyramids are also aligned north-south with an accuracy of up to 0.05 degrees.

Another incredible feat of the Giza pyramid is that its internal shafts line up perfectly with certain constellations: Orion (Osiris); Seth, Isis, Kochab, and Thuban/Alpha Draconis (the significance of these will become significant later on in this post and my next post):

pyramid stars

Remarkably, the Giza pyramids aren’t the only megaliths around the world that used heavy stone blocks (that modern machinery can’t lift) and exhibit precise phi- and pi-based geometries.

For example, the Pyramid of the Sun (“Temple of the Feathered Serpent”) at Teotihuacan in Mexico (pictured below) also encodes advanced maths. Teotihuacan was once home of one of the largest populations on Earth with ca.150,000 people, and the temple was used for sacrifices to deities.

Geometric calculations show that the Pyramid of the Sun is built with minimal deviation from phi and pi, just like the Great Pyramid at Giza. Standing at exactly half the height of the Giza pyramid, the area of it’s base only differs by about 3% (a difference which could partly be down to erosion over time).

Below is a comparative geometric analysis of the heights and bases of the Great Pyramid and the Pyramid of the Sun at Teotihuacan. For a more thorough study read this.

The rectangles generated from the height of each pyramid and its ½ base, when the ½ base is considered to be 1:

Great Pyramid: Pyramid of the Sun
 1.2738853… : 1 (deviates by 0.15 % from the 1.2720196 value for the square root of phi) .6369339… : 1 (deviates by 3.06 % from the 0.618034 value for the reciprocal of phi)

The ratio of the base perimeter to the height:

 Great Pyramid Pyramid of the Sun
 6.2800001… : 1 (deviates by 0.05 % from the 6.2831853 value for 2 x pi)  12.560171… 1 (deviates by 0.05 % from the 12.566371 value for 4 x pi)

The ratios of the bases to one another:

Great Pyramid/Pyramid of the Sun 1.0308101… : 1
Pyramid of the Sun/Great Pyramid  0.9701107… 1

What’s more, just like the Giza pyramids, the three pyramids at Teotihuacan are also perfectly aligned to Orion’s Belt (i.e. Osiris):

In fact, so is the pyramid complex in Xi’an, China…

Pyramids_Orion's Belt (1)

… And newly discovered pyramids in Montevecchia (40km from Milan) also have a similar alignment too. Furthermore, according to this article the inclination degree of these Italian pyramids is apparently 42° 43′, which is the same as the ‘Bent‘ and ‘Red‘ pyramids at Dashur.


If the fact that those pyramids (and many more…) are all aligned to Orion wasn’t enough of an indication that the ancients all over the world knew their astrology, the Teotihuacan complex also perfectly maps the procession of planets within the solar system, as shown below.


It’s quite incredible that this ancient culture was able to build a precise scale model of the solar system, and as shown below the ancient Egyptians had knowledge of the zodiac and precession too, and it’s well known that the Chinese ancients were incredibly advanced in their astronomy as well (I won’t attempt to explain their zodiac wheels here to keep this short):

Clearly, very ancient people in many different traditions gave special importance to precessional numbers, and based their practices and monuments on constellations and precession.

This is very advanced knowledge, much more advanced knowledge than we at one time thought any ancient people had. Precession was only discovered by modern astronomers relatively recently, as were Uranus (1787), Neptune (1846) and Pluto (1930), so the discovery of precessions and movements of planets was known thousands of years ago is remarkable (and it does make you think what else the ancients knew that still hasn’t been “discovered” by mainstream science today…).

Another example of an ancient culture who based their architecture around astronomy and ancient knowledge is found at Angkor Wat in Cambodia, pictured here:

The Angkor Wat complex perfectly encompasses both the Perseus (left) and Draco (right) constellations:

The Draco constellation in particular is associated with the dragon, or serpent, and includes the star Alpha Draconis, which was the star closest to Polaris from 4BC to 2BC. The traditional name of Alpha Draconis, Thuban, means “head of the serpent”. Note that this is also one of the constellations that one of the shafts of the Great Pyramid is aligned to.


It’s also worth noting that the dragon or serpent was (and still is) a key symbol in many other societies too as exemplified by some flags below (left to right: Bhutan, Wales, Qing Dynasty China, and Ljubljana).

Furthermore, in England and Northern Europe, Saint George is also a prominent historical figure who is associated with dragons, hence why the St. George’s cross is prevalent on all Northern European flags. There are for example also numerous statues of St. George slaying a dragon in Stockholm, which is said to be symbolic of man overcoming evil…

The serpent/dragon was also prominent in many other temples around the world, ranging from the Mother Temple of Besakih in Bali, Indonesia (left) to The Serpent Stairwell, Chichen, Mexico (right):

Notice that the Temple of Besakih (Indonesia) and the Mayan Ossuary (also at Chichen Itza, Mexico) curiously show very similar architecture in other ways too, as shown below.

The huge step pyramid (the pyramid of Kukulcan, on the right) has 91 steps on each of its sides, which add up to 364 steps. Including the platform on top, there are 365 steps in total — the number of days in a year. Also, on the vernal and autumnal equinoxes (the first day of spring and fall, when day and night are the same length of time), the sunlight works to create a shadow of a giant serpent on the staircase that faces north… Clearly they were pretty talented astronomers to build such a precise structure!


Temple’s in Cambodia (left) and Guatemala (right) also share some distinctive features:


It should be abundantly clear by now that astronomy was of central importance to all these cultures, and that:

  1. they built their temples using the same phi- and pi-oriented maths;
  2. their structures were very similar aesthetically;
  3. many of them are perfectly aligned to the same star constellations: either Orion (which is associated to Osiris) or Draco (which is associated to serpents);
  4. the serpent was of high importance and worshiped all over the world, from the Temple of the Serpent in Mexico, to the shafts at the Giza Pyramid and the complex at Angkor Wat being aligned to the Draco constellation,  among countless others.

Now what are the odds of them sharing all these traits if they weren’t somehow connected?

Quite small I say…


Still not convinced that there’s a connection between many ancient civilizations? Let’s move on to the main point I wanted to make here then…


What do the following historical sites all have in common (all pictured below)?

Giza Pyramids (Egypt), Siwa (Egypt), Tassili n’Ajjer (Algeria), Paratoari (Peru), Ollantaytambo (Peru), Machu Picchu (Peru), Nazca lines (Peru), Easter Island (Pacific Ocean), Aneityum Island (Vanuatu), Preah Vihear (Cambodia), Sukhothai (Thailand), Pyay (Myanmar), Khajuraho (India), Mohenjo Daro (Pakistan), Persepolis (Iran), Ur (Iraq), Petra (Jordan), Marajó Island (Brazil) and Angkor Wat (Cambodia).

Before scrolling down for the answer, keep in mind what you learned above: The ancients were wise people, who didn’t build things for no reason or without logic (as the examples of advanced maths and astronomy have shown!)…

The answer…

All these ancient sites are all aligned to each other geographically:


As explained here, the azimunthal projection is centered at Mount Denali (where Obama curiously visited and changed the name from Mount McKinley just last summer… Coincidence? hmm…)

Distances to any point from the center of an equal azimuthal projection are equally scaled. Since all of the sites on the great circle alignment shown above are equidistant from the axis point at Denali at one quarter of the given circumference of the earth, the alignment forms a perfect circle halfway between the center and the outer edge of the projection.

To give you an idea of how precisely these sites match the line:

  • Within 1/10th of 1 degree of latitude of the line: Giza Pyramid, Machu Picchu, Nazca lines, and Easter Island, Persepolis (the capital city of ancient Persia), Mohenjo Daro (the ancient capital city of the Indus Valley), and the lost city of Petra in Jordan.
  • Within 1 degree of latitude of the line: the ancient Sumerian city or Ur, and the temples at Angkor Wat.

Angkor Wat/Machu Picchu and Mohenjo Daro/Easter Island are also directly opposite to each other:


Take a moment to consider just how small the chance of this happening is. Do feel free to play around with Google Earth yourself, and you’ll see how big a difference a change of just one or two degrees can have on an alignment over large distances!

Clearly, the many synchronicity’s and mathematical parallels between these ancient ruins demonstrate that the people who constructed them had not only a special regard for celestial bodies and mathematics, but also incredible accuracy.

From Egypt to Mexico, there is absolutely no doubt that past civilizations were involved in very complex maths, astronomical calculations, and architectural achievements.

Although many historians and archaeologists debate exactly what these civilizations did intentionally and what they did by mere chance, it’s beyond reason that the most important ancient sites in the world would share common designs; idols; and both astronomical and geographical alignments, simply by chance.

So why does this matter to us today?

3. Leylines: Part 2

Previous posts (I strongly recommend reading them before reading further here):

  1. Secrets of Cymatics, DNA, and Egyptians
  2. Leylines: An Introduction

Last post I showed you that:

  1. ancients all over the world built their temples using the same phi- and pi-oriented maths;
  2. their structures were very similar aesthetically;
  3. many of them are perfectly aligned to the same star constellations: either Orion (which is associated to Osiris) or Draco (which is associated to serpents);
  4. the serpent was of high importance and worshiped all over the world, from the Temple of the Serpent in Mexico, to Angkor Wat being aligned to the Draco constellation, among countless others.

Clearly there was already a connection based on these facts alone, and (if that wasn’t enough) I also illustrated that many ancient sites are aligned geographically as well, making it indisputable that they are connected somehow.

So, why does this matter to you? To find out, lets first take at trip to the lovely English countryside, where we find Silbury Hill

Silbury Hill

sidbury hill

The Silbury Hill monument in England is officially not classified as a proper pyramid; however, its smooth exterior hides the several man-made steps which constitute the main bulk of the structure.

Here are three intriguing facts about it:

  1. It is the largest prehistoric mound of its kind in Europe, so it’s safe to assume that the construction of this hill was one of the most important undertakings of its time.
  2. The exterior angle of Silbury of Silbury Hill (30°), is the same as the latitude of the Great pyramid, whose exterior angle (51° 51′), is the same as the latitude of Silbury Hill.
  3. The flattened top has the same diameter as the Stonehenge sarsens.

There’s undeniably something going on here if this structure shares geometric and geographical synchronicity with the Great Pyramid at Giza…

… Maybe the nearby Stonehenge can connect some dots for us.

Stonehenge Burial Mound Alignment

Though they are pretty amazing in and of themselves, I won’t bore you with the structural details of Stonehenge (you can find some of them for yourself here).

What I really want to show you is this:

Here you see Stonehenge in Google Earth. There are some circular burial mounds just northwest of the Stonehenge itself, where the yellow line is (more on the red line later in this post).

stonehenge 88.88

Putting a line straight through the center of the 5 mounds sees that the burial mounds line up to exactly 88.88 degrees (as shown below). Keep this number in mind for later – it probably won’t seem like a big deal now, but its significance will become apparent later on in this post.

88.88 stonehenge

What happens if we extrapolate that 88.88 degree line?…

(Sorry changed colour, it’s the bottom red line that’s at 88.88 degrees):



The 88.88 degree line from the Stonehenge burial mounds perfectly aligns with the Diquís Delta, a UNESCO World Heritage site in Costa Rica where hundreds of perfectly spherical stones have been found (pictured below).

The spheres range in size from a few centimeters to over two meters in diameter, and weigh up to 16 tons.

The spheres are scattered throughout the countryside with seemingly no explanation, and are so large and so perfectly rounded that they seem supernatural, with many of them on display in museums:

In the interest of keeping this post short I can’t do justice to the explanation for these spheres now, but just know that they are significant and keep them in mind as I’ll explain the incredible significance of them in a later post.

For now, let’s follow that 88.88 degree line some more and see where it takes us…

Going further, the 88.88 line first passes straight through the Galapagos Islands (another UNESCO World Heritage Site)…


… And then to the proximity of Easter Island:


Easter Island is also a Unesco World Heritage Site, with stone statues each weighing hundreds of tons located all over the island.

The phrase Te pito o te henua has been said to be the original name of the island, which means “the Navel of the World”…

Want to know how many statues there are? …

… Most sources will tell you that there are 887 statues, but there are in fact 888!

Remember the 88.88 alignment… Another coincidence?

Another curious fact is that it was renamed Easter Island (from its orginal name of Rapa Nui) in 1888. Make of that what you will.

Anyways, let’s park the 88.88 for now and look at another “coincidence”. (Keep 88.88 in mind for later though).

Stonehenge Alignment

You may have been wondering what the red line from Stonehenge itself was pointing towards…

stonehenge 88.88

It’s the top one here:


That straight line from Stonehenge passes through Teotihuacan’s Temple of the Feathered Serpent; New York, Troy, and Baalbek…


… And other significant places on that line are Washington DC, Philadelphia, Boston, Baltimore, Atlanta, New Orleans, and Syria, among others.

Let’s take a brief look at Teotihuacan and Baalbek first:

Teotihuacan – Temple of the Feathered Serpent

As I showed in my last post,

  • the Pyramid of the Sun at Teotihuacan shares the same mathematical design principles as other pyramids, notably the Great Pyramid at Giza;
  • the three pyramids at Teotihuacan are aligned to Orion (Osiris), just like many other pyramids;
  • the Teotihuacan pyramid complex outlines the entire solar system.

It is also clear from the carvings and altars on the pyramids themselves that the pyramid was used to make sacrifices to serpent and sun gods:

Temple of Baal (UNESCO Heritage Site)

The temple was consecrated to the Mesopotamian god Bel, who was worshiped at Palmyra in triad with the lunar god (Aglibol) and the sun god (Yarhibol).


“Bel” or “Baal” (/ˈbl/; from Akkadian bēlu), signifying “lord” or “master”, is a title rather than a genuine name, applied to various gods in the Mesopotamian religion of AkkadAssyria and Babylonia.

In the court there were the remains of a basin, an altar, a dining hall, and a building with niches. And in the northwest corner lay a ramp along which sacrificial animals were led into the temple area. (Note that animal sacrifice was prevalent in most cultures around the world too).

So, both Teotihuacan and the temple of Baal were used to worship and make sacrifices to a sun god, and other forms of “gods” or a “master” (in the case of Baalbek also a lunar god).

Moving forward, what other temples can we find on the line connecting Stonehenge, Teotihuacan, and Baalbek?

Other Temples on the Teotihuacan-Stonehenge-Baalbek leyline

As mentioned earlier, that line passes through all 5 of the largest and oldest northeastern US cities, all of which have temples as you shall see in the following 6 examples.


1) House of the Temple, Washington DC

The House of the Temple is a Masonic temple that serves as the headquarters of the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, Southern Jurisdiction, U.S.A. (officially, “Home of The Supreme Council, 33°, Ancient & Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, Southern Jurisdiction, Washington D.C., U.S.A.”)

It is located about one mile directly north of the White House.

Notice the two Egyptian sphinx’s outside, I wonder what they’re doing there…

Inside there is a statue of Albert Pike; keep his name in mind as I’ll cover the significance of him in a later post.

2) Scottish Rite Temple of Freemasonry, Baltimore

3) Masonic Temple, Philadelphia

The Masonic Temple is a historic Masonic building located directly across from Philadelphia City Hall. It serves as the headquarters of the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania.

4) Brooklyn Masonic Temple, New York

The Brooklyn Masonic Temple is regarded as one of the most outstanding structures in the United States. The cornerstone to this beautiful edifice was laid in 1907 as an exact replica of King Solomon’s Temple. Only two other Temples of its kind have been erected in the world, one of which is in Egypt.

In New York there is also a Masonic Grand Lodge (pictured top right), inside of which there is a huge gold statue of George Washington (more on him in my next post).

5) Grand Lodge of Massachusetts, Boston

Located on the same street as where the Boston Marathon Bombing occurred:

Image result for boston masonic lodge        Image result for boston grand lodge

6) Masonic Temple, Atlanta, Georgia

The sign on the grass says “Scottish Rite Bodies”. Also notice the obelisk in front of the temple.

Inside Masonic Temples

Apart from the geography and architectural symbols, another thing these Masonic temples have in common are their interior designs, which all follow a similar design (shown on the right)…

This design is also seen on the aprons worn by freemasons, in many varieties:

… As well as on their masonic finger rings:


Do you notice the sun, the moon, and the third entity in the middle?


It seems rather similar to the triad that was worshiped at Baal Temple doesn’t it…. that is: the lunar god (Aglibol), the sun god (Yarhibol), and Bel “the master”…

Speaking of Baal, you may have noticed the Temple of Baal in the news recently:

A look at recent news…

NY Times (March 19, 2016):

“NEXT month, the Temple of Baal will come to Times Square. Reproductions of the 50-foot arch that formed the temple’s entrance are to be installed in New York and in London, a tribute to the 2,000-year-old structure that the Islamic State destroyed last year in the Syrian town of Palmyra.

Here is Boris Johnson (the UK’s popular new Foreign Secretary…) unveiling the arches of the Temple of Baal arch at Trafalgar Square in London in April:

bal london

So lets get that straight: ISIS (more on them in a moment) destroys an ancient temple of sacrifice in Syria, and the natural response to that is to erect replica arches in London and New York… Makes perfect sense…

As an aside, here’s a TV show by the same name… The Fresh Prince of Bel Air… I wonder who that title is referring to…


Anyways, another big thing in the news lately is “Isis”, who have risen up seemingly from out of nowhere, and waging war in Syria…


ISIS – Terrorist group, or Egyptian Goddess?

Let me remind you now that (as I showed you in my last post) the Great Pyramid is aligned to the Isis (Canis Major) constellation, and that Isis is one of the most important Egyptian goddesses…

isis star


Lets take a closer look at the Isis (Canis Major) constellation, and its main star, Sirius.

I’m going to borrow some words from here. Worth reading that whole article, but for the sake of brevity here’s a snippet:

In Ancient Egypt, Sirius was regarded as the most important star in the sky. In fact, it was astronomically the foundation of the Egyptians’ entire religious system. It was revered as Sothis and was associated with Isis, the mother goddess of Egyptian mythology. Isis is the female aspect of the trinity formed by herself, Osiris and their son Horus.

Ancient Egyptians held Sirius in such a high regard that most of their deities were associated, in some way or another, with the star. Anubis, the dog-headed god of death, had an obvious connection with the dog star* and Toth-Hermes , the great teacher of humanity, was also esoterically connected with the star. [*Canos Major literally means “dog star”]

Wouldn’t you know it, a 25ft tall 7 ton replica of Anubis (the Egyptian god of the dead) actually made a little visit to New York in 2010


For what it’s worth, the Lady Liberty (i.e. the Statue of Liberty) standing in the background there is modeled after the same goddess known as Isis – who was also Venus, Aphrodite, Ishtar* (the wife of the false god, Baal) and Semiramis, the mother of Tammuz:

*Ishtar = “Easter”… Could this be where Easter Ishtar Island got its name?


Baal/master/Horus/all-seeing eye

Now lets consider that masonic logo again…


The Sun and the Moon represent male and female energies of Osiris and Isis, respectively, and their son Horus is in the middle (the eye)…

With that in mind it should be clear by now that this same triad was worshiped at Baal by the Mesopotamian’s, by the ancient Egyptians, as well as by modern freemasons!

By the way, here is the All-seeing eye of Horus (Osiris and Isis’ son) as depicted by the Egyptians (note that the eye is central to the masonic emblem above):

Incidentally, could this be linked to all the one-eye symbolism in Hollywood and the music industry?…

illuminati_celebrities-_hand_covering_eye_-_all_seeing_eye_gesture_lady_gaga1 actors

Anyways, moving on…


Recent Events

Lets take another look at that line… you know, the one with all the sacrificial and masonic temples on it…


Here are just some of the more recent events that have occurred along that line in recent history:

  • Pentagon attack, 2001, Washington DC
  • DC Sniper, 2002, Washington DC
  • WTC bombing, 1993, New York City
  • WTC attack, 2001, New York City
  • Boston Marathon Bombing, 2013, Boston
  • Atlanta Olympics bombing, 1996, Atlanta
  • Virginia Tech massacre, 2007, Virginia
  • Sandy Hook Elementary shooting, 2012 , Newtown, CT (1 block from Masonic Temple)
  • JFK Jr death, 1999, crashed into Atlantic Ocean off the coast of Martha’s Vineyard, Massachusetts
  • Hurricane Katrina, New Orleans
  • Ghouta chemical attacks, 2013, Damascus, Syria

hqdefault (3)

Do you think the sacrifices to serpents/Horus/Baal/”master”/”lord”/cookie-monster aren’t still ongoing today?…

That would be a good place to end this post, but before finishing I want to show you two things that will surely blow your mind, that I will cover more in my next few posts…

1) Ground Zero

The location of where the twin towers stood coupled with the new One World Freedom tower align to the Orion constellation as well, just like the Pyramids at Giza, Xi’an, Teotihuacan, etc…


2) Domes and Obelisks

The obelisk is an ancient representation of the erect male phallus of Osiris…and the dome shape is historically an ancient structural representation of the womb of Isis.

In short,

  • Osiris: male energy = phallus = obelisk
  • Isis: female energy = womb = dome

So, what places do we know that have domes and obelisks?…

Here’s a couple:

The Vatican (left), and the Washington memorial in front the Capitol building (right):

Now, remember the number I told you to to keep in mind earlier…?

Line up the respective obelisks and domes on Google Earth and you get alignments of… 88.88!

Vatican City:


Washington DC:


4. Obelisks and City Plans

Before getting started here I strongly recommend that you read my previous posts (listed below), otherwise it’ll be like opening a book in the middle and you won’t have a clue what’s going on!

  1. Secrets of Cymatics, DNA, and Egyptians
  2. Leylines: An Introduction
  3. Leylines: Part 2

Last post I showed you that:

  1. The Stonehenge burial mounds are aligned with Easter Island and the stone spheres in Costa Rica at an 88.88 degree heading. Easter Island has 888 statues, and had its name changed in 1888 to a name resembling Ishtar, Baal’s wife. (i.e. Easter = Ishtar)
  2. The obelisks and domes at the Vatican and Washington DC are also aligned to exactly 88.88 degrees.
  3. Teotihuacan-Stonehenge-Baalbek are aligned to all the 5 largest and oldest US cities that all have masonic temples, and where many of the most significant events in recent years have taken place.
  4. We have recently been seeing  “Isis”, Anubis, and Baal in the news.
  5. The freemasonic logo idolizes the same idols (Sun/Osiris, Moon/Isis, and the all-seeing eye/Horus) that were worshiped at the Temple of Baal, by the Egyptians, and at Teotihuacan.

I ended last post by showing you the Vatican and Washington obelisks and domes…

There’s another city that has a famous dome, can you guess which one it is…?


That’s St Paul’s Cathedral, which stands at the heart of the City of London, England:

city of london map

So, now that you’ve been introduced to Washington D.C., Vatican City, and the City of London, can you guess what else they all have in common?

Here’s a clue:


The answer is that they are all independent city-states…

  • Vatican City – officially not part of Italy
  • City of London – officially not part of England
  • Washington D.C. – officially not part of USA

Together, they form a trinity of global control in finance, military, and religion.


Just like Washington DC and Vatican City, London has its very own obelisk too.

Cleopatra’s Needle stands on the embankment on the Thames river:


The obelisk is inscribed with hieroglyphs, and comes with its very own sphinx’s too:

This exact obelisk was first erected in Heliopolis, Egypt, before being moved to London on 22/2 1881, as per the plaque on its base:


Imagine the effort required to move a 69ft (21m) statue weighing 224 tons, especially in 1881… there must have been a very important reason for it!


Though they form power centers encompassing finance, military, and religion, London, Washington DC, and the Vatican aren’t the only places showcasing Osiris’s manhood out in the open…


A 75ft (23m) obelisk that originally stood in Luxor, Egypt now stands at the center of Place de la Concorde in Paris:

It must be pretty important if it gets to stand at the very center of such an important square aligned to the Arc de Triomphe…


Note the golden capstone by the way…

For anyone that is wondering, the exact alignment between this obelisk and the Arc de Triomphe is 116.00 degrees, though we’re going to have to wait a few posts before delving into the significance of that… I can’t wait to show you though!… 🙂

paris 116.00

Incidentally, there is also a Pyramid at the nearby Louvre:


Back to the obelisks though…

Around the World

Not to be outdone by the Brits, Americans, and French, ze Germans got an obelisk too…

Schoppenhauserstrasse, Berlin:

The Italians clearly love a good obelisk too it seems…

Piazza Navona, Rome:

rome obelisk

Piazza del Popolo, Rome:

… and so does everybody else around the world…

Just a few examples (from top to bottom, left to right in the photos):

  • São Paulo, Brazil
  • Buenos Aires, Argentina
  • Hyde Park, Sydney
  • Lisbon, Portugal
  • Kofu, Japan
  • Istanbul, Turkey
  • Stockholm, Sweden
  • Dublin, Ireland
  • Madrid, Spain


So what’s the story behind all these obelisks then?

Here’s the  the story about Osiris and his phallus (borrowed from here):

Why would they have built their pyramids at specific locations in a way that they mirrored the stars of Orion? Well, fact is that the constellation of Orion was identified with Osiris (one of their most important gods), and they saw the constellation as an image of Osiris in the night sky.

The Osiris myth in short:

The myth described Osiris as having been killed by his brother Seth, who wanted Osiris’ throne. Seth cut his body in fourteen pieces which he dispersed in the swamps. Osiris’ wife Isis found and joined the fragmented pieces of Osiris after a long quest, but the only body part missing was the phallus. Isis fashioned a golden phallus*, and briefly brought Osiris back to life by use of a spell that she learned from her father. This spell gave her time to become pregnant by Osiris before he again died. From the seed of Osiris, Isis later gave birth to a son that was called Horus.

(*remember the golden capstone in Paris…)


Clearly, with a story like that it makes perfect sense that every major city wants to have its own version of Osiris’ manhood erected in city squares and plazas… Or not…

Whatever the myth says about Osiris, we can clearly conclude that ancient Egyptian influence and Osiris worship goes far and wide, even in our modern day and age.

Now, lets look at another perhaps more modern obelisk…

Remember that I showed you this:


Might be worth taking a closer look at the new WTC…

One World Freedom Tower, New York

The tower was officially opened on November 3rd, 2014. That date is 11/3 in the US; keep that date/number in mind.

Looking at the towers architectural shape, we see its design is that of a square anti-prism:


This is hugely significant for more ways than one (which I’ll cover in a later post), but for now consider this:

When viewed from street level the tower resembles a pyramid with a capstone:

Main Mashup

You may have seen this pyramid elsewhere, such as on the back of a one dollar bill:

dollar2       dollar

One dollar bill…  One World Trade Center… both used for trade.

Notice the eye at the top of the dollar pyramid?

Could that be Horus/Baal/master again?…

You may also have noticed a rather large pyramid in London, also furnished with its very own capstone…

The Shard, London

The Shard is the largest tower in the EU, at 1,016ft tall. It’s worth noting that this is the same digits as the alignment I showed you earlier in Paris (116.00 degrees)… I know that it seems like a far-fetched connection to make, but just make a mental note of that for another day. 😉

The Shard is often (jokingly) referred to as Sauron’s all-seeing eye due to its uncanny resemblance to the tower in The Lord of the Rings.

Note that the top part of the tower pyramid is frequently lit up at night… like a pyramid with a capstone:

Speaking of Sauron, here’s some quick comic relief for those who need it: 🙂

As you can see below those two aren’t the only modern pyramid structures around, but I’ll let you research those further on your own for now. You could start here and then here.


Now, moving on from obelisks and pyramids…

As we’ve had a very brief look at the backside of the one dollar bill, lets do the same on the front shall we!


George Washington

George Washington must have been a pretty important chap if he’s on the front of the dollar bill…

“Freemason… and First President”… nice to see that he got his priorities straight on the statue below!

Remember that golden statue at the New York Grand Lodge too. He gets around…

If you hadn’t noticed, Washington DC is also named after him, so lets take a look at the city to see if we can find anything interesting…

Washington D.C. City Map

Last post I showed you the 88.88 alignment between the Washington monument (Osiris’s phallus) and the Capitol building (Isis’ womb), which matched the 88.88 alignment at the Vatican.

Care to guess which year the Washington Monument was opened?…


… The Washington Monument was opened on October  9th, 1888… there are those 8’s again! Incidentally that was exactly one month after Easter Island was annexed (Sept. 9th, 1888).

Also note that the area of the grass surrounding the Washington Memorial is 106.01 acres. Remember the 1,016ft tall Shard and the 116.00 degree alignment in Paris? These are the same digits.

Note also that there is a small monolith called the Jefferson Pier 119m away from the Washington Monument, which is directly south of the White House itself.


Here’s another coincidence:

The river flowing through Vatican City is the Tiber River:

Did you know that Washington DC had a creek by the same name until the 1800’s? (More pictures available here):

tiber creek tiber creek2

Tiber Creek was used as a channel while the city plan was being built. Given that the creek shares the same name as the river at the Vatican, and that the Vatican also lines up to 88.88, it is obvious that the designers of Washington D.C. had a connection to the Vatican.

So what did the city planners design?


… They designed an upside down pentagram, the base of which is at the White House:

pentagram  pentagram3

white house.jpg

The White House itself is at the center of a Templars Cross:

templar cross 

The Templar’s Cross is clearly a key symbol at the Vatican judging by what the Pope is wearing… (more on this in a later post):


The city plan also includes a 6-pointed star (no, this is not the star of David!), with its base at the US Capitol. I will cover this 6-pointed star in great depth in a later post because it is hugely significant.

hexagon2  hexagon

Do you remember the masonic emblem?

Notice the square and compass in the middle:


The square and compass are also included in Washington DC’s street map:

square2 square

Remember the House of the Temple, the headquarters of the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry (i.e. Home of The Supreme Council of the 33°*)?

*As mentioned earlier, the One World Freedom Tower opened on 11/3 (i.e. November 3rd)… 11×3=33… Which as  you can see by the fact that the Freemasons have 33 degrees is a pretty significant number. You’re going be seeing plenty more of 33 (and 13 for that matter) in the future… As I can’t help myself, here‘s a quick example for you – pay attention to the date!


As I mentioned in the last post the House of the Temple is located exactly 1 mile directly north of the White House:


The Lincoln Memorial and Jefferson Memorial also share a special alignment…

… They line up to the Winter Solstice:


And lest we forget there’s also the Pentagon, the military arm of the control trinity:


Here we see it all come together nicely:


Note that the US Capitol, White House, Jefferson Memorial, and Lincoln Memorial form an upside down cross.

Want to know where else we can find an upside down cross?



Yes, that is the Pope, sitting on a throne with an upside down cross.

And here he is on his (very picturesque) Papal Throne… just lovely isn’t it?




One last thing before I end this post, which will open up another can of worms for us to digest next time…

As if things couldn’t get any weirder, let me introduce you to…

The Owl

You may have noticed that there was something funny about the layout around the US Capitol building…


The owl is also hiding on the dollar bill…


5. Secrets of the Owl: Part 1 – Links to the Ancients

Before getting started here I strongly recommend that you read the four posts below, in fact it’s imperative that you do, or else this will be like opening a book in the middle and you won’t have a clue what’s going on!

  1. Secrets of Cymatics, DNA, and Egyptians
  2. Leylines: An Introduction
  3. Leylines: Part 2
  4. Obelisks and City Plans

In the last post I showed you that:

  1. The City of London, Vatican City, and Washington DC form a trinity of global control, respectively encompassing finance, religion, and military.
  2. Obelisks are found all around the world in important squares and plazas, and are symbolic of male fertility. Several major cities (eg. Rome, Paris, London, Berlin) even have original obelisks from Egypt.
  3. The One World Freedom Tower is an obelisk that is designed to include a pyramid and capstone; as is the Shard in London. The capstone and eye of Horus is found on the back of the one dollar bill.
  4. Washington DC’s street design has clear links to the Vatican (eg. 88.88 alignment, Tiber River/Tiber Creek), and includes an upside-down pentagram, a 6-pointed star, the square and compass (which is a central component of the freemason logo), and an upside-down cross. The upside down cross can also be seen at the Vatican where the Pope sits.
  5. The US Capitol building has an owl-shaped outline, and the owl is also found on the front of the one dollar bill.

As you might have realized from all the obelisks, city plans, pyramid/WTC star alignments, etc.., the freemasons of today are simply continuing a plan that goes waaaaaaaaaaaay back in history…

For example, as we have seen by the fact that the oldest and largest US cities fall on the leyline connecting Teotihuacan-Stonehenge-Baalbek, and by the design of Washington DC (which was clearly influenced by the Vatican) the plan for modern-day USA was set well before the Europeans “discovered” what they called “the New World”.

That certainly destroys the fairy tale of Christopher Columbus discovering America doesn’t it… So there’s one thing the history books are lying about… and as I will continue to show you, there isn’t much else about history (or science) books that are true either.

This next section on the owl is probably the most comprehensively mind-bending analysis of owl symbology ever made (at least as far as I’m aware), so to make it easier to digest I’ve broken it into 4 parts.

Despite the length, I assure you that each part will be interesting in and of themselves, and reading all 4 parts attentively will be well worth your time, as by the end of Part 4 when things start to really come together your mind will be well and truly blown

With that said, I’m sure you’re dying to find out more about the owl you were introduced to at the end of the last post, so lets get started.

In this post (part 1 of 4 on the owl) I will  show you

  1. how important the owl is to modern freemasons;
  2. that the owl (and its importance) can be indisputably traced back to ancient cultures; and
  3. that there is a hidden link between these three:


This post might get a wordy with history, but I assure you there is a purpose to all of the information I will show you below, so stay focused!

Firstly, a reminder that the layout of the US Capital grounds is laid out in the shape of an owl:

There’s also an owl hiding on the front of the one dollar bill:


Rather peculiar isn’t it?

Lets look at owls a little closer…

This wikipedia page has some fascinating information about owls, the key points of which I’ve picked out below:

*puts on David Attenborough voice*

Fascinating creatures, owls are

  • mostly solitary and nocturnal birds of prey;
  • they have binocular vision, so they can see in the dark, and also see prey from miles away;
  • they have binaural hearing, meaning that they can hear things as quiet as 2kHz;
  • their feathers are adapted for silent flight; and
  • they can turn their head 360 degrees.

Fearless hunters, much of the owls’ hunting strategy depends on stealth and surprise.

*David Attenborough voice off*


Though they are undeniably awesome, do those features alone really warrant the owl being designed into the US Capitol lawn as well as the dollar bill?

Probably not.

To start to understand why the owl gets such a high standing, lets look at where else the owl appears.

Bohemian Club

The Bohemian Club is a private men’s club in San Francisco (US), and the owl is central to its logo:

bohemian grove owl logo  bohemian club owl logo

The club has a diverse membership of many local and global leaders, ranging from artists and musicians to businessmen.

A number of past membership lists are in the public domain, but modern club membership lists are private.

Members have included some U.S. presidents (usually before they are elected to office); many cabinet officials; and CEO’s of large corporations, including major financial institutions.

Some prominent figures have been given honorary membership, such as Richard Nixon (37th President of the US, serving 1969 to 1974); and William Randolph Hearst, who built the US’s largest newspaper chain and whose methods profoundly influenced the history of American journalism.

Major military contractors, oil companies, banks (including the Federal Reserve), utilities, and national media have high-ranking officials who are club members or guests.

Many members are, or have been, on the board of directors of several of these corporations; however, artists and lovers of art are among the most active members.

The club’s by-laws requires about one quarter of the membership to be accomplished artists of all types (composers, musicians, singers, actors, lighting artists, painters, authors, etc). Artistic members are admitted after passing a stringent audition demonstrating their talent.

Knowing that, do you think these artists, singers, and actors are members of the Bohemian Club?…

illuminati_celebrities-_hand_covering_eye_-_all_seeing_eye_gesture_lady_gaga1 actors

Bohemian Grove

Every year the Bohemian Club hosts a two week long camp at Bohemian Grove in the woods north of San Francisco which is notable for its illustrious guest list.

bohemian grove owl logo       

Below is a photo of Helmut Schmidt (German Chancellor 1974-1982) addressing the elite of the world at a “lakeside talk” at Bohemian Grove in 1991.

Helmut Schmidt, in his own autobiography “Men and Powers, a Political Retrospective“, discloses that he is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission, and the Bilderberg Group, which are organizations made up of some of the most powerful people in the world.

To briefly look at one of those three, The Bilderberg Group consists of 120-140 powerful people who meet once a year in secret and have connections to all the largest corporations in the world, as you can see in the chart below. To see a full-size image you can go here.

As Helmut Schmidt outlines, many of these powerful people frequent Bohemian Grove, some examples of which are as follows…

Here you can see Richard Nixon and Ronald Raegan at Bohemian Grove:

presidents at bohemian grove

Below you see George W. Bush (US President 2000-2008) with his father, George Bush Sr.(US President 1989-1993) giving what they call a “lakeside chat” at the Grove in 1995. Newt Gingrich (50th Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives from 1995 to 1999) is also another prominent member.

Other selected examples of people who have been pictured at Bohemian Grove:

– Jimmy Carter Jr., served as the 39th President of the United States from 1977 to 1981.

– James Bond Stockdale, an American and United States Navy vice admiral. He led aerial attacks from the carrier USS Ticonderoga (CVA-14) during the 1964 Gulf of Tonkin Incident (a notable false-flag attack to justify an attack on Vietnam to the US and world public), and he was awarded the Medal of Honor in the Vietnam War.

– Jerry Cole, country and rock musician (1939-2008).

– Art Linkletter (1912-2010) was a Canadian-born American radio and television personality. He was the host of House Party, which ran on CBS radio and television for 25 years, and People Are Funny, on NBC radio and TV for 19 years.

Linkletter was famous for interviewing children on House Party and Kids Say the Darndest Things, which led to a series of books quoting children.

– Walter Cronkite was an American broadcast journalist, best known as anchorman for the CBS Evening News for 19 years.

Along with its prominent cast of attendees, Bohemian Grove is known for its eclectic Cremation of Care ceremony which mockingly burns “Care” (the normal woes of life) with grand pageantry, pyrotechnics, and brilliant costumes, all done at the edge of a lake and at the base of a 40ft stone owl statue, known as Moloch, shown below.

cremation of care ceremony 

In his autobiography Helmut Schmidt also talks about secret groves in Germany where they do druidic rituals, but indicates that Bohemian Grove is his favorite place to participate in these rituals.

The “lakeside talks”, such as those given by Helmut Schmidt, George Bush, and George Bush Sr. are given no less than a dozen yards from the stone owl idol where “mock” human sacrifices take place.

Bohemian Club link to Ancient Greece

As I showed you in Leylines: Part 2, these sort of rituals are nothing new.

This is further evidenced by the fact that there is an owl statue at Acropolis, which was the chief temple dedicated to Athena/Minerva in Athens (ca. 500 BC) – an exact replica of which can be found at the Bohemian Club. Notice that the replica at the Bohemian Club has a square-peg leg and is missing its beak, just like the owl at Acropolis.

Thus, there is no doubt that the replica statue alludes to Athena/Minerva, or the goddess of wisdom as well (its even written on the plaque below the owl itself, as shown on the right).

bohemian owl acropolis 

This suggests that the tradition of worshiping the owl has been going on for thousands of years, and as you will see below, that is indeed the case.

Owls in Ancient Societies

Before gods, goddesses, demons, and nocturnal monsters of the netherworld were depicted as humans, they were almost always shown in some type of animal form.

This ancient network of immortal symbolism we can witness today with one of these secret deities that has been depicted throughout the course of human history as the bird of night, known as the owl. The fact that the owl is a nocturnal creature and that it can turn its head completely around contributes to its lore.

The symbology of the owl has almost always represented evil omens, demons, illness, disease, and death to many interrelated ancient cultures such as the Hittites, Sumerians, Egyptians, Ethiopians, Africans, Phoenicians (Hebrews), Greeks, Romans, Europeans, Arabs, Hindus, Indians and Latinos.

Owls have symbolic meanings related to death in many other cultures as well, with some societies even referring to the owl as the “angel of death.”

An owl can be seen as a bad omen or as a person who has passed and is protecting the people that they left behind. Many people believe that seeing an owl is indicative that death is going to happen in the near future.

Owls can be seen as creatures that are fiercely protective, but also as creatures that prey on others. In many cultures, especially Native American cultures, the owl is seen as a being that was once a person. It is believed that the owl has returned in its current form to protect loved ones.

Spotting an owl during daytime hours is an unusual occurrence because they are nocturnal. People are able to call owls by making noises similar to the natural owl “who-ing.” Some Native Americans believe that this communication is the way that people who have passed away are trying to talk to the ones they left behind.

Note that I have bolded several phrases above. There is a key theme here, which is that the owl is related to death, which is itself related to the passing of time. Make a note of this as this will be very significant in Part 4.

Now, lets take a look at how the owl was depicted by the ancients, starting with Greece/Rome (and then followed by Egypt and Mesopotamia).

The Owl in Ancient Greece and Rome

Minerva was the Roman goddess whom Hellenizing Romans from the 2nd century BC onwards equated with the Greek goddess Athena. She was the virgin goddess of poetry, medicine, wisdom, commerce, weaving, crafts, magic, and the inventor of music.

She is often depicted with her sacred creature, an owl, which symbolizes her ties to wisdom.

roman goddess minerva with owl   minerva goddess of war

Ever heard the saying “as wise as an owl”? … Now you know where that comes from!

So what does the idiom “as wise as an owl” mean?

  • It means someone who is really smart. In lots of stories and myths, owls were associated with wisdom.
  • Some synonyms are: wise; worldy- wise; experienced or intelligent.
  • Owls have a reputation for being wise because their large eyes and stern, professional glare make them look educated.
  • Often, their eyes are “framed” as if they’re wearing eyeglasses, which many associate with studious work. And their large, feathery heads seem to have plenty of room for big brains.

From this we can conclude that whatever it was that these ancients idolized as an owl was perceived to have a lot of knowledge… perhaps knowledge that was shared with the ancients?… Hmm…

For anyone that’s curious, the “Weaving spiders come not here” reference on the Bohemian Club logo refers to a myth about Arachne and Minerva/Athena. Clearly Minerva is well regarded by those visiting Bohemian Grove, just like the owl.

bohemian grove owl logo

The owl of Minerva/Athena made appearances on many emblems and also on currency in ancient Rome and Greece:

A thorough and fascinating story of the owl on Athenian owl coins can be found here, but to sum up some key points:

  • Athenian Owls were arguably the most influential of all coins;
  • Owls were the first widely used international coin;
  • No coin better epitomizes Athens than the Owl, and no city was more central to Greece than Athens.
  • Greece, in turn, was where the foundation of our way of life, the way we think and interact with one another, was built. That is, philosophy, politics, education, mathematics, science, medicine, art, theater, architecture, and sport (eg. marathons and the Olympics) all originated in ancient Greece.

Owls can also be found on some more modern currencies (Canada x3 and Poland):

To show you what a sterling reputation Athena/Minerva still has, here she is on the US Military Medal of Honour, the highest award for the most powerful military in the world…

Also note the upside down pentagram, and the 13 stars on the blue ribbon.

us army medal of army

The Owl in Ancient Egypt

Owls are associated with death in Egypt. Specifically, ancient Egyptians believed that owls protected spirits as they passed from one world to another. Although some see this relationship as negative, the ancient Egyptians honored the owl.

Telling of their high symbolic importance, owls are the only animal drawn facing off the wall rather than in profile… which suggests that it was given special importance…


The owl was so important in fact, that it is depicted here as sitting in Osiris’ lap, and as you may have gathered by now, Osiris was held in quite high regard by the Egyptians…

Notice below that the owl also features prominently on the obelisks I showed you in the last post. The centre-top and right photos are of the obelisk in Paris:

The Owl in Mesopotamia

Below is a depiction of Ishtar/Inanna, who is Baal’s wife (as you’ll recall, Baal/Bel is the title of “lord”/”master”). Another ancient name for her is Lilith.

Ishtar is flanked by a couple of owls, and is also designed to look like an owl herself… notice her feet and wings:

Ishtar is the female form of the deity, and owls are sacred to her. Moloch is the winged form of the deity represented by a winged bull.

Would you like to meet him?…


In ancient hieroglyphics, the owl represents the sound of the letter M.

This is because the eyes or horns of this secret deity looks just like the letter M:

It is from here that the name Mulak or Moloch is derived, and this is this same name that the owl at Bohemian Grove is referred to.

As mentioned above, Moloch is the winged form of the deity represented by a winged bull.

… and here he is, looking as handsome as ever…

As you can see from the statue and depictions, Moloch seems like a delightful character, and he’s clearly very good around children too…

Now, as you’ll remember from Leylines: Part 2, the arch of the temple of Baal where Moloch was worshiped has already been erected in London…

… and there are plans for it to be erected in Times Square too…

How about that… are you excited?!!!

Now for something a little less dense than the history lesson above…

The Owl Hand Gesture

As mentioned, the Owl is the hieroglyph for M. The letter M has therefore become a secret symbol for masons.

As you’ve seen a few times already the number 13 is of key significance, one reason being that M is the 13th letter of the alphabet.

In short,

Owl = M = 13.

Make note of this numerology as it will come up in Part 2.


The freemasons have a secret hand-sign based on the owl and letter M, and this hand sign invariably shows up in their portraits, paintings, and photographs.

Keep this hand-sign in mind as it will come up again and be hugely significant in a much later post.


Now, have you seen anyone flashing this handsign about freely recently?

Well, here are a few chaps who are looking cool showing their allegiance to Moloch…

Nate Dog, 2Pac, Snoop Dogg, etc…

Ever wonder why cartoon characters only had 3 fingers? …


To summarize,

1. Worship of the Owl and Moloch has been a significant part of history for thousands of years, up to and including the present day when freemasons are continuing in the traditions of ancient cultures.

2. The hand gesture that pays homage/shows allegiance to Moloch (the deity associated with the owl/death) has been normalized into main stream society by rap culture and cartoons.

3. The Temple of Baal (where Moloch was worshiped) has been brought into the mainstream, suggesting that the occult is starting to become has become more prevalent in today’s society.

6. Secrets of the Owl: Part 2 – Owls, Owls Everywhere

Before getting started here I strongly recommend that you read the five posts below, in fact it’s imperative that you do, or else this will be like opening a book in the middle and you won’t have a clue what’s going on!

  1. Secrets of Cymatics, DNA, and Egyptians
  2. Leylines: An Introduction
  3. Leylines: Part 2
  4. Obelisks and City Plans
  5. Secrets of the Owl: Part 1 – Links to the Ancients

In Secrets of the Owl: Part 1 – Links to the Ancients I showed you that:

  1. Worship of the Owl and Moloch has been a significant part of history for thousands of years, up to and including the present day when freemasons are continuing in the traditions of ancient cultures.
  2. The hand gesture that pays homage/shows allegiance to Moloch (the deity associated with the owl/death) has been normalized into main stream society by rap culture and cartoons.
  3. The Temple of Baal (where Moloch was worshiped) has been brought into the mainstream, suggesting that the occult is starting to become has become more prevalent in today’s society.

In this post I’m going to really hammer home just how prevalent the owl is in our society.

You will start to get an idea of how the owl appears in your everyday life, as well as starting to grasp the fact that the owl is used as a key occult symbol by those who lead multinational corporations, countries, media, etc (i.e. members of the Bohemian Club, among others).

You’ll be happy to hear that the majority of this post will be light reading (i.e. many pictures), and the general theme is…

A quick point to make though before we start though:

Are owls evil?

No, not necessarily.

However, we need to be very concerned about the symbolism and occult (i.e. hidden) meanings behind the owl.

Now, as you will see below, the owl appears everywhere in our society: in architecture, education, media, television, music, business, etc, etc…

Let’s get started…

Owls in Architecture

Owls appear on the facade of many prominent buildings all around the world, such as banks; cathedrals; schools; universities; museums; parks; zoo’s, government buildings, etc…

These photos are courtesy of Richard Cassaro, who’s article on owls includes additional information that might be of interest.

  • Top Left: Owl on Merchants Building on Broadway at 4th Street in NYC.
  • Top Right: Detail on the Catford Broadway Theatre, London.
  • Bottom Left: Owl depicted on the façade of the Woolworth Building in Manhattan, NYC.
  • Bottom Right: Owl on a bridge of the Merritt Parkway in Connecticut.

Arzuid Sculpture in Amsterdam (left); and owl on a building in Helsinki, Finland (right):


Museum of Decorative Arts in Prague, Czech Republic (left); and Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce at 20 Exchange Place in Lower Manhattan, New York (right):

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce at 20 Exchange Place in Lower Manhattan, ca1931

Owls either side of a statue of Athena on a building on Canon Street in the City of London (left); and a golden owl sitting on top of a three-faces clock on a building near the Monument (center and right).


Owls at Washington University, St. Louis, (left); and at Yale University, Connecticut (right):

Incidentally, Yale University is the home of the Skull and Bones, the secret society/freemasonic fraternity into which George Bush and John Kerry were initiated, and is located in New Haven, Connecticut – on the line of death I showed you in Leylines: Part 2.

I will cover the Skull and Bones – and especially the massive significance of 322, in a later post.


For now though, back to the owls…

Owls can also be found at Astor Court in Bronx Zoo, New York.

These photos are courtesy of Richard Cassaro, who’s article on owls includes additional information that might be of interest.

Owls are often designed in architecture more discreetly too, such as at the entrance to Bronx Zoo in New York:

Owls on the Exeter Cathedral emblem (left); and an owl guarding the gates of the Manchester Grammar School (right).

Carvings of owls in the chantry chapel of Bishop Oldham, Exeter Cathedral.


Owl in ivy misericord, St Davids Cathedral interior, Pembrokeshire National Park, Wales:


Owl on a rooftop in Barcelona, Spain (left); an ornate door design somewhere (right):

Rotulos Roura Company building        Related image

An owl in a stone carving, somewhere in Asia:

owl sculpture

Landmark owl somewhere (left); Central Park’s Bethesda Terrace, NYC (right):

landmark-owl-sm-4846  Central Park's Bethesda Terrace in New York City

Owl in Southampton, England (left); unknown location (right):

buho-que-talla-southampton-del-art-déco-27119663  6239165842_fa2f402e5d_b

Owl sculpture, Library of Congress John Adams Building, Washington, D.C.; FSU’s Monuments and Memorials: FSU History Through Seals, Florida State University:


Monument to the 5th Ohio at Gettysburg (both):


Monument to the Twentieth Regiment, New York State Volunteer Infantry (right):

Detail of Marble Statue of Wisdom’s Owl; Queen Victoria Memorial, Melbourne; unkown location (right):


Owl roof ornaments, Harold Washington Library (1991), Chicago:

Owls have even been the basis for the design of entire skyscrapers!……

Let me show you…

Frost Bank New Building, Austin, Texas:

frost bank building in austin texas  

Strata Tower, London, England:

strata tower in london

Waxahachie Courthouse, Texas. Keep this building in mind for later, its going to play a key role in Leylines: Part 3… 😉

   waxahachie courthouse

Legal System

Owls can be found in courthouses, and owls are in fact also often depicted as judges in cartoons.




The National Press Club in Washington DC have an owl on their logo…

Herald Tribune, NYC:

The old Herald Tribune building was overflowing with owls perched on the rooftop, as is the Herald Square in NYC today. Herald Square now features several of the bronze rooftop owls perched on gate posts.  And if you look closely as night falls, you will see that the owls with spread wings atop the monument flash their eerie green eyes (picture on the bottom row in the center just above the very bottom circular picture):

Bennett Clock in Herald Square has a statue of Athena with bell-ringers and features an owl (perched on the bell):


Owl logos in other Secret Societies

Minerval Seals of the Bavarian Illuminati: two of three known to still exist. P.M.C.V. stands for Per Me Caeci Vident (Through me the blind become sighted). An owl holding an opened book (signifying learning), surrounded by a Laurel wreath (a symbol of learning or graduation); Per Me Caeci Vident was a reminder to the Superiors of the class, whose responsibility it was to properly instruct the Minervals. These medallions were worn around the necks of Minerval initiates.

Illuminati Seals

A Minerval Academy was also known as a Church; its meetings marked on the Illuminati’s calendar as sacred. To the right is the seal of the Freising Minerval Church. Instead of the letters P.M.C.V., they are replaced with S.E.M.T.Sigil Ecclesiastic Minerva Thebes; or, “Seal of the Freising Minerval Church” (i.e. Freising’s alias within the Order was Thebes).

minerval church seal

Founded in Prague, Bohemia, 1859, thirteen years before the Bohemian Club, the Schlaraffia were initially composed of actors, artists, literati and musicians (much like the Bohemian Club); and they too (like the Bohemian Club) have an owl as their totem:

Detail of an owl from a floral border, at the beginning of Matins of the Virgin. London, England (left); and an owl from an unknown location (right)


Owls in Music

Owls feature on hundreds of music album covers…


That’s a lot of owls for one artist…

Notice anything peculiar with this owl?


… Maybe like how it is identical to the owls in Ancient Egypt…

I wonder who Drake is endorsing and showing allegiance to here…


Worth noting that Drake’s album “Rise of an Empire” was released 3/11 (3×11 = 33). It features songs called “Induction Speech“, “One Time“, “Fresher than Ever“, and “Moment“… Remember the time theme?…

Here are some other artists who also like owls…

“Owl Pharaoh”… what a strange name for an album!… Unless of course you know what you now know…. Notice that the cover at the bottom right also includes a pyramid too.

Music Festivals

Entire music festivals are dedicated to the owl…

EDC Las Vegas, Tomorrowland, etc…

Below is a short clip showing the enormous mechanically-moving owl on stage…. Imagine the effort and logistics required to build something like that… must have been important to have it there…

By the way, that music is rather monotonous… it’s almost like they were trying to hypnotize people or something……..  “Stay asleeeeep…….”




Don’t worry Harry Potter fans, I didn’t forget Hedwig…

Whilst we’re on the subject of Harry Potter…

Here’s Gryffindor’s crest… Notice any familiar symbols?…

… like maybe the moon, sun, and pyramid at the top?

Gryffindor_crest_by_tuliipiie-d491bqc             altar2

While we’re at it here’s another one… do you notice the triangular shape of doritos?…

Corporate logos

Athena/Minerva features prominently on corporate logos too…


Other appearances

Owl Rock near Monument Valley, Arizona… Could this be an ancient owl-worship site, similar to the 40ft owl at Bohemian Grove?…

The newly-launched London Night tube service has an owl as its logo:


The Big Hoot in Birmingham, 20 July – 27 September 2015…

Literally hundreds of owls descend on city as Birmingham prepares for biggest ever art event

aaaa big hoot

Note that out of all the hundreds of owls to choose from, the photo below was the headline photo in newspapers…

What’s so special about this one you ask?…

Do you notice the sun/moon eyes… lots of occult symbolism…

Want to see why this is significant?

Occult symbols are used to send hidden messages through the media… and next I’ll show you exactly how that is done.

Before we start though, make sure you have your tin foil hats strapped on nice and tight, and get ready to dip your big toe in the twilight zone.

All set?…


Watch this short news clip, featuring Anderson Cooper (CNN’s top journalist).

He’s reporting on the Sandy Hook school shooting, and telling viewers about an owl that was drawn by a Sandy Hook student (Grace), who then met with Obama and presented it to Obama shortly after the Sandy Hook shooting incident…

The official story says that 20 kids were killed in school, and then another kid randomly happens to draw an owl and also happens to meet the busy President and give it to him….. which CNN then get a copy of and publicize for the whole world to see…

Of all the things a child could draw, what are the odds of them drawing an owl specifically, and then getting to meet the President to give it to him?

Furthermore, why would CNN be given a copy of it, and then have their top reporter make a big deal out of something so trivial when there were obviously bigger things to cover… like uhh… the fact that 20 kids were apparently killed, or something…

…. Do you smell that?

Here’s who really drew that picture colour-coded message to Obama:

You may recall that George Bush is part of the Skull and Bones secret society, as shown earlier…

Secret societies like the Skull and Bones communicate via symbols that have occult (i.e. hidden) meanings, usually through public channels like the news.

This owl was a message to Obama that Bush’s sacrificial task at Sandy Hook was complete, giving the go-ahead to Obama (as well as to other freemasons worldwide who inevitably watch CNN for their occult messages) to proceed with their own pre-arranged plans (i.e. plans that have been made when everyone is gathered together at the summer camp at Bohemian Grove and at the annual secret Bilderberg meetings.

For people who are new to secret societies the following video may seem confusing and probably a little kooky, but know that it is symbols – and not words – that are used by the ruling elite and freemasons to communicate with each other –  most often through public channels like the news.

Oh, and lest we forget, as I showed you in Leylines: Part 2, Newtown, Connecticut (where the Sandy Hook shooting took place) is on the line of death connecting Teotihuacan, Hurricane Katrina, Atlanta Olympics bombing, Washington DC pentagon 9/11 bombing, New York 9/11 attacks, Boston Bombing, Stonehenge, the Bosnian Pyramids (including a Pyramid of the Sun), and Baalbek.

Watch this before proceeding:

Want to see another catastrophic event where the owl makes an appearance?

Hillsborough Stadium Disaster

During an FA Cup semi-final game between Liverpool and Nottingham Forest at Hillsborough Stadium on April 15th, 1989, there was a massive crush that killed 96 people, which is to date England’s worst sporting disaster.



Hillsborough Stadium (where the game was played) is the home stadium of Sheffield Wednesday, a club who’s logo has…..

… an  owl…


Here’s another funny coincidence…

Liverpool FC actually had a manager (Roy Hodgson) between July 2010 and January 2011 commonly referred to as “the owl”… as exemplified by a quick google search:


Secret of the Owl: Part 2.1 – Festivals of Fire

Before getting started here I strongly recommend that you read the six posts below, in fact it’s imperative that you do, or else this will be like opening a book in the middle and you won’t have a clue what’s going on!

  1. Secrets of Cymatics, DNA, and Egyptians
  2. Leylines: An Introduction
  3. Leylines: Part 2
  4. Obelisks and City Plans
  5. Secrets of the Owl: Part 1 – Links to the Ancients
  6. Secrets of the Owl: Part 2 – Owls, Owls Everywhere

In the last post I showed you that

  1. owl symbology appears everywhere in our society: in architecture, education, media, television, music, business, sports, universities, museums, parks, zoo’s, government buildings, etc, etc… so basically – everywhere.
  2. the owl is used as a key occult symbol by those who lead multinational corporations, countries, media, etc (i.e. members of the Bohemian Club, among others), as I exemplified with how the owl was used in the Sandy Hook event.
  3. the owl is connected to the deadliest sporting disaster in England’s history.

I have also showed you that Baal/Molech worship is still going on today by world leaders, leading businessmen etc at Bohemian Grove.

This part was originally in Part 2 but I’ve cut it into shorter sections within part 2 to make the reading length more manageable. Thus, this is Part 2.1 of the owl series, and there will also be a Part 2.2 as well before we move on to part 3.

In this post we will continue where we left off in Part 2, by taking a look at the shocking hidden history of the city of Liverpool (who lost 96 fans in the Hillsborough disaster), in connection to other historical events.

You may want to be sitting down for this, as it will shock you to your core, and anger and/or upset you.


With that said, lets dive head first into the twilight zone shall we…

To start, lets briefly look at the city of Liverpool and Liverpool FC, the club that lost 96 fans in the Hillsborough disaster.

Liverpool, England

Image result for liverpool fc logo

The city of Liverpool was founded in the year 1190 by the Romans and has tons of occult history.

The city became a big port for slave trade with Africa, and as growth continued the city became known as “the second city of the [British] Empire”, and was also called “the New York of Europe“.

Pretty important city then…

As an aside, here are Liverpool’s most famous sons… Paul McCartney seems to have a thing for owl eyes… (sorry Beatles fans…)

During WW2, Liverpool was the centre for planning the crucial Battle of the Atlantic, and suffered a blitz second only to London’s.

There were eighty air-raids on Merseyside, with an especially concentrated series of raids in May 1941 which interrupted operations at the docks for almost a week. Some 2,500 people were killed.

The peak of the bombing occurred from 1–7 May 1941. It involved 681 Luftwaffe bombers; 2,315 high explosive bombs and 119 other explosives such as incendiaries were dropped.

Now, lets park that for a moment, and look at… Beltane Festival. We’ll come back to Liverpool in Part 2.2.

Beltane Festival

Beltane is the anglicized name for the Gaelic May Day festival, most commonly held on May 1

You may notice that the date of Beltane coincides with the peak of the Liverpool blitz…

May 1st is the highest day on the Druidic Witch’s Calendar, while May 1 is the Illuminati’s second most sacred holiday. Human sacrifice is required. Since the celebration officially began the night before Beltane, the tradition has developed among occultists to celebrate Beltane as a 2-day ceremony. This tradition was strong enough that Adolf Hitler (allegedly) killed himself on April 30 at 3:30pm, thus creating a “333” and placing his suicide sacrifice within the Beltane time frame.

Great bonfires are lit on the Eve of Beltaine, April 30, in order to welcome the Earth Goddess. Participants hope to gain favor with this goddess so she will bless their families with procreative fertility. It is interesting that the Royal House of Windsor lights a Beltane “Balefire” every year [“America’s Occult Holidays”, Doc Marquis, p. 30]

(As an aside, did anyone notice that Gareth Bale led Wales – the country with a red dragon on its flag – to the semifinal of Euro 2016?)

The “Maypole” originated from the celebration of Beltane. Since fertility is being asked of the Earth Goddess, the Maypole is the phallic symbol and the circular dance around the pole forms the circle that is symbolic of the female sex organ.

The modern Beltane Fire festival in Scotland was started in 1988 by a small group of enthusiasts.

– Beltane Festival, also called “Walpurgis Night“.

Four six-foot alternating red and white ribbons were connected to the pole; the men would dance counterclockwise, while the ladies danced clockwise. The union of the intertwining red and white ribbons symbolized the act of copulation – remember, this is a “fertility” celebration day!

To demonstrate their occult Illuminist ties, Communists have always celebrated “May Day”.

You may have realized by now that Beltane is a sacrifice day to Baal/Moloch, whom you’ve already been introduced to.

In particular, the window around April 19 – May 1 is a critical 13-day period when blood sacrifice is made, with fire sacrifice required on April 19th in particular.

April 19 is the first day of the 13-day Satanic ritual day relating to fire – the fire god, Baal, or Molech/Nimrod (the Sun God), also known as the Roman god, Saturn. This day is a major human sacrifice day, demanding fire sacrifice with an emphasis on children. This day is one of the most important human sacrifice days, and as such, has had some very important historic events occur on this day.

You may have noticed that the day of the Hillsborough disaster, April 15th, is almost within the Beltane sacrifice window (April 19th – May 1st).

You may also have noticed that the “especially concentrated series of raids in May 1941” that peaked on May 1st coincides with that window.

As I’ve mentioned, Beltane is associated with fire, and guess what – 119 incendiary bombs were dropped on Liverpool between May 1st – 7th.

Looking at the ca. April 19th – May 1st window, we can see many other significant events too, and there is a hugely unproportional number of massacres and fire-related events have taken place in that window…

Here are just some other very important historic dates that were staged according to the Beltane blood sacrifice days, many of which involve fire:

  • April 19, 1775 – Battle of Lexington & Concord, which made the Masonic-led Revolutionary War inevitable
  • April 19, 1943 – Storm drain fires in Warsaw: After trapping the last Jewish Resistance Fighters in a storm drain in Warsaw, and holding them for several days, Nazi Storm Troopers began to pour fire into each end of the storm drain, using flame-throwers. They continued pouring the fire into the drain until all fighters were dead. Blood sacrifice brought about by a fiery conflagration.
  • April 16, 1947, Ship explosion, Texas: a ship loaded with ammonium nitrate docked at the Port of Texas City and erupted in flames, causing a massive explosion that killed approximately 576 people).
  • May 11th, 1985 – Bradford City Stadium Fire, England – 56 killed, 265 injured.
  • April 15th, 1989 – Hillsborough Stadium  Of the 96 who died at Hillsborough, 38 were below 19 years old, with the youngest being 10.
  • April 19, 1993 – Waco Massacre: 50 years after the Warsaw storm drain fires – exactly to the day – An FBI assault lead to the burning down of the compound of a sect named Branch Davidians, killing 76 men, women and children. Certainly, this operation fulfilled the basic requirements for a human sacrifice: trauma, fire, and young sacrificial victims.
  • April 19, 1995 –  Oklahoma City bombing – 168 people killed.
  • April 20,  1999 – Columbine High School Massacre – 13 people murdered, 21 injured.
  • April 16, 2007 – Virginia Tech Massacre – 32 killed; 17 injured.
  • April 16, 2013 – Boston Marathon Explosions – 3 killed; 107 injured.
  • April 18, 2013 – Fertilizer plant explosion, Texas – 5-15 killed (Notice that this event occurred almost exactly 20 years after the Waco Massacre, which is in the same area.
  • April 22, 2016 – Chemical warehouse fire, Jiangsu, China
  • April 30 -May 4 2016 – Uttarakhand forest fires, India… Human-made forest fires in the Himalayan state of Uttarakhand have been a regular and historic feature. Major fires have been noted in 1911, 1921, 1930, 1931, 1939, 1945, 1953, 1954, 1957, 1958, 1959, 1961, 1964, 1966, 1968, 1970, 1972 and 1995………….

This list goes on, and on, and on… .

At this stage you may find it interesting to find some fire on the Liverpool logo…

The Illuminati considers war to be a most favourable way to sacrifice, for it kills both children and adults, and having already looked at the Liverpool blitz, lets now take a look at the horrific story of the Bombing of Dresden.

The Fire-bombing of Dresden

In four raids between 13 and 15 February 1945, 722 heavy bombers of the British Royal Air Force (RAF) and 527 of the United States Army Air Forces (USAAF) dropped more than 3,900 TONS (!!!!!!!) of high-explosive bombs and incendiary devices on the city. The bombing and the resulting firestorm destroyed over 1,600 acres (6.5 km2) of the city centre.

Wikipedia says that up to 25,000 people were killed in the Dresden firestorms. But I’ve seen estimates of over 500,000…

February 13-15 (the dates of the Dresden bombings) is another key window for occult worshipers. It celebrates the Roman festival of Lupercalia, which is the real festival behind Valentine’s Day. Sorry ladies.

To give you an idea of the horrific conditions in Dresden during the bombing, here is a short description of the fire-bombing of Hamburg, which suffered a similar fate:

The unusually dry and warm weather, the concentration of the bombing in one area and firefighting limitations due to blockbuster bombs (very, very, very powerful incendiary bombs) used in the early part of the raid—and the recall of Hanover’s firecrews to their own city—culminated in a firestorm.

The tornadic fire created a huge inferno with winds of up to 240 kilometres per hour (150 mph) reaching temperatures of 800 °C (1,470 °F) and altitudes in excess of 300 metres (1,000 ft), incinerating more than 21 square kilometres (8 sq mi) of the city. Asphalt streets burst into flame, and fuel oil from damaged and destroyed ships, barges and storage tanks spilled into the water of the canals and the harbour, causing them to ignite as well.

The majority of deaths attributed to Operation Gomorrah (yes, the ruthless psychopaths we call world leaders – like “Sir” Winston Churchill – had the audacity to call it “Operation [f***ing] Gomorrah”! – excuse my french) occurred on this night. A large number of those killed died seeking safety in bomb shelters and cellars, the firestorm consuming the oxygen in the burning city above. The furious winds created by the firestorm had the power to sweep people up off the streets like dry leaves:

Some people who tried to walk along, they were pulled in by the fire, they all of the sudden disappeared right in front of you (…) You have to save yourself or try to get as far away from the fire, because the draught pulls you in.

— URSULA GRAY (1974).[10]

Do you still think the Germans and British/Americans were on opposite sides in WW2?

… Or that propaganda was fed to the masses on either side to steer them against each other for sacrificial purposes… (just like what is happening with the “west” and “terrorists” today I might add…)

“We got them krauts real good….”


* a moment for you to catch your breath and process thoughts *

Swiss family Robinson Rothschild

To round off, here’s a couple of short videos on the Rothschild’s, who have built quite a vast collection of wealth and profits by funding both sides of wars that push their agenda…

The Rothschild’s currently control every single central bank in the world, except for three:

  1. Cuba
  2. North Korea
  3. Iran

…. and not so long ago that list had four other countries on it as well…

  1. Afghanistan
  2. Iraq
  3. Sudan
  4. Libya
  5. Cuba
  6. North Korea
  7. Iran

Now, having watched that, can you guess why Obama visited Cuba in March, and why North Korea and Iran are constantly villainized in the (elite-controlled) media?…

With regards to Iran for example, note that the media is saying that shooter at the Munich shooting yesterday was German-Iranian……

The media could say that the shooter was from any country in the world, and you and I wouldn’t know any better… but labelling him as Iranian furthers the plot of the “War on Terror” to enable the elite to make the people believe in the boogey-man story…

Previous boogey-men have included Jews (1930’s Germany), Communists (Cold War US), the War on Drugs (1980’s… which is why propaganda like the movie Scarface came out then); and now it’s the Muslims turn in the spotlight.

Just repeat the story about the terrorists enough and people believe it…

I don’t really want to end this post with a quote by Hitler… so here’s a cat, look how cute he is!… 🙂

To be continued

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8 thoughts on “7. Secret of the Owl: Part 2.1 – Festivals of Fire”

  1. Pingback: 26. Timing of the NWO Alien Deception | THE NARROW GATE
    • Thanks for taking an interest Peter, much appreciated!

      You’re right that Goebbels is usually accredited with this quote; though I’m pretty sure that Hitler himself has been quoted saying it too.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Jews were not the boogymen, Nazis were. I am now suspicious of you. Help me to not be. How do you speak of the evil of the Jewish banking cabal in one breath, and in the next, make Jews out to be victims. And then the comment about Hitler…. Please explain yourself and point of view.


    • Hi Jay,

      I can see why my comments on that can be a bit unclear. I was purposefully vague as it is a sensitive topic and one I prefer to explore in more detail in later posts, but hopefully this should clarify a bit in the meantime:

      My point when calling Jews the “boogeymen” is that that is how Hitler himself painted them in his many speeches – that is undeniable. That said, I do not think the cabal is innocent (far from it), as this entire narrative was designed in a way so as to make the Jewish cabal look like victims – when they are in fact the ones pulling the strings from behind the scenes.

      Accordingly, the “holocaust” has undoubtedly been a convenient veil for the cabal to hide behind, as few people today dare to criticize Jews for fear of being labelled an “anti-semite”. This is particularly absurd given that the word “semite” is completely misrepresented, as it actually has more to do with languages and Arabs than Jews (anyone reading this having doubts please feel free to look up the definition of “semite” if you don’t believe me).

      As Voltaire once said, “If you want to know who controls you, ask who you are not allowed to criticize”. As it happens, there is only ONE event in history that is illegal to question…

      I appreciate that there are some things that may appear to be ambiguous in some of these early posts, but that is done purposefully as I think it’s more effective to gently lead people towards the truth rather than dump the most incendiary truth on them from the start.



      • I make you right on this one Richard. If you land the truth to heavily too early some people will find it too incredible and flee the scene, lol.


  3. Hi Richard,

    Appreciate your detailed follow-up. I can certainly understand going slowly and not pushing anyone too far too quickly toward the Jewish question. As far as Hitler painting jews out to be the enemy in many speeches, they, quite simply, were an enemy to Germany at the time. Jews were behind the Versaille Treaty that about destroyed Germany financially. Hitler had the guts to say no to the bankers and began creating money from the government, not the banks. Not liking this one bit, the jews, with the help of America, decided to start WWII to destroy Germany once and for all.

    Jews are also the masterminds of communism, in fact some notable jews, such as Rabbi Harry Waton, have said, and I quote, “Judaism is communism.” So Hitler was also trying to defend his country from communists (jews) who had just killed millions of Christians in Russia. The jews to Hitler and his people were in fact boogymen, there is simply no denying that fact.

    Reposted from and written and shared for humanity to learn from by Richard Kallberg, June 2016.

    So, wise up.


    Tags: aliens,Annunaki,ascension,cabal,cymatics,dieties,fallen angels,frequency,illusion,interdimensional parasites,Jim Marrs,matric,materialism,Max Spiers,mind control,nephilim,occult,Phil Schneider,religion is a control grid,soul trap,SSP,super soldier,William (Bill) Cooper,witchcraft


, wise up.

Electromagnetic Frequency , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,


  1. This article is insanely long, the pictures take a while to load so I recommend compressing them using or for faster page loads.
    Otherwise, interesting and awesome stuff (what I had the patience to peruse). Reminds me of stuff which I will keep locked away behind a knowing secret smile. 🤠🦄

    1. It sure is! It’s seven blogposts together, from the author’s site, not mine (credited throughout). Myself, I spent time making tea, washing clothing (I hand wash), and preparing vegetables for a salsa I will can. But I’l old-ah, maybe more patient. Thank you for your comment.

  2. Oh dear friend…

    Of course long post… but for me it is like a revised text-book with some added and revised learnings!

    Use of sound, frequency & resonance was highly practices by Tibetan monks; last recorded around 1920s by eye witness accounts. The same technique was used with slight modifications to partly melt huge stones for accurate alignment / joints.

    The area around Orion and Sirius in space is referred frequently because it is said that original humans (gene pool that is used to arrive at modern humans) came from the area!

    For me, Owl indicates wisdom but that doesn’t automatically indicate STO nature! One can be wise and also STS! Today, all owls are STS.

    Stonehenge’s original use was using natural frequency and its amplification / resonance for healing as well as spiritual ascension. Whereas, pyramids are actually harnessing energy for someone else to use!

    Hongkong is another mini city state but not as fully as the big 3. The present long protest is backed by 1 faction of controllers to fight the take over by another… ultimately earth is STS dominated place!

    I jotted down what I can recall immediately while reading the post.

    Hope I am making some sense.

    Thank you,


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