It’s long… read and watch it all. Please.

July 30-31, 2019

This is a restored version update to my This Post Is The Mystery They Hid (opens in a new tab – compare the difference to this one!) blogpost from January 10, 2019. I looked at it in early June, nearly six months after writing the original, and thought “That’s odd, didn’t it say more?” Busy with other things, I made a note to restore it. And it hit me: my GEOSTORM post was missing completely. And I have recently gotten very odd logon messages, which to an ex-LAN/WAN tech like me look all the world like simultaneous logon permission error messages. So, it really should not have been such a slow realization for me that some of my WordPress posts are being altered or deleted. Any semblance of control and proprietary ownership on our parts is really just that: an appearance of autonomy and personal privacy.


As I said online earlier yesterday (above) and at what point will any of us divest and free ourselves of this illusion we participate in? I know it is hard. Doing so is isolating. Eventually, we become erased. The mortal part of ourselves, our endocrine and organ-based self addicted to emotional reactions and comforts deplores the very thought of such sublime detachment. What will it take, therefore, to be


Jesus was from Nazareth and a follower of the Essene Way. After coming out of Egypt, where his family took him to protect him from the slaughter of all male children under age two, which was done to keep the prophecied messiah child from living. Nazareth was an Essene community, much-scorned for their separation from worldly ways. They were followers of what the ancient sacred texts call “the Good Religion”, and called themselves simply CHILDREN OF THE LIGHT. The tenets of their beliefs were the oldest non-blood sacrificing or idol-worshipping faith in human record, and were kept diligently by scribes, to the best of their ability. They knew that the truth of what life is and how it is to be lived had to be documented and preserved due to the re-occurring cataclysmic earth resets every 3,400 years (or so). It was only when the Romans burned the Library of Alexandria and began their quest to dominate and rule that the knowledge of these resets became obfuscated and hoarded in secrecy. These cosmological fly-bys did not stop at all. We’re in the early stages of “The Big One” now.

Why is this information kept hidden? Have you heard the phrase “the hidden hand”? That’s a good summation of who ‘they’ are, and what – and why – they are up to: no good! There are dark, dark forces pulling the strings of the puppet show called this world. When Yeshua (Jesus) was about to be birthed, already many foretold prophecies had been fulfilled. While his mother Mary was in labor, a star (*stars are angels) came and stationed itself in the sky over the small shelter. This is how the three different-nationality wise men found him; they saw the star, a divine portent and marker. His birth had been prophecied. And he came of age within the community who understood the divine nature of man before the injection of the serpent seed of Lucifer, who goes by many other names and identities (ID/identification entities – did you realize that meaning?): Ba’al, Baphomet, Moloch, Thoth, Enki, Ahriman, Leviathan, and all the names for the feathered serpent… and whose DEMONS – little satans – are the source of all disease and death of the human body.

The mystery of the seven stars which thou sawest in my right hand, and the seven golden candlesticks. The seven stars are the angels of the seven churches: and the seven candlesticks which thou sawest are the seven churches.Revelation 1:20

So WHY has this been hidden? (Why does my blog get edited and censored? Why are all of those who are disclosing the truth being persecuted?) Knowing that the next Grand Crossing of Nibiru – the one happening now – was coming, the controllers of this world who are all in obeisance to Lucifer are in a dedicated agenda to rewrite the story of which the end has been already written. The length to which their elaborate ruses go is long: too long for this post, this blog, or any one person to relate. The Ancient of Days knows All Truth, as all truth dwells from within Him in The Law, which is irreducible: the spark that Is Creation, which is only duplicated by the digital realms.

They are doing this intentionally, as they opportunistically capitalize on the existence of archons – disembodied spirits of the nephilim and their descendants – which inhabit human bodies as parasites. The reason this is being done is to destroy humanity and keep souls to harvest for eternity in Sheol. The Anunnaki fallen angels – the Nephilim – feed on pain and trauma, and in service to their king, Lucifer, only lie, steal and murder. Parasites are vectors with which disembodied nephilim and demonic spirits inhabit human bodies and cause sin, disease and death. From Djinn to GMO, for in reality, both are genetically engineered, regardless of the age or aeon of their creation, archons have plagued (and this word is used literally) humankind since their creation.

Jesus taught his disciples and followers how to cleanse their bodies, the true temple of the Most High God, and his teachings are recorded in the Essene Gospels which you can purchase for your Kindle or as a physical book. I made a page here  for a starting point for you. It’s just the first of the four gospels at this point (but I will update that ASAP with all, or, like I did, you can get them for offline reading when SHTF). ESSENE-eat_flesh_body-a-tomb Yeshua taught us what to eat (no dead creatures at all), how to fast and do enemas, how long to fast, and what would happen to the body if one was disobedient to living a life of physical purity. He taught that God is LIGHT. That The Law is LOVE. The meaning of His teachings are the secret of creation. This is the Infinite, witnessed in the Fibonacci Sequence, the Flower of Life. No Duality exists here: All is ONE.


The genetics of mankind on earth were infiltrated by Lucifer who impregnated Eve (there are other names for her in extrabiblical scriptures, many predating the scribing of what is called the holy bible). After this, she and Adam (Atom) mated, having become physical after losing their Light Bodies once Satan’s seed entered them in what is called The Fall Of Man). She bore fraternal twins: first Cain, then Abel. Cain was Lucifer’s son and murdered his brother Abel: the first blood sacrifice. Now we are all forced to consume our fellow humans in vaccines, food, drink, medical procedures and products, skin creams, stem cell therapies, and blood cells are in the geoengineering sprays all across the face of our planet!



After you eat, which baits the entities from their positions throughout your body to come to the gut to feed, immediately ingest 6-12 drops of Oregano Essential Oil in a 1/4 cup of distilled water, and follow that with a tablespoon of DE diatomeaceous earth in distilled water. This really knocks them back, since they are weakened and also killed by this, since what they eat is toxic to them (but not to you!). #DetoxHack



Derek Prince, a non-denominational deliverance preacher, came to see that arthritis is demons like cords causing distortion and pain in the body. Below the video (if you rather read) is what I have transcribed much from his video titled SPIRITUAL WARFARE ON EARTH

“A demon will follow a person, and choose the weakest moment and place in a person, and jump in.

Demons defile. They’re dirty. They’re all called “unclean”. They make you feel unclean. They fill your mind with dirty, unclean attitudes, emotions, and thoughts. Particularly if you about to read your bible or worship. Anything that attacks you at a moment like that is probably a demon. You never feel really pure. You can sing about how wonderful the blood of Jesus is, but there’s something in you that doesn’t respond. Demons defile.

Demons torture. Jesus says in Matthew 18, the one who will not forgive his brother or sister, deliver him to the torturers. That means you and me, if we don’t forgive. If we retain bitterness and resentment and unforgiveness, the sentence of jesus is to deliver him to the torturers. Who are the torturers? Demons. Very simple. They torture him anyway. They torture with emotion and fear. With guilt. With some kind of uneasy feeling that you haven’t done the right thing, but you can never put your finger on it. They torture you physically. I have dealt with many people who have been delivered from the spirit of arthritis. To me, if you look at arthritis, that’s demonic. It twists, it tortures, it incapacitates. Now, please understand that I am not saying that everybody who has arthritis has a demon, but many do.

I recall a scene in South Africa some years ago when Ruth and I were ministering together and praying for the sick, and a person, I think it was a woman, came up with arthritis. And I said to her, I want you to know that I am going to deal with this as a demon. And I said is that okay, and she said yes, and Ruth and I prayed, cast the demon out, and she was delivered. But then I thought to myself, why go through this process with everybody individually, because everybody has seen and heard it. It was a large congregation, so I said anybody who needs delivery from arthritis, will you stand up. Well about thirty people stood up. I prayed, commanding the spirit of arthritis to leave them. Now, I said to the people, don’t sit down until you know you have been delivered. And we went on ministering, but after about half an hour, every one of those people had sat down. Later on, Ruth and I travelled in various parts of South Africa, and we met several people who had been the ones who had stood up and then sat down, and they each testified that they’d been healed. Now please understand, I am not saying that all arthritis is demonic. But if you want to get a real picture of what demons are like, arthritis is a pretty good picture. They torment, they torture, they incapacitate, they bind, they are evil things. And again, there are exceptions to this, but it’s amazing how many people who suffer from arthritis have some kind of bitterness, resentment, or unforgiveness in their heart. I need now say no more. It doesn’t mean that if you have arthritis you have a demon. But if you do have a demon, get rid of it.

Demons compel. They make you do things you really don’t want to do. I would say almost any act or habit that is compulsive is probably demonic. Demons also enslave. They make you slaves. Take the demon of alcohol. It enslaves you. You just CANNOT do without your drink. You know it is harmful, you don’t really enjoy it, but you just can’t help yourself. But people can be enslaved by other things. They can be enslaved by television, anger, food, masturbation…Now, put compulsion and enslaving together and you get addiction, and our culture is full of addiction. I would say 99.9% of them are demonic. From 1 Corinthians 6:12-13 “All things are lawful unto me, but all things are not expedient: all things are lawful for me, but I will not be brought under the power of any. Meats for the belly, and the belly for meats: but God shall destroy both it and them. Now the body is not for fornication, but for the Lord; and the Lord for the body.”
So overeating and sexual immorality are specifically mentioned by Paul as possible examples of addictions. And an addict is a slave. And I am sorry to say, but the churches are full of addicts. Not all of them are addicts, but there are many, many good christians who are nevertheless slaves. Slaves of masturbation. slaves of idle talk, slaves of defiling habits. Slaves of wrong attitudes. Slaves of eating and drinking.

I have come to see that my body is a temple for the Holy Spirit, and I’m responsible for how I treat that temple. I am not free to defile it, I am not free to make it anything than less good than it should be. I am very careful about what I eat and what I drink. I’m not under any law, but I try to honor God’s Temple.” – Derek Prince, SPIRITUAL WARFARE ON EARTH

My note from October 5, 2018, when I transcribed this: “At 1:00 mark or so, arthritis as demons, specific language he uses matches what I know from Morgellons, and what Jonathan Kleck referred to as the cords binding.” For what is called keratinous growths in Lyme and Morgellons sufferers is the expression and eviction of sin in its physical manifestation. All Morgellons victims have Lyme Disease: it is a bioweapon designed to attack individuals with a high VMAT2 gene expression and for over a decade, the entire earth has been sprayed with aerosolized FunVax vaccine created to deactivate the area of the brain in which our spiritual activity is centered.

Now I will append to this the remaining content of THIS POST IS THE MYSTERY THEY HID. I first include a Chuck Missler video, and then the entire account of an Illuminati family member’s genetic testing results. After that you will read what was done to me yesterday: their attempt to thwart this post, and some observations regarding the proximity of Nibiru RIGHT NOW, and the electromagnetic storms, and preparedness.


(This in green, underlined and bolded, is all that was left of my original post!)

Chuck Missler states in the video at 9:12, the Steve Quayle story relating the DNA investigation documents thise, read here below this video. This post will fill in huge gaps for you! This is what was hidden, mystery revealed!

Steve Quayle’s related story with research sent to him by ex-alphabet geneticist who was asked by an elite to validate his DNA <— whistleblower



Life as an investigator…is ‘like a box of chocolates’. -INTELLIGENCE SOURCE -THIS

Courtesy of Steve Quayle
Feb 21, 2013


Part I

An investigator friend was telling me a story I can easily relate to…one time, he
says….”I left home on a lazy Saturday evening to grab some comfort food, I told the wife
“I’ll be right back” as my dog having heard the car key’s jingle, dutifully pushed his way
through the door to assist me on my mission, he instinctively knew I’d forget his doggie
treats if he wasn’t right there to assist me. Minutes later, as I was walking out of the store
with my booty, I saw a man who I’d been searching for as the subject of a complex
embezzlement scheme, he was walking to a rented moving van and towing his classic car
on a trailer behind it. Nine days and 3,500 miles later…I completed my fieldwork and
handed the investigation over to several Federal Agencies on what had now become a
Federal case. I returned home to my very distraught bride of six months…we were
supposed to have left on our already twice delayed honeymoon cruise the previous
Sunday morning. We didn’t have cell phones in those days and I didn’t have a radio in
my personal car, my handheld was on the charger at home when I’d gone on my quick
trip. My first call came during a brief fuel stop at four AM the next morning, the hurried
explanations fell on incredulously deaf ears; between her astonished and
uncharacteristically numerous expletives. For some months I’d been telling her, ‘third
time’s a charm’…guess I was wrong, again! she was NOT…amused.”

He concluded his hour long story stating very matter of factley…”I guess I…sort of,
understand why she divorced me…I sure do miss her.” “He then proceeded to explain
how this life lesson had led him to understand one of his many ‘Laws of Investigations’
which…like a box of chocolates…come in no particular order, and are only predictable,
in their unpredictability.”

I then proceeded to break what is now one of ‘MY’ laws, never ask this guy a question,
without having first taken a bathroom break! He tends to be pretty long winded…but the
stories are generally worth it. I asked; “What are some of the other laws you’ve come up
with?”, I knew the moment the words came out of my mouth, I should have restricted my
question to just one law…hard to do with good chocolate’s.

Without breaking stride he says,…”Belief is the driver of action”; and proceeded into
another long and winding story, in order to give me his history for the law.

“About 20 years ago” (Oh Boy, my first clue…this was gonna take a while!), “I had
recently completed my latest physics project at a location that uses a number for a name.
A colleague from my time as an Air Force OSI agent, specializing in advanced sciences
and technology, had heard I was heading to England for a long overdue vacation and
asked me if I’d volunteer to help him while I was there. He needed a witness on a simple
mission to collect some evidence,…unwittingly, I said ‘sure, no problem’. (Oh nuts; I’d
just violated a law every service member knows all too well…NEVER VOLUNTEER!
The smallest chocolates are always the ones with the nut’s…usually).”

“We went to a private city within the city, security was well concealed, but omnipresent
to a trained eye. We went to a private office and met with a man whom I later came to
know as a member of one of the wealthiest families on the planet. He talked with us
briefly about funding for a scientific investigation my friend was going to pursue. He
invited us to dine with him at his residence later in the evening. In the interim my friend
proceeded to tell me how the man had apparently had an NDE (Near Death Experience)
during a medical procedure. He’d apparently had a Pauline like Angelic encounter,
during which ‘opaque and serpent-like scales had fallen from his eyes, in the presence of
a Divine Messenger! Layer after layer of lies and deceptions dissolved before him. At its
conclusion he came to believe his entire life was one big rubber-band roll of tangled
lies…every new one bigger than the last. He’d resolved to turn to a new ‘Way’ and set out
to change his life; and the world.”

“After dinner, we collected blood, tissue, hair and oral swabs. He’d recently had a dental
procedure and had saved a tooth, which he dutifully preserved in a small paper bag in his
freezer. I videotaped the collection process as the evidence was bagged and tagged.”

“On the plane ride back State-side, my friend who at the time was one of the most
knowledgeable DNA researchers on the planet…pulled out the biggest piece of mental-
Jerkey I’ve ever gnawed on! His benefactor/test-subject, ‘believed’ that while most of the
‘Son’s of Adam’ had double strand DNA, he had been told by his family that he and his
blood relatives were distinctly different and that he, like his fathers’ before him had triple
strand DNA. He wanted my friend to secretly prove once and for all if this was true…or
not. The subject claimed that his extended family and their cousins, who are kings,
queens, princes and princesses, as well as leader’s of industry and banking worldwide;
believe they are children of an other-worldly race of ‘Humanoid Being’s.’ He’d been
taught by his tutor’s that once upon a time, his Ancestors had fallen to earth after some
Cosmic Calamity in the time before…the Garden. He believed that while their ‘Ancestral
Mother was Eve…their Ancestral father was not Adam!’ He was torn to know if a ‘Child
of Cain’ was actually genetically different and whether he could he be saved?”

“My friend never got the money for his investigative research as the donor was found
dead in his apartment a short while later. The death was ruled a suicide by hanging, even
though his feet were found to be barely touching the floor when he was discovered…very

“My friend’s wife gave me all of his research and notes upon his own untimely death
some years later…leading me to bite into another chocolate in the ‘Law of
Investigation’s” box…’Fact is often…stranger than fiction’…!”

Part II

“The beginning of a previously unexpected trip…’down the rabbit’s hole’!”

My investigator friend continued his tale after my return from an overdue bathroom

“It was a long plane ride home…the funeral had been difficult for me, losing a close
friend at such a young age was not easy. Because of the nature of his work…and mine,
our talks had mostly been cryptic and necessarily, too few; and too far between. His
young wife had only been with him a short while. Much of his early years and most of his
real life were completely hidden from her, need to know type stuff; and she didn’t, so she

Flash drives weren’t common then, a removable hard drive sat in the open brief case on
the seat next to me in what originally had been a box for Christmas Cards. A lone card sat
on top of the unusual assortment of contents, it pictured a cat who had apparently licked
the socket of a strand of Christmas lights that it’s owner was stringing atop a tree. It was a
snowy setting, in front of a festively lit home. The cat was amusingly adorned in a tangle
of colored lights as it hung midair between the starry heavens and it’s hell; every limb
painfully extended in a different direction and every hair standing on end under the shock
of electrocution. A similarly shocked dad was teetering atop of his now tipping ladder
next to a window where small children and the wife, mouths agape, watched helplessly.
An old hound dog laid on the porch nearby, barely raising one eye to take in the
entertainment. With the Crowning Star of David blazing brightly in his hand, only
moments from the completion of his task, dad was now headed on a previously
unexpected trip…and so was I.

Although the sticky note affixed to the top of the box stated simply…’Juan O. Saven’, an
operational code name I was once known by, the card when opened stated my Christian
name simply, with the following brief message, “Do what you do, I’ll expect a complete
report when you get here, since if your reading this, I’ve already gone ahead” He signed
the card “Slowpoke”. That was a name I had given him once, when we were young and
brimming over with life…and innocence. Reading the note, my eyes uncontrollably,
began to tear up…I suddenly felt much, much older, and alone. I dwelt on the card, his
note and our very unusual lives, for the rest of my long trip home; good friends, old
friends, aren’t easy to come by…

When I arrived in my city, I was very backed up in my work and I couldn’t really look at
what I had for some time. For one thing, I didn’t immediately know how to access the
hard drive and when I did, the information was password protected and he seemingly
hadn’t included a password with the box. It was quite some time later that it occurred to
me that he actually had, and that was the true reason for the catchy card at the top of the
box…yeah, he was right and I WAS slow.

It was all there, his contacts, his drawings and descriptions. His technical analysis was
not easy to read; but I had enough (more than general) knowledge, to follow his work.
He’d traveled covertly to meet with specialists, including one Nobel Lauriet to get their
opinion of his observations and analysis. He’d even met with some very prominent
religious authorities of varied beliefs, to get their take on the possible implications of
what he believed he had found. He was exceedingly careful and always traveled under
some other ‘role and purpose’ and only as a peripheral inquiry brought his real questions
to bear; conscious of the dangerous sensitivity of the subject at hand.

Near the end of his notes I came to a page titled “Conclusions” followed by these lines:

“This is a Murder Investigation” which was then followed on a separate line written all in
capitals “OF MURDER, BY A SERIAL MURDERER”. He then went into several pages
of a long diatribe of identifiers and details that only recently have begun to make sense to

Under a new heading, “Follow the Blood Trail”

At first he noted that the DNA strands he was examining seemed to be wound more
tightly than normal, you see there are normally ten rungs per complete twist of the
Double Helix strand in normal Human DNA. In his analysis of our Subject’s DNA taken
from his blood samples, he found intermittent sections which appeared to be wound more
tightly, with only nine rungs per complete twist, nine being an unusual and noteworthy
number, always turning and returning to itself. (I thought to myself, that doesn’t seem to
be that unusual…everybody I KNOW seems like they’re wound to tight.)

Simultaneously he observed and documented what he at first believed to be, the foretold
third strand of the Subject’s DNA. Upon closer analysis he came to an entirely different
and unexpected conclusion, our Subject had been lied to, IT WASN’T A THIRD
STRAND AT ALL! It was a silvery threadlike, semi-transparent, serpentine-like parasite
of infinitesimally small proportions. He observed that it was entangled intermittently
hoping back and forth between the normal Double Helix strands, it appeared to him that
as the parasite grew it continued to wrap itself like a bean or Ivy type vine plant will
attach itself to any available protrusion. Unlike a normal snake or worm, this parasite had
little hook like protrusions that did seem to lend themselves to a gripping type attachment
all along the strand, his notes described them as alligator or dragon feet, but only for his
amusement, not because they were that actual form. Occasionally, he noted that it
appeared that some of the threaded parasites seemed to connect to adjacent parasites
creating what appeared to be tiny nets.

In his notes, my friend penned some personal thoughts after having considered his
observations and the source of his DNA materials. He thought of the Vatican’s
pronouncements that the Aliens are our Cousins and the Vishnu teachings of a time when
god’s flew in spaceships and destroyed whole cities in a single blast. He even had notes
about Elijah being caught up in a Chariot of Fire! Maybe he had misread, or
misunderstood the entire history of his Bible! Maybe…from Genesis to Revolutions…it
was about some far more tangible and real Fallen Angel Alien Cousins, than the ghost
like destroying angels he’d always pictured in his imaginations. He gazed at ‘it’ and
studied ‘it’ in shocked disbelief and asked to himself, “is this pathetic little blood-sucking
worm, the tiny origin of the tyrannical destroyer of so many lives and worlds? But he
could not escape the fact that small as it were, the DNA strands that it/they were attached
to…WERE JUST AS SMALL! And both had the informational encoding to make
‘Good…or Evil!’ Yes, the DNA, and the serpentine creature entangled in it potentially
bore the information/knowledge/blueprint to create good or evil”

My investigator friend continued, “I remembered the time I had sat with a hard cold desk
under my arms, as I stared back into the false, Cheshire grin surrounding that mouthful of
fake pearly whites. ‘He’ was starring me down from his ‘Star Chamber Seat’; waiting for
my answer from in front of the concealing screen which provided me only partial
anonymity from the rest of the gallery. You see he thought he’d caught me in a lie, with
what I had told his ‘in house investigator’, but his investigator’s authorizations and
clearances were not the same as the Senator’s…I replied, ‘As you know Senator, the lie is
different at every level!’ and so it was, and so shall it always be, in this life anyway; from
the highest Thrones in this world, and now, here again, right down to the tiniest strands of
DNA, it’s lies, lies, lies all the way down! The truth is, the so called third strand of DNA
that somehow could make ‘THEM’ superior was just another lie from the ‘father of lies’.
In the end it was just another lecherous parasitic alien hitchhiker on the road of life,
trying to deceive the vulnerable into forfeiting their birthright for a bag of magic beans!”

“My friend tried and was trying at the time of his death to determine if there was a way to
separate the writhing and griping entanglements of the demon seed’s form, from the host
DNA without destroying the host. He also speculated on possible ways to identify the
Reptilian’s Host’s who walk among us while living in the grip of The Reptilian Seed’s
Alien Possession.”

“It was here that I began my work, picking up where my friend had too abruptly left off.”

“Deep in my thoughts” my friend continued “Once again, I’d reached into life’s box of
chocolates. Interesting thing” he noted, “There’s usually some chocolate covered jellies
with red colored sprinkles on top, in life’s little box o’ chocolates, and I like those, but this
time, it seemed like I’d reached instead for the three pastel colored, hard shell, candy
coated nuts at the center of the box. I did remember clearly, that it seemed like just as I
closed my eyes and started to munch, I began to feel dizzy and for only a
moment…before I felt myself begin to spin and teeter over, and down…into the Rabbit’s

Part III

“To Serve Man…”

There are three more ‘laws of investigation’ my investigator friend brought to my
attention and he then began quoting them to me. Pellegrino, Powell and Sir Issac Asimov
penned the “Three Laws of Alien Behavior:”

Law No. 1

Their survival will be more important than our survival.

If an alien species has to choose between them and us, they won’t choose us. It is difficult
to imagine a contrary case; species don’t survive by being self-sacrificing.

Law No. 2

Wimps don’t become top dogs.

No species makes it to the top by being passive. The species in charge of any given planet
will be highly intelligent, alert, aggressive, and ruthless when necessary.

Law No. 3

‘They’ will assume that the first two laws apply to ‘us’.

My friend told me how his dizzying mental fall was eventually arrested by a very hard
floor. In the mixed box of ‘Investigator’s laws’, my friend calls life, those three pastel
colored, candy coated chocolate covered nuts…apparently? can be some very hard pills
to swallow.

He told me…”Doug!”, rousing me like a freight train…”Doug, it hit me like the hard
ground we’re standing on! It’s all around us; everywhere! They think of us like Alien’s,
but they’re the Alien’s! Don’t you get it?! They’re laughing at us. They ‘THINK’ they’re
the children of Space Aliens from another world, marooned on this tiny blue orb. They’re
just doing time till they can figure a way off this rock so they can get back up to their
Death-Star Moon Ship; figure out how to fix it, and head back home to mommy!”

I sat there, listening as he talked. I looked at the heart shaped Valentine’s box of
chocolates I’d given my wife earlier in the week, sure enough when I opened it (she
hadn’t eaten any yet, but she had humored me with a perfunctory, ‘it’s the thought that
counts’ and a peck on the cheek. I guess it’s some kinda’ high brow female, smarter than
everyone else, non-fat thing.), anyway, sure enough…there they were, the delightfully
showcased Evil Omen’s! just as described by my friend…three large, pastel colored,
candy coated and chocolate covered nuts, just as my friend described! Forewarned is
forearmed, that’s what I say…I picked a safe, fat and round soft chocolate; or two, before
I put the lid back on the box. I wasn’t ready to drink the Kool-Aid yet, but I also wasn’t
shutting him down either.

He continued, “See, the way I see it, it’s all about the blood, they marry and inter-marry to
keep the Alien Blood pure. That’s why all the incestuousness in these elites Royal
Cliques, they’re keeping it all in the family.” He then explained how he’d found that this
guy and that girl were actually related to some other guy who wasn’t the guy we were all
lied to about, that was so and so’s official father, or mother. After a while it actually
started to make some kinda’ sense…or maybe the blood-sugar was just starting to kick in
and make me a little tipsy. Anyway; whatever; I lazily thought to myself.

I starred off into space, deep in my hypo-glycemicially induced, contemplative thoughts.
On the shelve beside the TV in my den an old VHS video box sat, it’s title staring back at
me, ‘I Was A Zombie, for the FBI’. It’s a campy 80’s black and white ‘B’ movie some
college kids made about some brother’s who discover some sunglasses that when worn,
allow them to see Alien’s masquerading as humans and plotting to destroy the real
humans and take over the earth. A more well known movie version is “They Live.” As I
adjusted my reading glasses, I had a few new thoughts of my own…what if?…What IF?!

Then, rousing me again, out of my darkness, with his now booming voice, my
investigator friend said ‘IT’! And then he said ‘IT’ again, and more slowly and
decisively…and just then, ‘IT’ struck me, ‘IT’ struck me, like a silver bullet to my
politically in-corrected brain! The haze half-cleared, and for a long moment…I realized
exactly what he’d been trying to say all along, the clouding scales began to fall from my
eyes also; just as they had for our Subject in his NDE (I briefly thought, ‘am I on the
verge of my own diabetic induced coma? Perhaps like our original subject, I was having
an NDE of my own.)

I reached for the water on the table beside me, but it was actually the grand kids Kool-
Aid, I drank it anyway as I thought to myself, It doesn’t really matter what I believe! It
doesn’t matter what the lying facts say! It doesn’t matter what any technical analysis
reveals! It doesn’t even matter what the religious sages thought; or believe!

It only matters ‘what THEY believe!’; because our original subject and his relatives, who
are king’s, queen’s, princes and princesses, as well as leader’s of industry and banking
worldwide believe (and act as though) they are children of an other-worldly race of
‘Humanoid Being’s’; but not Human only…Hybrid Human…More than
Human…Superior Alien Human’s!

Our subject and his kin had been taught by their families and tutor’s that once upon a
time, ‘Their’ Ancestors had fallen to earth after some cosmic calamity in the time
before…the Garden. He believed that while their ‘Ancestral Mother was Eve…their
Ancestral father was not Adam!’ THEY BELIEVE that they are our ‘Humanoid
Cousins’…Superior Hybrid’s, half Alien and only half Human. They once reined from
Olympus and were Pharaohs. Whatever the real truth of their history, their “belief is the
Driver of their Actions!” Being the true believers, they are, they will continue to operate
in accordance with their belief, and the laws of Alien/Darwinian type survival. That’s
why they interbreed, to maintain the purity of the Bloodline, that’s why they secretly meet
and connive to pass power between themselves; and that’s why they must fool the rest of
mankind into wars of self destruction and debt, so that we may be forever enslaved to
their lusts, on this ‘Prison Planet’; till death do us part. More than afraid, they know in
their hearts…this is a fight for survival…THE fight for survival!

It had begun, just as my friend had said, as “a Murder Investigation”, starting with the
first Murder when that Luciferian Demon Dad, had first whispered of the Evil deed to his
willing child…Cain! It continued down through time, the Son’s of Adam fighting for
survival and destroying the Alien Giant’s in Cainan Land…David and the Hybrid Goliath,
and his four hybrid brothers. And all the hidden true believer’s since…hiding in plain
sight, so powerful, so important…so, so afraid.

I was reminded how in the mountains of Afghanistan the people would say their cousin
lives on the other side of that mountain; then in the next breath, remind you that the word
for cousin…is interchangeably the same word meaning enemy.

Interchangeably?!? These earth-bound, half cousins of ours, continue to laugh, but it is a
nervous laugh at that! As they have a joke or two at our expense; recreating their Lying
Father’s ‘fall to earth’ and flashing their heretofore secret gang sign/hand signs to each
other, right in our face. I know now how dangerous their beliefs are, because they are
being driven by their beliefs, taught to them by their real alleged father…the Father of
Lies. And even now he knows The Truth and whispers in his initiates ears just as he first
did in Cain’s ear…the ‘Son’s of Adam’ as long as they live…are dangerous.

Just then my friend began to cite another Law, stating, “And when your finally out of
chocolates, it’s time to make stew!” I begged his indulgence for a few minutes as I
wandered down the hall to the restroom. I was wondering to myself, ‘where did I leave
my ladder? I gotta get outta’ this rabbit’s hole before the bad guys figure out there’s no
rabbits for the rabbit stew they’re dreaming up for their caldron. They might decide to
change cookbooks to suit whatever else they might find’…’Ummm yes, there it is’, I
thought, they’d thought…”To Serve Man”.

Thank you, Steve Quayle
Written and shared by him on Feb 21, 2013


When I saw the above image being circulated as “the latest news about the meteor showers!”, I shook my head like Lurch, being the human that I am, with emotions. My next immediate reaction was to PRAISE THE MOST HIGH. Day after day after day, it gets crazier: the world, their lies, how bald-faced they are! We watchers of the skies have been showing and telling others about the three light sources in the sky for some time now! Here’s just one of my posts, from last year. The dishonesty being used to deceive humanity is literally monstrous. “Three radiant light sources”? Look how they take the truth and spin it! ‘Nuff said.

Then my computer was shut down. Unexplainable DNS server issues: all diagnostic tests negated hardware or service provider problems. Then the apparent simultaneous WordPress logon conflicts. Then inexplainable spontaneous shutdowns. I was forced offline; hours of my time consumed. They stop at NOTHING to interfere with my getting the truth out. Such is the life of a Lightworker, we, the Believers in the End Times of the Fig Tree Generation in the Grand Crossing. I am so happy! Smiling, heart soaring! Please, my brethren, know that we are all being tested. This is the crucible time. Carry yourself to the best of your ability as the angel you will be once you are freed from this meatsuit prison!

Yesterday the electromagnetic geostorm whipped up quickly, with 50-60MPH winds, sideways rain, horizon-spanning lightning, and a three-minute total power outage. It became almost as dark as the hours after a ‘normal’ [sic] twilight at 4:30PM EST. At some point, the power will go out and not come back on. There are no replacements for the power grid infrastructure: the ‘authorities’ themselves say it would take at least six months to get them from overseas. The president of the United States himself has warned the American people multiple times to have a six month supply of all necessities. Six months. The proof is right there. Are you as ready as you can be?

Ending here. It’s mid-morning of the second day at this, and once online, it will take some time to format/link/img/etc. I am doing this as quickly as I can. The ‘weather’ has been a low ‘cloud’cover whiteout so far, although I saw majestic angelstarwatchers during the night. And please, if you have comments, for the sake of everyone, do consider using the blog comment feature as opposed to emailing me privately. Or do both – I love hearing from you, and imagine how many others will also benefit from you. It is my heartfelt intention that this post helps you to piece together the mystery they hid over the ages.


Tags: apostacy,Ba’al,Baphomet,Chuck Missler,DNA,Derek Prince,Essene,Gary Wayne,Genesis Six conspiracy,genetic defect,geoengineering hides the event,Jesus,Light,Lucifer,parasites,serpent seed,Sin,Steve Quayle,true history,truth,vegetarian,Zen Garcia


Genesis 6 Conspiracy , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,


    1. Prayerfully, they will <3 Now it is evident why the first post of this was hacked – as they do ALL truth. This is a post to reshare, for sure. I am thankful to everyone in this struggle who has helped get the light unhidden! Thank you for commenting, brother <3

  1. This Derek Prince video changed everything for me. You know how when everything just clicks like a puzzle piece falling perfectly into place. Thank you for your bravery and for being an overcomer!

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