Fall From Grace collage, 1991 LauraRBrooks
Collage and drawing FALL FROM GRACE done in 1991 while studying at MICA. dealing with the Forever Family and the failure of religion

May 28, 2019

The future is limited by our imagination, not driven by it. It is the world of science and technology, a world which was invented to imitate, invert, displace and deny God and our identity as divine beings that came up with that statement and mentality. A world made up of thoughts and desires arising from a base of foundation-less dreams because the base of knowledge of truth was destroyed and all taught was based on the construct of lies that man shall do as he wilt, as Crowley said, while delimiting and quantifying and defining the possibilities of his self-conjected futures upon quantum physics science with faulted formulas man conjured himself, in his own flawed self-reverential understanding.

Imagining the future, “dream it, you can be (or do) it”, and “if you build it, they will come” are all hubris.


  • noun: overbearing pride or presumption; arrogance.
  • noun: excessive pride, presumption or arrogance (originally toward the gods)

Through the success of deluding the masses into thinking that the limits of the future exist in connection with the potentials of the minds of men and their imaginative “powers”, those who seek to entrap the human soul, thereby enslaving humanity and miscegenating it beyond their serpent DNA +2 seed to next-level silica-based transhuman lifeforms existing in low-vibrational grids built to harness their etheric energies, blood and offspring, even on off-planet worlds within the dome. What exists beyond the sphere, we are only able to glean from ancient texts. The words of supposed seers must be taken with circumspect, and the star races must still obey The Law of God.
The third eye, the pineal gland, the seat of the connection to The Light of God within themselves, in which the VMAT2 gene resides and is expressed, in some more markedly than others, and in some not at all (revealing their reptilian Annunaki fallen angel genetic code predominance in percentage), creates and releases DMT in sacred visions of enlightenment and, at death, carrying them through the Dark Portal. Their third eye, the Soul’s eye, their pineal gland, if calcified, is blinded and gouged out. In some cases, they let it happen by their continuation upon a faulted path of precepts based on the imagination lie coupled with digital technology and quantum physics, science crafted. Craft is not creation – to duplicate the presence of life, consciousness and existence is not LIFE.

Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic. – Arthur C. Clarke, Profiles of The Future”, 1961

Science craft to expand the potentials and limits of the human biome need parameters in a form of man called H+.

This is Transhumanism.
This is playing God.
This is hubris.
There is an eternal punishment for that.
Because that means saying to the Christ Messiah that His sacrifice was unneccessary.

The organic, natural world being altered by nanites, metals, chemicals, frequencies, synthetic biology, images embedded in sound and movies: radio, music, television, film, all corporation-owned and produced media – products, programming, social program steering, fashion… EVERYTHING IN THIS WORLD IS MIND MANIPULATION.
The use of “smart devices” and apps, through their built in biometric, aetheric biotransmission sensing technologies and database correlation tied to one’s blockchain identity and physical location based on MAC address (no way now to evade the military surveillanced internet grid network knowing where we are anymore, even with proxy servers, VPNs, etc – those days are OVER), the retina and touch screens pads and keys, the adaptive/responsive AI learning of one’s voice, cadence, typing speed, vernacular – all word preferences are predicted for all communication and logged, and unbeknownst to the person, they follow.

This is the sheep’s conundrum in this digital age.

Every era of civilization resets caused by Nibiru’s tectonic plate re-formings and electromagnetic humanity mind-wipes has place mankind back into servile mode to empire-building rulers who capitalize – look at the etymological root (that’s redundant grammatically, but for the benefit of less well-versed readers) of that word, “capitalize”. What form was atop the ancient structures that we see still on all government, religious, and (supposedly) academic building? The capital. Atlantis_Dome500p Every city, county, state and country has a building designated as such. The cymatics of these archeologic featues collect human bioetheric energies which they harvest and feed on, and sell excess back to us as electricity, the free energy Tesla tried to make available to all – but they killed him.
Trump’s uncle… the Tesla connection… I’ll leave that easter egg right there.

Being embedded with digital technology, frequencies and adaptive sentient devices affects anyone using them and, like the boiling frog effect, they become changed without realizing it. That is why it is a seductive dilemma for us now.
One may believe that they are dedicated to truth and human freedom and love others from their deepest, innermost stance and still succomb to the delusion of thinking futuristically based on the imaginative constructs that have been instilled.

The cataclysms and the religious conglomerate controller corporations will have accomplished their desired goal if they can get all the good people of the resistance to think that there can be an ethically just digital future, marrying technology and nanite-based CRISPR cell adaptation. NO amount of hacked “clean” foods or detox will save a person – or an entire future generation of humanity (a tragic domino effect) from the lock-down grid of that quantum physics “imagined” reality. It’s driven by AI, and the CERN people have already stated that they have summoned demons, and these entities don’t care about us.

The ghost in the machine, the duplicated reality postulated as holographic consciousness where Lucifer, his 200 fallen angel followers, the demigods revered in Buddhist, Hindu, Norse and so many indiginous cultures, the mythological beings, the aliens waited for as some kind of saviors… all these are part of the attempt to displace God while copying Him and inverting truth. Yes, it’s binary code and they have harnessed light and God is Light. Yes, there are black holes. But there is a natural world of the toroid, the sacred geometry and numbers – this is duplicated, NOT CREATED, in the chips in processors  NanochipTreeOfLife_sm
This is still duplication.
Adherents to this imagined world of a digital future think they can forge on in brave new worlds.The reptilians who are the descendents of the fallen one cast out; Lucifer, Enki (his brother Enlil went to live on Nibiru after leaving Ameru, read the ancient texts, it’s all there), Thoth, Poseidon, so many names, have ensured with this “imagination makes all things possible” futuristic utopia of fair, just and ethical human/digital biosysnthesis and I see that it’s succeeding in drawing in good people who, because of the successful agenda to prevent access to the ancient text knowledge – Gnosis – these good people mistakenly take the assertion by those who have read the gnostic texts and who know the meaning of the Law – as they have so far, it’s a lifelong process and no one is complete, though humans did used to live very long lives and were much smarter – and who ACCEPT that there are things we will not know in this mortal body – these people, the proto-digital future set who grew up with game controllers in their hands, these people are fooled. Lulled into a unique type of new cognitive dissonance when presented with the idea that indeed all the ancient texts tell the future generations – and they are written with great responsibility and care, engraved on copper and stone, and inscribed in clay, or on leather or papyrus or linen, placed in copper boxes, sepulchres and urns, and also one must see the Emerald Tablets of Thoth (Enki the Alchemist, for that’s angel knowledge – it’s innate, there are no angel schools in those spheres, that IS the knowledge within of Being as created by God) which are really not on emerald stone, it’s just that color, but is an alchemically indestructible material, unknown to “scientific experts”, and absolutely durable.

These scribes all told us one thing to know, more than any other: that man can never understand God or what the meaning of all that IS is, in this mortal form. That the soul that seeks will find what it is seeking. That the shape of our eternal light being after physical death will be based on what we do while our soul dwells in our human body. That it is HUBRIS to do as we wilt according to our imaginations, no matter how “ethical”. That we will never get the answers in this mortal life.

The generation now, which has influence on the stream currents must take this admonition: a deceit is upon you that will sway and trip up others. It is wrong to imagine a future that exists in which man lives in ethical coexistence that is digital.

Watch the movie MOON.

We have been shown this in Star Wars by the Hollywood production programming of “let us show you what’s coming down the pipeline” sorcery disclosure. That’s how magic must work, to work the magician must tell the audience what he will do. In Star Wars (or Stargate, or name so many films) people live in nomadic tribes, in tents and underground adobe-like dwellings, growing plants, living remarkably Luddite, so very 1970’s earth-movement hippie generation stuff.
So very like the minimalistic lifestyle practiced by adepts thourghout the ages.
Take heed of what I am saying, because I am telling you the truth, and I will die a Truther: it’s all I have ever lived.

Do not embrace the digital synthesis of humanity. Do not fall into the realm of the end of days demonic deceptions! Do not lead others down that path: souls will follow you. Any construct imagined by the human mind is tainted. The TRUTH prexists and endures, resolute and unchangeable. Digital reality IS NOT REAL.
We are truly not digital. We are organic.
We’re just spheres and dimensions from ability to comprehend.
Digital is a copy.
Do not be deceived.

These were my dreams until my early thirties, and I grew up fighting off the Nazi stormtroopers, ripping their eyes eyes out with my bare hands, my fists throttling down the throats of their dogs on chains attacking me, using my right arm as a wedge to keep their jaws open as I pulled their snouts back. my feet against their neck and chest, breaking their jaws and killing them. I tore my clothes to wrap my hands and arms. I fought these fuckers and helped others escape, pulling children off IV’s, carrying my brother who couldn’t walk, leading them to safety. I’m still fighting and almost sixty. My own mother used me for their “research” in the labs below Washington DC, Maryland and Pennsylvania at Fort Detrick, where my first cousin was a medical officer years later, and told me in 1996 that AIDS was invented there to kill the gays. I remember and never forgot, just was sabotaged by MKUltra mind control.

So please do not let yourself be seduced into a digital future because it’s what you grew up with and it seems that that’s the way things are going. That’s a trap. Another trap. A SOUL TRAP.

I will share a family memory with you. In 1989, I bought a raw Baroque pearl necklace for $1.50 at a church thrift store, as the old ladies thought it was plastic (obviously, they didn’t bite it: that’s how you tell real from fake, teeth don’t lie). I sold it for $3,000.00 and used the money to buy my children Christmas presents (as well as pay a year’s worth of car insurance, get Emily and Max needed winter clothes, and get caught up on bills), and one of the gifts was a Sega Genesis game system and games. The next few days or so, I was walking through the living room and I heard Max say to Emily “I died”. This stopped me in my tracks, I was 29. “You died? What are you talking about!” Max, who was five years old, said “Just in the game, Mom.” “Well, I don’t like that language, it’s not right”, I answered him, carrying the laundry basket into the other room. It unsettled me. Little did I know what we would be facing now.
The controllers did. Why do you think they are called “game controllers”, the things one uses to “game” with?

Listen to me, PLEASE. I’m here to lead you. I rose from the ashes cleansed in life’s furnace – I’m still burning off dross as I type. But I’m here to lead you, to help you to see. And I say this with confidence, because I’ve been where you are. I’ve taken myself completely offline, more than once. I’ve lived off grid in jungles. I’ve been reduced to near death and reborn by self-healing from Lyme and Morgellons. As some know, who read what I share here, I live mostly offline now, and that I do actually read all these ancient texts I refer to. So far there has been no time yet to write and share all that I have experienced and continue to experience, but if you read my blogs from the beginning, you have a sense of it, although I still have not even “hit all the high points” of events in my life.

An example for you of the supernatural in my life, the way the controllers work to prevent us from fulfilling our inborn spiritual destiny… the artist who painted the Michael Jackson album cover “BLOOD ON THE DANCE FLOOR” was my friend in high school, two years older than me. (AND from age 12 to 17, I was the chaplain in Job’s Daughters, the Freemason group for teenage girls being groomed… for the boys, it was DeMolay). We used to work in the art room after school alongside each other on the same bench after classes ended. He taught oil painting at the reknowned Schuler’s School of Fine Art in Baltimore before he even graduated high school. His name is Will Wilson, and HE is the one who had the great idea to take me to a cult meeting (he had visited, but not joined), and I fell into it, the Forever Family, led by Stewart Traill ( will get to writing about them eventually, lots to reveal!). (I was 15.) The CIA creates all cults in this country, to discredit true believers (I purposely to not use the word christian, which was not contemporaneous, but a term created by the Roman empire) of God dwelling in us and our bodies being His Temple. For all religions acknowledged by governments that give them 501c3 designations and exemptions are controlled opposition. If a 501c3-designated organization (religious church group) even talks about Nibiru, they lose their funding and are labelled a cult by the alphabets. (Hence NASA, to hide the evidence. Period.)

So we’ve got:
1. The alien deception, and 2. The digital future deception. Both create what is called the Strong Delusion of the last days.

I have seen crafts, orbs, spirits, demons and now angels, since age two. I’ve seen and communicated with the same “UFO” craft five times. The CIA came to my high school when I was 17 in twelfth grade also five times, and called my house at least as many, until they took my efusal to join them seriously. Obviously that’s why I haven’t been allowed to succeed in anything in life. They don’t like it when you say no to them and expose the truth. They want to keep their enemies – God’s children – on their side. I’m clairvoyant, with a high VMAT2 gene expression. I grew up in Catonsville, Maryland, and my college physics professor mixed the incendiary chemicals for the Catonsville Nine, CatonsvilleNine DoingGOODsm who burned the draft records in 1968 and helped end the Vietnam War. For this, Dean Pappas was never tenured by the University of Maryland. I stopped watching televison at age fourteen, and in that same year, read To Kill A Mockingbird, Fahrenheit 451, Animal Farm, Brave New World and 1984, and more. I had precognitive waking visions at age 11 in sixth grade of our house being set on fire by my mother’s boyfriend “Mr. John” who drugged me to get me to go back to bed, because my “antenna were up” and I’d still woken up in the middle of the night, saving myself and my three brothers after he had doused the kitchen with gas and left the house. I had not consciously realizedd I’d precogged it. I saved my mother from suicide she attempted a few months before that, even, having had hours of dread and bodily reactions when she should just have been having her usual pre-shift nap (she was a night nurse in coronary care full time all her life). Once, the “UFO” tried to take me with them, but I refused to go, to stay and take care of my brothers (age 18). I foresaw the end of the world in my age nineteen “Not for a constant moment but the world will be obliterated vision“. In 1985, 23 hours and 50 minutes prior to the event, I had a waking dream vision of my brother Charlie’s death

when he was three weeks shy of 21 and I, same, almost 25 (our birthdays were four days apart). By the way, he was mind-controlled into that. I tried to investigate the event that killed him and my phone was tapped and plainclothes detectives in unmarked cars followed me everywhere and parked outside our house, where I lived with my two children ages 5 and 2, very vulnerable. I COULD NOT MAKE THIS SHIT UP. I have survived at least ten murder attempts; if I don’t write it, I lose count, and honestly, I don’t have time to do that at this moment, that’s not the point here.


Regarding technology and lens flares (for Terral Blackstar’s benefit, as he’s limited by the science lies), I am (was, I guess, since now I truth 24/7/365) Microsoft Certified Lan/Wan Professional, a Comptia A+ Certified PC Technician and a Goddard Space Flight Center Apple Technician when I worked for NASA there. I forget how many computers I’ve built. I was the only cross-platform (MAC/PC/SUN SOLARIS/LINUX) tech at NASA for the Y2K refresh. Prior to that, I ran both the Black and White Darkroom and the Digital Graphics Lab at University of Maryland Baltimore County, where I studied Digital Technology also (1996-1997) in one of the first programs nationally. I created the Help Desk for the Catholic Church Archdiocese in Baltimore, where a Father Rheusing, their IT priest (yes, that was a title) told me “Every priest and nun in here is a pedophile, the church gives them desk jobs.” Just before Charlie was killed, I had received a full scholarship to Johns Hopkins Medical School to become a surgeon; they even skipped the formality of the MCAT since I had won the American Chemical Society’s National Award for Acheivement in Organic Chemistry. I thought I would be a doctor, work at shock trauma (Baltimore had the first in the nation) and save people, little did I know they’d kill my brother to keep me from going. I had turned down jobs with Dow, Merck and McCormick (so glad I did! 🙂 and now I can’t get a job as a cashier at the local thrift store because of the SCS and being blacklisted – see my post called EMBRACE YOUR LOW CREDIT SCORE.
I have learned first-hand about nanotechnology, demons and TRUE HISTORY after “getting” Lyme/Morgellons. I’ve been an organic, Non-GMO gardener and food preserver since age 18 (again, I am almost sixty now). I am a natural healer an energy worker, an artist, an empath. I’m a Light Worker and I’m talking to you now.

This is not my first time blogging. I’ve been stifled and messed with and sabotaged online since 2007 (MKUltra’d). I began this blog you’re reading now and I was going to come forward with this in 2018 here, but when my daughter-in-law Nichole was murdered by the elites, the Sackler family is responsible for the creation of the drug fentanyl, by her accidental fentanyl overdose last December, I feared that my granddaughter was too fragile to learn yet – if she did read my blog – because of losing her mommy at just shy of age 14. It’s a terrible thing, and you all know, if you know me though this blog I write, just how much a tragedy this is for my granddaughter Emily. But now is the time, I cannot wait any longer. Many lives can be saved with these truths.
You saw my post MOUTHS OF BABES. My children drew these.
WAKE UP. I’m talking to you, my children and grandchildren!

And for everyone, please do not be fooled by the digital synthetic human holographic bio-interface. It is true, 3D printing and holograms are a thing, yes. But they are duplications of the original that only the True Creator – there is only one, The ONE, GOD. We cannot know His Face or His Ways here.
Do not be seduced.


The reality is, we cannot KNOW what God is. The reality is, we cannot KNOW what God is. We posit the astrotheology of Yggdrasil, the Tree of Life. Still, we are tainted by the serpent seed which has miscegenated the entire human race AND ALL BIOLOGY: plants, animals, mold, yeasts, bacteria, viruses. Viruses are aliens! My college professor – tenured, even! – taught us that in Virology 101!

Please, listen to me. Listen to me like Felicity did.

There is a place beyond all knowing which we can never guess at. That’s what Faith is for.
Do not feed yourself to the machine.

Counselor Troy_sm Post-postscript: in my first-ever computer job, I was called Counselor Troy. There was even a figure of that Star Trek character on my desk. I even kind-of looked like her, with my long dark hair then. Year: 1997.

PSSS – all transcripts and resumes in hand.

If you want to get the version of the Kolbrin that I read on my Kindle, here it is.

Namaste <3

Tags: astrotheology, digital synthesis, DNA H2 serpent seed, end times, Kolbrin, Nibiru, organic, Pineal gland, soul trap, strong delusion, supernatural, that old serpent, The Law, Yggdrasil


End Times , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,


  1. Thank you dear friend for very informative post.

    The words “silica-based transhuman lifeforms” in third paragraph, immediately made me recall about the fossilized giant remains; which are turned into silica based stones! And also about someone’s post about the ascension; which would lead to change in DNA, thus from Carbon based amorphous body to Silica based crystalline body! I wonder what the truth is! So, please tell me what you know in this regard.

    Just today I read this:
    I know it might be hard to believe, but the Universe doesn’t need you to be in charge. There are Forces of Love even more powerful than you, with even more vision, even bigger hearts, and the ability to see the whole picture in a way your limited human self simply can’t. So . . . relax your grip. Let go of the handle. Turn it all over to these Forces of Love and TRUST that what is most right is on its way to coming into being—all in Divine timing in the most mysterious way beyond your wildest imaginings.

    And I thought that your post is also telling the same in different words! So, I just shared with you.

    A thought just came… the Nibiru is a deliberate recycle system of Annunakis. They know their boundary well; so, they have reduced the cycle from 12000 or so years..(I am not sure about the exact number) to present 3600 years. They just do not wish to overdo and invite someone stronger to “take care” of them; ruining their timeless party of sucking our energy! However, is this the last cycle to change the octave and go one level higher for humanity? I wish you comment on this too!

    Thanks and namasté.

All thoughts matter. Share yours.


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