My waking dream vision of the End Times, age 19

IT IS QUIETER THAN USUAL… four 9-11 in One-9

(April 9th) This is the second night in a row that has been so very quiet: too quiet. I live on a trucking route in an east coast potato chip factory snacktown midway between the big apple and DC. This town has signs proclaiming a sister city named same in Germany, so we accurately surmise that it is a Bavarian cabal elite family town. If you are east of the Mississippi, food labels indicate that the USDA registers food to this locale. It’s crazy. The utilities, ‘deregulated’, where one must choose a gas supplier, and being a commonwealth state (what’s in a word) show the massive profit of the fossil fuel industry.

In the 18th and 19th centuries, this state was one of many which appeared in newspapers for giant bones discovered. An adjoining state is home to the Serpent Mounds (Richie From Boston made a great video about those, and flew a drone over to prove everything contended). There are Sasquatch sitings here. And if you have read the Emerald Tablets of Thoth, you will know that Enki looked down and saw this ancient earth race of furred humans, less intelligent than us now, and that fallen angel came here to inject DNA and make a tweaked slave race to take our gold for their failed atmosphere. The few Sasquatch we sight are the remaining first earth non-miscegenated residents.

Tunnels are under these streets and towns. The fossil fuel gas is the degassing from ancient life forms, including giants. The jewels and crystals are refined essences of beings. Ironically, the diamond being valuable is a scam though, to benefit the cabal DeBeers family. But these tunnels, referred to in the civil war epoch as the Underground Railroad, are in every continent. That is how the nephilim survived the returning Destroyer each cycle of transit.

And time is really dilated; dilated and compressed, both. I have been observing that for awhile now, and mentioned it on my blog here more than once. It is becoming stretched out more than compressed, I sense. And sometimes, it is just being something different, and I want to say twisted and crumpled (kneaded like bread in the ram’s head shape, like I pointed out in this blog post how Ba’al makes everything self-referential to influence all brains and consciousness), but that’s not really how it feels it is. What is happening is that the dimensions are shifting and all things in this 3/4D world are translating within their spheres.

Example: I read last night (the 8th) before turning the light off to go to sleep, and it was shortly before 11PM when I fell there (asleep, in bed). I woke a few times, drank a quart of water (distilled with cream of tartar and lemon juice, always alkalizing), opened window/adjusted it, all within what felt like the entire night. Finally, I woke again, thinking about how quiet it is outside and wondering why I awoke when the house wasn’t shaking from truck traffic and the tunnels/faults beneath the road that translate vibration and shock into this old house, making it feel like an earthquake. THAT happens ALL THE TIME. As a matter of fact, it can be nothing less than underground tunnelling STILL going on. They have done this the previous sunday nights, two and three weeks ago, and a bit before that, but I didn’t realize what I was hearing/feeling until this past month.

No, tonight is taking too long, and it’s too quiet. (My own sense of time has ALWAYS been longer than others sense. This is something that’s been true for me all my life. I never understood why it was so until the last ten years or so. Reading/listening to others who are becooming aware of this now is very heartening to me. It is good to see people waking up to what is real, not what they think is real based on what they’ve been led to believe.

* * * My theory on this quietude of streets, traffic, air traffic, and increased supersonic jet traffic as well as underground tunnelling, all of which I hear and sense, is that ‘they’ have been very, very busy getting resources of all typed moved to underground bases, and also that there are things going on in the upper atmosphere – holy wars happening now – that are literally above and beyond geoengineering. We’ve had some seriously ample warnings from watchers including JeffP, Dave Dobbs, Terral Blackstar, and more. * * *

Three nights ago (April 9th, now writing more on the 11th), after ‘sunset’, I looked to the Northwest, where the now normalized to sheeple odd, cold bright illumination dulled our behind its manufactured cloud cover, and saw that there was a very large, bright crescent moon, at the aspect of that movie intro image with the boy fishing on it, and I want to remind all of you that the moon does not rise in the northwest. [NOTE: it’s now 11AM and I’m finishing this up, after having gone on a thrift store hunt for kombucha brewing jars. The ‘sun rose’ in the east/southeast, and later than previous days’ trends. The geoengineering jets are making an aggressive white-out across the entire sky, from the east (according to the way the roads are laid out) to the west, then criss-crossing that, and spanning horizon to horizon.

Ad infinitum, I could restate many things I have spoken of here on this blog since this one was started last June 2018. My previous blogs are scrubbed from the web, and I refuse to use Facebook (anymore), so can’t refer to the writings I have done dating back when it launched and I joined in 2007, or from MySpace in 2005 to 2006 about what is being done to this earth and us. I didn’t yet consider myself a whistleblower and activist, still thinking of myself as outspoken, fringe; a rebel with cause of truth. In 2007 I wanted to have bumper stickers and T-shirts made printed CONSPIRACY REALIST. And here we are now, and true to the jot, we’re marginalized and persecuted because we aren’t herded into obsolescence. What is important right now is to be a part of rallying as many as possible to action for your souls NOW. And the souls of those you love.

Because something IS happening. Or, to be more accurate, is about to STOP happening. Being a ring magnet, the earth will continue its torroidal EMF energy changes we are observing. Its poles are shifting. That’s why the moon rises in the northwest and “the nights are too long”. Many, many folks who study PlanetX are in consideration of whether April 11th-ish will be a climactic event time. Each day, I witness the cumulative changes from what used to be weather, which I remember clearly from childhood and early adulthood, having grown up on farms, caring for plants and animals, and being a full-time gardener who raised as much produce, herbs and poultry as possible. I would direct you to it, but my NPR interview from 2011, which I revisited a few days ago,  has been edited censored by the controllers yet again, a very blatant rewording as well as blacking out the analog watch I had held in front of the camera as I spoke, proving that the so-called “live” feed, which originally took over an our to upload and process, is anything BUT… total phuckery on their end. At the time  I was interviewed I was a prepper also, but still less informed than now. This earthship system is declining more quickly than the elite planned with their Agendas 21,30 and 50. Thank the Creator that we have been made privy to the ancient texts which our ancestors took the time to preserve for future generations, knowing that there would be cataclysms caused by PlanetX AKA Nibiru, Wormwood, the Destroyer.

It is the sickest tragedy of all that this is the truth the elites hid, via their control of all knowledge and religions.

A point will come when our earth will, as best as we can describe with our crude quantitative abilities of language and physics, STAND STILL. That’s the reset moment. The earth will rearrange itself. The surface of the earth, the crust, will become mobile, and break apart, moving at will in response to forces which will flood the earth, cause an immediate flash-freeze of all living things. There will be winds in excess of 500mph. The Hilina Slump happening now is a slow process mostly, but measurable. California and the west coast are doing it too. I talked about the Hilina Slump before anyone else really did on YouTube, on my  Morgellons Homeopathic Healing channel (which is completely censored). When Kilaeua erupted last spring, I uploaded a video the day it did, in which I talked about the Hilina Slump and Hawaii being a portal to Hell got over a thousand views in less than six hours, but the hating was so bad I pulled it off. You could look and find my subsequent ones. The geothermal plant there is a cabal tool to crumble the shelf and create utter destruction. (Actually, I’d travelled to two different states to partner in two different offgrids, but left each, each run by psychopathic megalomaniac narcissists.) But this coming grand crossing has been prophecied since before the vatican-approved bible. Reading the ancient texts helps very much. Is there a savior? Yes, in yourself, in us all. We’re our own second-worst enemies though. In terms of astrotheology, it’s vibration that will ‘save’ us. The spirit that IS the Most High creator has made possible so much knowledge going back to Atlantis, Lemuria, Mu, Shambala… further. Movies and games can’t touch that. Even Stephen Hawking realized that all equations lead to the force of one creator god, who has had many names. Older than the accepted holy bible says, this planet needs this cleansing. And our purpose here is tolearn lessons, so we can become eternal soul spirit, freed from these three spheres/dimensions.
The incoming planetary system is making a fly-by now again, and the data which has been tracking this shows that around April 11th, we are in another critical time period. A TEOTWAWKI time (TEOTWAWKI = ‘the end of the world as we know it’).

It is no coincidence that simultaneously, massive things are going down geopolitically. Brexit, human trafficking, the opiate decimation of humanity, massive created mental illness and biochemical lobotomies from every vector of ingestion possible, pedophilia and human sacrifice, cannibalism via food and medicine, replacement of humans with TRANShumans as gender has been destroyed (H2) and people don’t know who they are anymore, DNA replacement and nephilim miscegenation on an unprecedented level, the impending 5G imprisonment of all: how much worse can it get? We all must take care, for basing a constructed framework of definition on millenial popular culture graphic novels, books, games and movies within the overarching digital paradigm rush and vie for, what looks to me as I observe from my sporadic internet forays, taking credit for outing the demonic forces who work in facilities, and describe things which, IMHO, sound like they have imagined from pop culture influence of gaming, comics and graphic novels, Hollywood movies, memes. I’m glad they are struggling to shed light, but at the same time inherently cringe as I listen, because there is usually now something that feels not quite right with what they say. Similar to the Alex Jones or David Icke accusations, that they are inside plants of disinfo, I fear that the few who have strong aspects of real awareness are being caught in a stream of confused currents seeking paths of least resistance, as water and electricity – aether – do. There is a saying: the definition of insanity is doing the same thing repeatedly, but expecting different results. I ask you, if the well is poisoned, why drink from it? In the information superhighway, how much data do we require? At what point do we take ourselves off the burners?

I worry for the followers – that word needs a replacement, actually, because truly we are truthseekers, both the teacher and the pupil – because as we know, the binary code of digital language is only the attempted duplication of information carried in the light code of our DNA. To glean reference points of understanding from the mirrored simulacrum of holographic representation – from the reflection of source material re-connoted with computers, and gurgitated by the very entities who are criticized rightly for controlling information/TRUTH, is the most dangerous of things, and is quite possibly the “strong delusion” that was prophecied so cause many good people to fall under in the last days. Listening to fabricated recollections and contextual associations stemming from the cabal’s own machine of ideas is disconcerting. Film, the arts, fashion (“Fashion is the bastard of vanity dressed by art”, I’d written on the spine of a college art history textbook) are all used in ways we know as programming, social steering and sorcery. All crafts are fallen angel arts. We know this. The vanity is paved by pride, the first downfall.

If you have not read my posts ARE WE COMMITTING HUBRIS UNDER DRIPPING KEYS and its follow-up quoting from Enoch in the Apocrypha, please do so, then return to this one and continue.

THE BEAST IS IN THE MACHINE. This is why we must remove ourselves from the IoE (internet of everything) grid hook-up. (I am not certain of this, and do have reservations, but am still maintaining that his does not mean one can’t access the web.) I have done this to the best of my ability besides deleting email and media accounts and completely stopping using it. Even if I were to do so, I’d still be embedded in the octopus. Once information is recorded, whether it be image, written words, database info or voice, it is forever stored. The sound of our own voices actually echoes for eternity, not unlike the look of Open Broadcaster software when it’s launched. It looks like a hall of mirrors. Am I the only one so far to say that’s creepy?

I was blessed last week to have found the 1991 first edition copy of BEHOLD A PALE HORSE by Milton William Cooper, and have been reading it. The fact that it jumped at my eyes from the obscurity of crappy donated books proves there are no accidents. Now, here, in this essay I must interject with these words, from the chapter Secret Societies and the New World Order, pg 73:

“The initiated elect communicate directly to gods [ALIENS] who communicate back to them. The masses sacrifice their lambs on an altar facing a stone idol that can neither hear or speak. The elect are given knowledge of the Mysteries and are illumined and are thus known as the Illuminati or the Illuminated Ones, the guardians of the “Secrets of the Ages”.

I added this to underscore the facts: there are no aliens, for they are the fallen angels and that right there is the alien deception. William Cooper added the word ALIENS to the copied government Top Secret document, bracketed and in caps. Lucifer being the first created angelic being who rebelled when The Light was created after the spoken Word AKA the very act of creating was created (most call this being Jesus). Not believing this does not make it not true. We have been lied to by the occult – which means hidden – and WITCHCRAFT is the LANGUAGE OF THE NEPHILIM (FALLEN ANGELS, DEMONS, BA’AL, BAPHOMET, JINN, LUCIFER, DISEMBODIED SPIRITS, PARASITES).
If you are into witchcraft, I implore you to strive to learn the truth that has been hidden from you. The web of science junk history lies and biochemical lobotomization has you entangled.
That is why we exist here, to make the right choices and leave the soul contract of evil. My college Virology instructor taught us that viruses are alien. That was before education was completely destroyed.

So if we leave the pseudoneural network of the digital so-called multiverse, how do we communicate, then?

Spiritually: intention is a program. And rejoicing in love and compassion one focuses on and outward works to break the contracts of the soul traps that these dark entities roaming in the aether attack us from. They’re multigenerational, an aspect of the multiverse. If we doubt the power of our thoughts and words – even written – we doubt the power of everything we think, say or do. The vibration of our thoughts is real. Divine. Energy expresses itself mathematically. We are energy: Energetic Beings – SOULS – introduced into this plane of three dimensional reality to learn soul lessons, and doing so, transcend this body and five-sense realm of taste/touch/see/hear/feel in order to return to our source, the creator. All that is not the creator, who cannot be depicted or named, being pure energy and surpassing any mathematics of finite or infinite quantifications, as the creator incepted ALL, AS WELL AS (including) NOTHINGNESS, or VOID, and so at some point, all lesser beings, be they fallen angels under *Lucifer, who are the so-called alien races, or demons, or gods or demiurges and archons… ALL THESE ENTITIES USE MATHEMATICS TO DUPLICATE THE CREATION ACT AND DESTRUCTION ACT.
*And if you have been conditioned by the centuries of programming to believe there is no such thing as Lucifer, or satan, well, he believes YOU exist. (Your disbelief does not protect you and is meaningless.) The cabal who were given free rein here until the predicted/prophecied Grand Crossing of PlanetX/Nibiru/Wormwood/The Destroyer, an event now imminent and happening. Their destruction of truth and hide-the-evidence wars, conquests, history, education, the arts, and journalism, combined with the fact that they indeed do end and then begin the number line at the time of the Messiah Christ Yehushua’s appearance here, and also that there is no alternate possible climax end of earth and its civilation except the Transhuman movement that they created – a duplication of God’s math, satan can only duplicate, never create, that’s why his junk DNA in ours is a parasitic hook, read THIS POST IS THE MYSTERY THEY HID. Read the WHOLE THING, THE STORY AND ALL. And if you are too lazy or distractedly entrained by flashy, endocrine-system (which they pump and consume from the aether, and charge us for as utilities… Tesla TRIED to give it to us, the free energy… they killed him. See TARTARUS post. They pump and drain us all. The whole world runs on this. That’s why God wanted us living in tents as sojourners. But like Ritchie, I digress…
Please watch this video, then continue. I can’t say it better, and neither could the guy who posted THIS version, WITHOUT music. So it’s now coming to you third-hand. Made by Gary Lite, re-audioed by YouAreCreators, and redistributed by @EatingToAscend. I don’t think it will be didactic for many…

SO, HOW DO WE COMMUNICATE WITHOUT THE INTERNET OF EVERYTHING? The web, the grid: the matrix. I can’t speak for anyone else, but I know that my pyschic ability, my precognition and clairvoyance and extrasensitivity, have been extreme since birth. (I am finishing a book now called SUPERNATURAL IN MY LIFE.) This sixth sense state I live in is why I have been lifelong targeted and was early MKUltra (though all are, all humans, by Lucifer – even my now-deceased-via-murder-by-the cabal’s-Sackler-family’s-fentanyl daughter-in-law Nichole had a case for her iPhone that my granddaughter, not quite 14, told me was Baphomet when I glanced at it, at first taking the shape to be a cupcake from across the dining room table… she said it “That’s Baphomet” as if she was announcing something meaningful that I wasn’t aware of, and I looked at it in her delicate, artist’s hand disdainfully, and said “I know who Baphomet is, and that’s not good.”) I’ve seen demons, UFOs, and sensed imminent events since as far back as I remember. Those ARE my memories. This is why the CIA (men in black suits, no less) came to my high school five times in my twelth grade year, trying to get me to join them. My principal told me that no other student but me was being recruited. And it was a large school less than forty miles from the capital, FWIW.

In January and in March, I heard my granddaughter call my name audibly twice, since her mother Nichole died. Her spirit visited me – before I knew she had died, there was a gap of six days before I was told, and I had been very alert to her, but projecting love so hard that I believe that bridged the limitations of this dimension as she translated into the next, and that I at least SAW and EXPERIENCED her soul as it exited this plane. In actuality, though I did not yet theoretically know, three days after she died, ball of light was in the art supplies I had photographed and emailed her that I was giving to my granddaughter. I awoke in the early morning hours and went through the kitchen, and it bursted sort-of through the boxes, and left through the wall, pure light flash, poof, gone. And less than 24 hours before Nichole’s spirit left her body, I was visited by an angle/angel of light, and a sky portal opened up over me and the building I lived in. That’s blogged HERE. I have felt the need for being held by her, and when I feel these things, I apply myself as much I can to heart intention. Someone recently asked me if I do TM – transcendental meditation – assuming I did. I said no, I don’t call it that, that I go within my soul and focus intent, willing right action and outcome.

How can it be? “This fantastic coherence has existed since the beginning of time but has yet to be harnessed by mankind and the potential is truly mind-boggling.” – Russell Blake, Senior Researcher for Microsoft. The reason it has not ‘been harnessed’ is that the cabal have not allowed us to, and that is IN BETWEEN the reset cycles of The Destroyer, the hammer of God, basically. Mind-boggling because we literally cannot conceive of the infinite possibilities in a concrete manner. I contend that we are NOT to, in this incarnated realm, pre-ascension. We were warned in the Icarus myth. That is angel knowledge, and we will – if we use our freewill rightly, once awakened, know all things in the eternal realm, transcending the three and seven spheres, the dimensions we know of thus far.

The need to leave the web is real. It’s called ‘web’ for a reason. Many speak of it, but are they doing so? It’s so hard to do. It cuts us off from information. We don’t live in tribes anymore. There’s no more coconut telegraph or smoke signals. I have realized that as this ascension nears, the words spoken to us throughout the ages that we would be a persecuted, reviled minority are true and real, and in cutting off the offending hand by ceasing to weave onesself into the web means further ostracism and isolation. It is VERY HARD. You don’t “hear” from me very often now, because I do what I say I will do. I don’t just talk about things. I DO them. When I used to have my FB group MORGELLONS FOCUS: ALKALINE DIET AND OPTIMAL HEALTH IN A NANO EMF WORLD, if a protocol for detox, Lyme, Morgellons, mold, yeast, bacteria, nanotechnology – or any other death vector thrown at us by the cabal – if I could do so, I tried it, so I could authoritatively and being truly personally informed, help others. Elana Freeland and Clifford Carnicom were FB ‘friends’, Elana was in my group, and I in her groups as well. I also learned very much from Harald Kautz-Vella, who has come to the same conclusions as I have about parasites and disease: they are one and the same. Heart disease, mental illness, cancer, diabetes, gout, restless leg, epilepsy, arthritis, autoimmune disease, and on and on and on…

Can you see it? I will not name names, but I dearly hope that this wonderful man knows why he is having siezures suddenly…

I received an email two weeks ago from one of my readers, the very day I tried to explain to an elderly (she’s 75) neighbor I look out for why she needs to stop eating raw meat, change her diet, stop cleaning her dogs’ teeth with her fingernails (then not wash her hands, even), and why she has advanced heart disease and is very heavy from her hips to neck and can’t ride her horses anymore becuase she has “arthritis”: IT’S WORMS!
So here’s the email excerpt of what people have so much cognitive dissonance and are programmed that they can’t hear- again, there are no coincidences…

“… It’s amazing that people in the medical field have no clue. One tech was shocked when I told her, “Blood clots are actually most often simply worms that clog the artery and create a heart attack; but the doc never tells you, I’m sorry your mom died of a worm that clogged up the blood flow to her heart.” Instead they will tell you that calcium clogs it (which is possible but doesn’t happen near as often) Many other diseases caused by the worms…..
You are a wealth of knowledge. Thank you for the blog…”

Regarding sharing knowledge as I did in my group now no longer in use; I do this now. I am not paid and not yet monetized. The controllers do all they can – and always have, lifelong – to ensure I stay poor. Everything I owned has been stolen from me, first by my DC photojournalist newsman ex-husband, then by parasites in HI, then by a psychopath who purportedly runs an offgrid in UT. People are DANGEROUS when they are not detoxed. Of course, the targeting and mind control is used to make one appear erratic and unstable. In terms of ‘being clean’ AKA detoxed, I am not throwing stones through a glass roof. A person could not get much cleaner than I am, in year number four of heavy-hitting detox. If you benefit at all from my words and information, on the upper right of this page is a link to donate.

Let’s revisit being “clean”. This means not eating dead animals, avoiding genetically modified foods, refusing vaccines, drinking distilled water, not using products, doing deworming for a number of years and then maintainance dosing, removing heavy metals, molds, destructive bacteria and yeasts, reducing nanotechnology, protecting from EMFs and electrosmog’ LED and blue light microwaving, ceasing to consume so-called foods such as wheat, sugar and manmade (GMO) produce such as white potatoes, strawberries, broccoli (not a full list!). Discontinuing eating all factory, convenience and fast foods, deli and lunchmeats, cheeses which are not equal to what was made hundreds and thousands of years ago (unadulterated by ‘ingredients’), NO NATURAL FLAVORINGS – if it says that it’s base is human fetal cells and you are cannibalizing. Stop listening to 440Hz music.  Listen to healing frquencies and solfeggio tones. As I told a musician friend who plays guitar, change your tuning to 432. He did (but he refuses to get ride of/stop listening to 440, to his own detriment). Kill your televison and radio. UNPLUG.

How much can YOU do? As you are reading my blog, or see me on Twitter, you know I am still around here on the web somewhere, still…
THIS IS A PROCESS. In SHTF, without solar power, it’ll be permanent and sudden.

People are talking about ‘ASCENSION SYMPTOMS’, which include hot/cold sick feelings sneezing, headaches, odd twinges or pin-prick sensations in random places in the body, nosebleeds, ringing ears, insomnia, greater introspection, anxiety, spontaneous sweats, cold extremities, over or under-eating, agoraphobia, distorted sense of time, hyper/hypokinesia, paranormal experiences, more creative energy, heightened awareness, increased ability of each of the five senses, increased empathy and compassion… I would really appreciate – so would others – if you would take a moment to share yours here. People need to connect in this.

And so now I am going to rein this post back in to the message: the thing we know will happen IS happening. Like the word-vision I had at twenty, “Not for a constant moment but the world will be obliterated”, it ISN’T OCCURRING IN ONE CONSTANT MOMENT. It’s happening in ways we can’t track linearly, or sense sensibly based on the quantifications we are capable of. Change is happening, it’s constant, it’s already done. Will it help you to to think about it if I tell you that we do not travel trillions of miles in space to span the distance between cosmological objects? That it’s not speed in terms of distance and time? That time itself is dimensionally dependent and limited? That time has been conquered, and was before it was concepted? WE ARE INCAPABLE OF DEFINING THIS.
But we can imagine it, and sense our destiny.

We are MEANT to be martyrs for truth. Intended. ELECTED to sacrifice our selves in willing submission in service of others. The highest calling takes us to the lowest places. Only the sacrifice of self ensures the untormented eternity of one’s soul. The self is purified and rejoins source as eternal soul ascended beyond the lower spheres through the purification taken place in this realm of struggle called trauma.
As heartbreaking as it is, we are not supposed to belong here. This is what differentiates us, and why we will ascend.
Our loins – our guts, our organs, what sustains us in this realm – are gird with truth.

My naysayer haters and critics will say “you can’t eat or not eat yourself into [heaven, becoming One with Source, joining Light as we who have made DMT journeys (trips) will recognize… insert your word of choice here]”. Well, no, but in the same sentence one must recall the computer term GIGO: Garbage In, Garbage Out.

Why is this true? BECAUSE WE ARE MADE OF FREQUENCY. Garbage ANYTHING makes your vibration LOW. Heavy sinks. And this earth is reaching a point soon – its tipping point – and you pick your address with the choices you’ve cumulatively made in the course of your life. I truly write my heart out here to you. I love you all. ESPECIALLY THOSE WHO HAVE HURT ME. They are the hurting ones, and I pray for them. Thank you all for being a part of the path I am on.

So, what if you had two days left until the world ended?

What would you do? Who would you reach out to and what would you say? When I began this blogpost two days ago on the 9th, that is the question I wanted to place in the forefront of each of your consciousnesses. We might not have that long. We might have two, five, ten more years (I doubt that, based on what is observed by myself and others who see past the geoengineering and bullshit of the cabal). My family and friends, to them I have been the dreamer, the one with her head in the clouds, the smart crazy one. The one whose newsman husband wrote on about my prepping before December 21st, 2012 Mayan Calendar prediction “She really believes that shit!” (then he stole all I owned, and all my preps, the sad lost soul sold out to Lucifer and his minions working all his life lying for a living – his words).

What I say to those I love – Emily and Max, and Emme and Rowan and Albie, David, (((Charlie))), Jay, (((Christal, Nichole))) and Morgan, Jamie… Little and Rohrer and Bruno and Travers… is…

I love you each of you and you were wanted.
I am sorry for the hurts I caused.
I forgive you for any hurts you caused me. We are all hurt. Hurt people hurt people.
You are beautiful, unique and exceptional souls and are priceless to me.
I send you my heart energy constantly.
I believe that you will have your inner eye opened and finally see past the lies we were fed.
Love is the healer, you are loved, we will unite forever in eternity.
Trauma in our family was placed there purposely, in an attempt to subvert your ascension.
Our family was divided by satanic forces but Good prevails.

Please share this blog. <3

© @EatingToAscend 2019

Ascension, Uncategorized , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,


  1. “Love is the healer, you are loved, we will unite forever in eternity.
    Trauma in our family was placed there purposely, in an attempt to subvert your ascension.
    Our family was divided by satanic forces but Good prevails.”

    I cry as I read that. I love you, too. We are the family we have missed 💔. All else is s fight we had to give up. The setups. Over and over. Well, IT’S OVER. I’m ready to help awaken our family and bring home into being.

    1. A. ~~<@ My heart expanded larger and warmer reading your words. Thank you. WE NEVER STOPPED DOING WHAT OUR SOULS KNEW TO DO. Here we are together now, holding the love chords/cords to those with us in our light inheritance. Blessed! <3

  2. Thank you.. your post is 5 layers deep and heartfelt. On the diet pretty much just fruits and veggies? Rice?

    Also how to cleanse the parasites? How much tartar and lemon in gallon of water?

    1. You are very welcome, it is the greatest gift to me to help others. Five layers deep and heartfelt <3 Love that <3
      Produce, green smoothies, steamed vegs or soups, brown rice/sweet potatoes/quinoi/barley/millet/amaranth etc.. Bean chips and bean pastas. I keep the starchy things to two serving at most (if at all). Eggs occasionally, a dozen lasts me a month. Not much dairy. A quart of fermented cabbage juice (like a kraut smoothie, and I will add fresh cilantro and klamath algae). One meal a day… I use powdered milk b/c it's one step closer to having killed worm eggs. I have not succeeded in becoming vegan yet! Tartar (find it without additives, if possible) 1/2tsp – 1tsp and 1/4C lemon juice for one gallon pure water. The amout of tartar, you can adjust, depending on the overall pH of what you consume that day.
      Re: the parasites, it will depend on what you need to prioritize dealing with first. The probiotic cabbage flushes (2-3 qts daily for the first few months) and alternating fenbendazole and ivermectin are a good start. You will herx, so it has to be done carefully. Turpentine is less expensive, and goes back thousands of years. EVERYONE should do the ropeworm cleanse – especially kids with Autism!

  3. Also do you think back issues can be helped by a parasite cleanse? Have you ever heard of or know how to deal with a leviathan in the back area? (Is it just energy work?) I only ask because a close relative has scoliosis and all kinds of spinal issues that was gained later in life. I heard about the Leviathan recently and that it literally causes damage and havoc to the back and life of the recipient.

    1. That is a disembodied spirit attachment, and in essence is similar to arthritis cords. Derek Prince talked about this as well. Eventually, they can slough out, and it is odd and the ‘health system’ either/or hides what it is or has no clue. TBH, it’s sin in the body. In my own detox in the past few years, these fibrous keratin root-looking pieces grow out from over bones and joints. Absolutely it will help the spine! It is truly criminal what people are not allowed to know to be more well.

    1. I am sorry for reply delay. Do you mean the keratinous detoxing-out archon parasite forms, or fibers/Morgs (or both)? Do you do de-nano/detox baths? Mag spray? We whose bodies reject this at least know it corroborates our purer genetics, less miscegenated. I really, really recommend adding the fermented cabbage juice, although that’s just one of hundreds of modalities needed, varying as much as individual genetics do, worsened by all their depop vectors. Will help all I can. This is for the rest of our battle in this realm. I am graced to know you, sister <3

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