Note to the reader: the spiritual category word BELIEVER is what the first now-called-christians referred to themselves as. Yeshua never wanted to make a religion or a church.
He came as the energetic force of the Most High on a DNA rescue mission.

We have learned that we have been farmed as a human harvest in a prison construct that is actually a sensory illusion. Here we are dismantling it, one heart at a time. Our separate voices join as one in The One. Our weapon? Truth, which is Love. Why does Love rule? I wanted to share with you here my readings on this from three sources: the accepted bible, the ancient texts the Kolbrin and the Emerald Tablets of Thoth, and the words of the dearly compassionate evangelist, Derek Prince, who, I think, helped open doors for many in understanding who they are and what this existence here means, in simple words from a man who originally studied philosophy and adopted a dozen African children as his own, a selfless giver, and so in touch with the Most High that his tears will move you, too.

“Let nothing be done by personal ambition. What are we to be moved by? The answer is love or compassion. What prompts us to speak act or interrelate should be of love, not gainful personally. We have been told to love one another. If love is of God, and everyone who loves is born of the Most High and knows the Most High, is that really what is motivating us? Is it the love of God? Is it compassion?” – Derek Prince
Good questions.
“There are some things that do not come without suffering. ‘That I may know him, Jesus, and the power of His resurrection and the fellowship of His suffering.’ (Phillipians chapter 3) Some things only come from suffering. Suffering does something other things won’t do. It prepares the soil for the fountain which arises from the pool of despair and lack. And people who pass through difficulty together are bonded in a way that others are not.”
That is the core definition of #TraumaBonding.

The Most High God, the Self-Creator whose garden is earth and created us to share His experience of eternal knowing with individual as aspects of Him in each of our unique souls, wants to go through things together with us. When we go through pain with love for others, a bond with Him forms which cannot be broken. We should not seek suffering but should be prepared for it, realizing that our spiritual growth hinges upon going through it. “God is a self-revealing God. He loves to share Himself. He has a deeper reason than that: He loves to share what He goes through: literally to share His experiences with Him (He already shares ours through omniscience). And when you go through the valleys of suffering, you are sharing something very precious and very wonderful. Here is where we are refined. You will come closer to the Lord than you’ve ever been, and that’s what the Most High wants: He’s not interested in our suffering: He’s interested in sharing His sufferings with Us.” – the above quotes are from Derek Prince
“This is the fate of man. He must strive for that which he cannot attain. He must believe in that which he cannot prove. He must seek that which he cannot find. He must travel a road without knowing its destination. Only then can the purpose of life be fulfilled. Man may believe he knows his destiny, but he cannot be assured with certainty; in no other way can he fulfill it. In this way alone can his soul be properly awakened to flower with its full potential. This alone may he know: the purpose of all human life is a goal so glorious it surpasses all earthly understanding.” – Kolbrin SCL:13:16-17, 12,000 – 24,000BC (or older).

It is because we become the love, translating pain into transcended soul growth. The human experience is a trial of the soul in the human consciousness of the body. Through selfless loving service to others we transmit the Light of life, the spark of creation which is Love which is God. Loving others joins us in Oneness with the Most High. To Love, to BE the self-creating force, or spark ignited without fuel or starts, that which defines itself beyond mortal quantification, and this fallen world in which the existence of so-called duality is passed off as balanced was not the original intention. Every one of the Nibiru/PlanetX/Dark Star – referred to in the many ancient texts and also the catholic church’s ‘holy bible’, including the fourteen books they removed to hide information so they could construct the fake history we are taught and reap profit off every aspect of us. Knowing that what they are attempting to hide from us all, to hide the next Grand Crossing in a world of spiritually stupefied, parasite-diseased body heavy-metal and calcified pineal gland materialism, human trafficking and sacrifice and overt worship of Ba’al, destruction of family and gender-bent transhumanism becoming one and all a part of the hive mind as people feed themselves into it, sheep to the slaughter.

We have been lied to in the worst of ways. (By the way, that is a really spot-on video detailing the DISNEY and HOLLYWOOD hidden-in-plain-sight indoctrination and sorcery cast onto the masses from cradle-to-grave… here it is and the link opens in a new tab. I used it because as an expression, it’s accurate.) These descendants of the fallen angel elite who run this world are trying to hide the prophecied End Days – prophecied much further back than 6,000 years, as the cycles were watched and planned for, to survive underground, so THEY KNOW IT’S COMING (the telescope the vatican owns and uses, with Jesuit astronomers at the helm is called Lucifer) – is to eke out every resource benefit possible until the very end, and hide out in their D.U.M.B.S. until the cataclysm’s worst is passed, and continue to rule the world with H2, Human 2.0. e.g. Transhumans in a world run by satanic artificial intelligence humans fed themselves into to become replicants.
If this sounds like science fiction to you, I beg you to realize: it’s FACT.

Back far, far beyond the earliest recorded words of humankind on earth, there was a hominid, hairy race on earth (we now know is the Sasquatch who have remained, but you will recognize that this hidden truth was the basis for the lie of Darwinian evolution theory: that’s how they do it) which was not adapted from the primate mammal lineage, and then a sudden infusion of DNA in which Man as we know ourselves to be now appeared suddenly. The flaw of Darwinism which proves its fallacy is the so-called “missing link”. I heard an analogy recently which illuminates the nonsense of evolution: “The concept that the earth and all life forms upon it occured as a spontaneous, random concoction of a few elements of primordial stellar soup is as plausible as a tornado running through the debris on the dirty floor of a machine shop and a Boeing 747 being formed.”

We were intelligently created, then the Annunaki came and the entire planet’s animal and plant system was genetically miscegenated. The Emerald Tablets of Thoth, who is also known as the god Enki and lived 351,000 years, flew over the earth and looked down and saw this Pre-Adamite human species. Why was Enki flying in earth’s lower atmosphere (which did not have a firmament yet, and has to remain a subject for another time)? The planet his people were on, what we call Nibiru now, required gold (atomic period table symbol Au) to seal the holes they had put in the ozone layer of Nibiru, which they, fallen angels, had destroyed by their careless usurpation of that planet’s atmosphere, as is their modus operandi, being entities which just use as they please, for their pleasures. So Enki returned to earth with some family members (excuse the abbreviated explanation) and thus we have the Sumer culture which appeared suddenly in Mesopotamia, as well as North and South America, and Antarctica, and a few other places. They enscribed meridian points all over the seven islands lying within the confines of the Ice Wall perimeter of the oceans and seas and land masses, and built massive stone complexes for watching for the return of Nibiru in its cyclic orbit overlapping earth’s. These structures are megalithic and remain unexplained by ‘scientists, archeologists, historians and scholars’ [sic] today.

With their original privileged angel knowledge of plant medicines, and all other highest order information, they injected their own DNA, which is referred to now as “alien” by geneticists who are decoding the human genome. (Interestingly, the vatican-approved bible old testasment King James version uses alien six times to describe these ‘foreign people’ another biblical reference term). Their fallen angel attempt to ‘be as gods’ and alter life forms. This is where the hybrid beasts of mythology come from. The use of the word concept “myth” is intentionally misleading. With every cataclysm caused by the Most High via a crossing and pole shift, civilizations were destroyed, land masses heaved and folded into earth like one kneads bread dough (interestingly enough, we bakers are taught to knead dough in the shape of a ram’s head – ram, goat, Baphomet, Satan), and a cleasing reset occurred, always destroying peoples and places rife with evil. Fallen angel knowledge, no matter how beautiful in original use, was misused here. After a number of cycles (how many, we do not know, but one imagines that satan’s church the vatican does, since the occult (hidden) is theirs, since they stole truth and hid it, continuing to suppress it now via censorship of every method).
They made slaves.
And then after the next cataclysm passed, from which we see the extant tunnels and structures which survived, despite the bombing of sites in the Middle East and Vietnam, Cambodia, and other locations, where under the pretense of a war they send in troops and bombs to destroy the evidence… Monsanto made Agent Orange to defoliate the jungles so they could see giant megalithic structures and pillage then destroy them. The excuse given was to expose the Vietnamese people who were shooting at our soldiers… we went to destroy true history. Same in the Middle East. Wake up! Know these facts!

Watch this short 7-ish minute video called USA – CIA – Killed Millions – To Hide Proof of Giants in Laos

Why were we incepted here then then by the Most High later as Sons of Adam? Why do we struggle to define ourselves and a creator? Why do we have circumspect natures always seeking? That is, at least until this generation X and onward (EMO, millennial, transgender), thanks to the biochemical and programming lobotomies all are subjected to. I am not saying (as I write this, the frequencies which I am forced to endure in the nearby millimeter wave bath of 5G, neighbors’ IoT and satellites above (I have no internet at home, and my phone is a ‘dumbphone’… I hope you make the same choices and de-matrix as you can) are varying in pitch and volume wildly. This picks up drastically when I “embarrass the illuminati”, as my ex-Lockheed Martin computer systems engineer friend said to me a few months ago. (Shrug.)

“We may visualize our individual goals as we will; it is ordained that we have this freedom. How close or how far that we are from reality is of little consequence: what is, is. He who seeks a non-existent destination will, nevertheless, get somewhere. He who seeks not at all will get nowhere. Earthly life fulfills itself without attainment.” – Kolbrin SCL:13:18
“… for each is the keeper of his spirit. Each soul is fashioned by every thought, desire and deed, every emotion that touched it during its sojourn in an earthly body. Each is the maker of his own future, the fashioner of his own being.” – Kolbrin SCL:14:17-18
“The love of God for His wayward children has been limitless and abounding. It has remained changeless throughout the ages, filled with His noble purpose. He created so that He might express and share that love, which is the very essence of His nature, with beings created in His likeness, beings that could absorb and reflect that love. Yet, that His love might be wholly free, man was endowed with freewill which he has used perversely.”  – Kolbrin SCL:18:11
“For out of the heart proceed evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, fornications, thefts, false witness, blasphemies:” – Matthew 15:19

Understanding the effects of intention on water reveal what we nned to know about LOVE and our incarnation here on earth, and where our soul shall reside after this life.  Dr. Masaru Emoto on Human Consciousness and Water article many excellent videos online as well), and I embedded one I particularly like at the bottom of this page.

Passing from this body which loses 21 grams of weight at death, DMT, the spirit molecule, exits our pineal gland and our spirit leaves, to be judged, and directed to our eternal address. What we did here, the lessons we learned or rejected, the inner self we formed by our choices, disciplines, or lack thereof, are recorded and we stand before the Creator. As we are not truly limited by Time, the eternal is now, and we are living our eternal destiny with the choices we make in the now of what we experience with the five senses of this dimension and our self-awareness of being. Every moment is a concentric echo reverberating limitlessly, without beginning or end.
You may want to read this post…
Loving others without limit is the only thing which puts an end to the trauma damage: that vicious cycle of parasitismic predation of soul energy. If love is light, we can know that darkness – the lack of light – is energetic destruction. That is death. Only love creates. Take for example the dark matter creation that is CERN. Their CON-cern is to create anti-matter and open portals for it to enter this realm from other dimensions. The craft of this being done has as one of its goals to attempt to extinguish – by outnumbering through demonic force entities invited in and given place to in humans and other living forces on earth – the Light of the Most High creator God. The technology to accomplish this is literally out of this world: occult supernatural: an ever-increasingly shocking epitome of dark arts. Humans, over 7 billion on the planet (not to mention animal souls, which possibly have a collective soul, I am not certain of that, but I do wonder) are becoming an unparalled repository of GMO parasites and diseases. No food on earth, no biological entity of any kingdom, exists with untainted DNA. Death is built into our genetics with the third strand, and that is fed – and as ouroboros, feeds itself – by all processes on earth. Only love itself, the light, negates its destructive power of life-sapping as an atomic structure dark hole in our basic cell building blocks.

From the Kolbrin scroll 25:40 and 41, written AT THE EARLIEST 12,000+ years ago, a full 14,000 years before the bible the catholic church allowed and 501c3 tax-paying, government approved churches use:
“O God, who teaches us in so many strange ways in this great place of instruction called earth, who set us tasks to an end which we cannot foresee, and who tests us to measure our abilities and to try our courage and fidelity. Instruct us, so we may better understand the bitter lessons, which purge from our natures all that is unwholesome to the spirit. Strengthen us so we may bear all things without complaint and conduct ourselves under the strict discipline of this unique place of instruction. Open the eyes of understanding within us, so that we may benefit by every experience and not waste time bewailing our lot.”

As you read these quotes written before the bible was, it is clear that prior to the last planetary comet-impact reset, there were those who believed in a Most High God. So much so that they sought to document and store their words to survive the next coming extinction-level events, which always wipe man’s memory along with the earth’s face. The writings we have access to, though so numerous that one could spend a lifetime reading and understanding, are still incomplete, as the vatican and the elite fallen angel so-called alien (that’s the deception, the aliens ARE the fallen angels) descendents only released a small amount of this esoteric knowledge record. Remember: the ‘Holy’ Roman Empire burned the Library of Alexandria. The Hall of Records under the Sphinx and the Egyptian Pyramids is sequestered away by them. They would have us think that only their bible from which they removed fourteen books is the only truth there is. Even THEN they go against it, embracing abominations and implementing the beast and new world order.

See my post on the underground caves of Malta, and the one below. Every continent has archeological feats like this. In the North American continent, they were mostly destroyed in the name of “civilization”, and/or hidden in plain site, or by public parks.

The incredible Ellora Caves Documentary 2019 The Mind-Boggling Rock Cut Temples of India video is just another staggering example of the truth hidden, and the power of intention. If the nephilim used cymatics to do this… all over the earth… we can too, through love and intention. Certainly, we can ascend.

So to wrap this up, what you must know is that YOU ARE A DIVINE BEING OF LOVE, FROM LOVE AND CAN RETURN TO ETERNAL LOVE. A great price was paid for you. Yes, a child was born after being foretold in prophecy for thousands of years who had only 23 chromosomes – the late archeologist Ron Wyatt proved that by blind independent separate lab testing of blood samples from the cracked rock where the Messiah Christ, Jesus of Nazareth, a man who walked this earth from year zero (there’s a hint of the real truth, in that the elite use His birth year as calendar demarcation!) to year 33AD: here are two videos – one called Ron Wyatt blood of Christ and another called The Ark of the covenant found now revealed the blood of Christ on the mercy seat Documentary SD.
Yes, we have been lied to in the worst of ways, and the smear campaign known by the world as science, history, medicine and all academia and institutions, along with these hidden truths, is preventing people from knowing their identity and purpose. Think about what this has done! It has created an industry of mental illness, which is really spiritual lack of knowledge.

I pray – put out complete heart intention – that this helps anyone reading it to connect at least a few more dots, and understand the meaning of our existence with daily inspired rededication to do their best to face the electromagnetic frequency challenges ahead, and the fate of their souls. We have all been traumatized: it’s worse than ever, the cycles. Example: pedophilia is rampant, people are using aborted fetal cells in everything almost, homosexuality and gender confusion are normalized, and we are being replaced by robots. The hate and evil of Sharia Law and Islam is protected and promoted while believers in Christianity are being arrested. The mainstream news and all reporters are liars for a living. NASA is a satanic arm and geoengineering is used to hide the incoming system Nibiru, stop photosynthesis and food production, kill the pollinators, and the SpaceFence of Solar Warden and SkyNet China just implemented – the Social Credit Score surveillanced and tabulated, which governs citizens’ every move and opportunity, this is just an iceberg tip. It’s bad and how much worse can it get.

Knowing who you are, and that the secret we all carry is that the incredible physics of Love can take your soul home to the Most High is Love’s unstoppable liberty. We are simply decieved into not accepting what is already within us. <3

© Pastor Laura Rohrer Little Brooks, April 4, 2019
Main website: https://eatingtoascend.com


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“Confirming, by a triumphant question defying all contradiction, as an undeniable fact, 1 John 5:4, that the victory which overcomes the world is faith: “I believe that unarmed truth and unconditional love will have the final word in reality. This is why right, temporarily defeated, is stronger than evil triumphant.” – Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

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  1. Thank you friend; for using your gifts to lift the veil, open the eyes, and put everything into perspective. This is beautifully written and so inspiring and uplifting! The Most High spoke to me today through you!!

  2. We are water-dependent and in our cells exist the blueprint for creation. Water is H20: two molecules of Hydrogen and one molecule of Oxygen. There is no substitution for water: water IS, just as Hydrogen IS and Oxygen IS in their elemental existence. This is the basis of reality as we know it. It is truth and it is why my gravatar logo is the electroscopic photograph of the molecule of water. In it’s never-ending motion it forms a cross. This cross is also symbolic for reasons time and awareness do not permit me to state. I say this all as it is analagous to what truth is: truth is not relative. There is truth, and then there are lies. Duality comes from the doubts imposed by the introduction of lies. It exists within us all and we are living in an illusion of cymatic frequency which is controlled with electromagnetism. Religions are invented by those who want to divide people from The Truth. Therapies are commodified and, like medicine which treats symptoms without removing the reason for illness, simply widen the net of suffering. There maybe many paths, but they all lead to Rome. What’s Rome? Domination under a controller who parasitizes humans. It is not “My way” that I have found. I was graced with being able to release from the obstacles and be on THE WAY. That’s what it was called before the Denisovian period, according to the ancient texts found in cache of Dead Sea scrolls.
    “Therefore my people are gone into captivity, because they have no knowledge: and their honourable men are famished, and their multitude dried up with thirst.” – Isaiah 5:13
    “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children. As they were increased, so they sinned against me: therefore will I change their glory into shame.” – Hosea 4:6-7
    “For there is nothing hidden which will not be revealed, nor has anything been kept secret but that it should come to light.” – Mark 4:22

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