“I am the way, the truth, and the life. No man comes to the Father except through Me.” - John 14:6

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THE TRUTH THEY HIDE TO KEEP YOU ENSLAVED. More than just The Ascension Diet, Human Ropeworm & parasite protocols, my “remote writing” as a high VMAT2 visionary seer helps readers identify the patterns of mind control programming & psycho-social, physical and spiritual conditioning used to prevent them from realizing the glory of the Divine Beings they really are. The unprecedented crime against humanity pharmakeia fraud of allopathic western medicine, Antedeluvian true world history, the Freemasons’ Illuminati world cabal of MK-Ultra, satanic ritual cannibalism & industry human sacrifice, Anunnaki alien genetic modification, Monsanto’s GMO, Lyme & Morgellons, synthetic biology, nanotechnology, weaponized language syntax, heavy metals, molds, yeasts, depopulation agendas, transhumanism, geoengineering climate change lie to hide Nibiru while shutting down the 3rd eye pineal gland soul-seat & poisoning us, 5G & cymatics, the sorcery of Hollywood & the news media, decoding the revisionist web of world history, how to make probiotics foods like kombucha and fermented cabbage, and more – all here. For daily updates you owe it to yourself to click to follow the blog and remove the veils from your eyes. Writing my heart out for you with all my love, @EatingToAscend
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IN TWO DAYS – Part 3 of The NINEVEH ZIPPER and the April 8, 2024 Solar Eclipse – The Digital Scrolls, April 6, 2024

Part 3 of my embedded watcher and prophetic witness of God’s final warning to repent, on the ground in the New Madrid Subduction Zone, USA. Every human here has only two days left to repent and accept Jesus Christ as Savior.


New testimonial – A reader’s journey to Faith in Jesus Christ

The Bible verses you incorporated in your book inspired me to begin reading the Bible… I’ve developed a deep love for Jesus and have felt His love for me in return… Thank you, because my life will never be the same – in a wonderful way – thanks to you.


On March 15 there was a major lightning storm centered precisely along the coming path of the eclipse! This potentially indicates some sort of seismic pressure along the entire New Madrid fault, and introductory low-magnitude earthquake ‘tremors’ are increasing in frequency and strength now in this most dangerous of America’s seismic zones.

THE NINEVEH ZIPPER AND THE APRIL 8, 2024 SOLAR ECLIPSE (Part 1) – The Digital Scrolls, March 28, 2024

In 2008, the US government announced that they had no plan to help Americans when the earthquake comes, and they were not going to bother to create one, in spite of the fact that the proven disastrous New Madrid Fault will take out at least 40,000 square miles of the Midwest, far more devastating than the San Andreas “Big One”, which is also overdue, impacting 7 states: Illinois, Indiana, Missouri, Arkansas, Kentucky, Tennessee and Mississippi, with hundreds of thousands buildings damaged or destroyed, roads impassible and 2.6 millions of people left without power, water and sewage, and oil and gas explosions everywhere.

KEY BRIDGE: BREAKING THE ROADS – The Digital Scrolls, March 27, 2024

The Francis Scott Key Bridge destruction was performed as the Penumbral Lunar Eclipse took place overhead.
In the Talmud, Solar eclipses are signs to the ‘Jews’ (Remember! The noun “Jew” didn’t exist until the secret societies of Satan invented it, just as they coined the word “Semite” and feign “antisemitism” to hide all they do as the Synagogue of Satan, as the Christ Jesus called them. There was no “J” in Hebrew. Jesus – Yeshua – was from the tribe of Judah, and the Ashkenazi Khazarian Zionist one-world-government of Lucifer are rolling out the NWO now, TRIBULATION) and Lunar eclipses are signs to the Gentiles.


UPDATED WITH FULL CONTENT! Only the devil himself would prevent humans from knowing that Jesus is The Truth, a world-ending cataclysm is coming, and to get right with God. To correct this wrong, I am proving all the facts you need to know about the April 8th Total Solar Eclipse!


Only the devil himself would prevent humans from knowing that Jesus is The Truth, world-ending cataclysmic was coming, and to get right with God. To correct this wrong, I am proving all the facts you need to know about the April 8th Total Solar Eclipse!


LOVE STORIES – The Digital Scrolls, March 3, 2024

We see only the results which a man’s choices make out of his raw material. But God does not judge him on the raw material at all, but on what he has done with it. Most of the man’s psychological make-up is probably due to his body: when his body dies all that will fall off him, and the real central man, the thing that chose, that made the best or the worst out of this material, will stand naked. We shall then, for the first time, see every one as he really was. There will be surprises.

letters going into ear

New testimonial: Resolute Ropeworm Protocol Bible audiobook reader reached!

I was unsure if I wanted to put this book through the AI tentacles and bring it to audiobook form, but am already so glad that I did, for it has already born fruit and reached someone who desperately needs the knowledge that is kept hidden, not only by the ‘medical establishment’ but by the ‘frontline doctors’ who also deny the truths in…

Thanks to these Luciferian-driven ruling class we now have the Bubonic Plague, the Spanish Flu, Influenza, Typhoid, Malaria, … – THE EXTRATERRESTRIAL PARASITES DECEPTION AND CONNECTION TO THE FRAUD OF DISEASE

Thank you for another very informative post! You often post information that I didn’t know. I suffer from severe parasitosis. I am also a massage therapist and I can feel the parasites in a person’s muscle tissue. Sorry to freak you out, but those knots you feel are actually usually parasties rather than being inflamed tissue (which is what most doctors and therapists tell you). Antihelminth medication nearly killed me. The food we eat, the water we drink, and the aerosol that is sprayed on us makes our physical bodies a breeding ground for these things. I believe that Laura is correct that a homeopathic and route, fasting, praying, and her ropeworm protocol are advised. Most people at a young age have a physical body that adapts to them; but when a person becomes overstressed the parasites will start multiplying out of control and cause disease. Parasites cause heart attacks, strokes, arthritis, depression, insomnia, teeth grinding, fibromyalgia, and many many other diseases. Please don’t make the mistake of believing that this is something that happens to “other people”. Just because you aren’t seeing them doesn’t mean that you don’t have them. They encase themselves in biofilm and attach to the walls of your intestines and that is why you usually don’t see them. They also migrate throughout the body. I am not trying to upset anyone by this information; just trying to help. I have found all information written in Laura’s blog to be TRUTH and straight from the Heart. I am thankful for her; she is brave to be doing what she is doing!! – Jashula, October 6, 2019

January 24, 2023
Dear Laura,
I am blown away by your Ropeworm Protocol Bible and am now rereading it for the second time and have made
my cabbage jars. You have connected so many loose dots for me!
I am what should be a healthy active 61 year old (and I am) – except… I am full of heavy metals, nanoparticles (though not ‘vaccinated’ with the ‘C’), and am 1000% for MOLDS AND ROPEWORMS!
I have been enema-dependent (and for a few periods gotten myself enema-free by being product-dependent) for over the last 10 years. Now that your book has concurred what I could have guessed – but wouldn’t have without your validation – I am more than ever ready to tackle this gargantuan in the gut. I feel the space is very narrow for anything to pass and even passing a colonic size enema bag worth of water is difficult.
I have ordered and just received your Eating To Ascend book and have been thumbing through it. It looks amazing also and I could go on…
I have a couple of questions:
1. I and a great chiropractor I see both think REAL salt from Utah is a better choice for purity. Do you think there is a reason to stick with Himalayan Salt?
2. Are you saying that the cabbage drink will elicit an urgent evacuation of the bowels early on in the protocol? Like maybe even the first day?
I have been constipated my whole life and now this. To think even 15 years ago I could tolerate so many more foods then. I could move my bowels on a simple high vit C and Magnesium combo a.m. and p.m. and would birth an enormous healthy stool every morning, like clock work. (This was with the help of a Naturopath and using *Nourishing Traditions (by Sally Fallon) as my BIBLE.
Oh, I have fallen so far from there.
Thank you for answering my 2 short questions and for being available to your readers.
With deep gratitude for what you have given us and telling your story,
Shelly E.
P.S. I also want you to know that reading your book triggered my “come to Jesus” moment and need I say, has changed my life. All this occuring in the last 6 weeks when I first received your book in the mail, The Ropeworm Protocol Bible.

My reply:
Sally Fallon is the founding president of the Weston A. Price Foundation (www.westonaprice.org), who teaches that the ingestion of animal products is acceptable, when in truth, animal flesh adds non-human mRNA, DNA, parasites and toxins, and form putrid synthetic biology monsters in the gut, visible when removed by the ropeworm cleanse, which she and her organization have never acknowledged or addressed.
In the last 8 years I have learned that even naturopaths, homeopaths, osteopaths and Ayurvedic healers are in active denial of the magnitude and reality that ALL DISEASE IS PARASITES and it starts with the mRNA of Lucifer’s 3rd strand entwined between our DNA and its ‘viral’ emanation, the ropeworm, (1) the original gain of function now medically industrialized and (2) the Trojan Horse for The Mark of the Beast. THIS IS WHY GOD CAME AS CHRIST TO SAVE US WITH (3) THE SUPERNATURAL POWER OF HIS BLOOD, and the entire world theater revolves around this drama, the Holy War nearing its last act.
1. https://eatingtoascend.com/2022/03/31/deliver-us-from-gain-of-function/
2. https://eatingtoascend.com/the-great-reset-rapture-cover-up/
3. https://eatingtoascend.com/2022/12/27/gods-atomic-weapon-the-blood-of-jesus-2/

1. “Real Salt” versus Pink Himalayan Salt: Redmond Company salt (red monde, meaning “blood world”) that they paid for a trademark symbol for the words “Real salt”, and that’s literally a patented lie, is from Utah, and has only 60 minerals as opposed to Pink Himalayan salt’s 84-86. Both are antediluvian (of or relating to the period before the flood described in the Bible), but the Pakistan and surrounding mines are actually older, therefore the ocean water deposited has much less mRNA and toxic contaminates than the salt deposited from later earth epochs. Redmond company touts its low carbon footprint, environmental sustainability and ‘ethical work practices’, but the climate crisis is a myth the Devil has concocted to bring about transhumanism and replace carbon life with silicon life and hide the Rapture with the ‘Great Reset’. It’s probable that Redmond Salt is owned by Mormons, who ultimately control all business in Utah, and are Freemasons. Additionally, the Egyptians were in America before the flood, and Freemasonry began in Egypt and is the religion of Satan known as Mystery Babylon.
When I was in India (where I photographed a Masonic Temple!) I was able to purchase wonderful large chunks of locally mined Pink, Gold and Black Himalayan salt, and India being close neighbors, I asked the merchants about the quality and purity. Despite the lack of love between India and Pakistan as nations, the Hindus had not one negative thing to say regarding the salt and its production. Lastly, I stayed with a (now former) Patreon member for two months last year who had decided to use Redmond salt instead of Himalayan for the ropeworm protocol. I was able to experiment with it and found that the fermented cabbage was less intense and slower to start, had less minerals, a larger amount was needed to get the flush and detox effect, and in the bath had less purifying power. If it is all you have, use it up as a bath salt, but please rely on Pink Himalayan salt rather than any other salt, including sea salt, as I have for the last five and a half years is my recommendation and my reply unequivically. More minerals, less myth, older and cleaner deposit: closer to light food, the food for light bodies, and what our cells were designed for before The Fall, which Hercules fights against and we fight as the ropeworm and parasites, the mRNA miscegenation of our host body, the Holy War one human life at a time.

2. Will the fermented cabbage juice cause immediate bowel evacuation? The quart of  (two for the more experienced) fermented cabbage prepared as The Ropeworm Protocol Bible instructs and consumed as a smoothie will cause a forceful bowel movement within 30-60 minutes; usually around 45. Called ‘waterfalls’, you will see nests of parasites and worms of all kinds, flukes (snails of all types), masses of yeasts, molds,fibers, nanotechnology and intestinal plaques and biofilms resembling leather and even stones. Combining the probiotic cabbage protocol with the herbals Mimosa Pudica, Cascara Sagrada, Hing Jeera (asafetida or Devil’s Dung) and use of binders and other ‘helps’ including Red Reishi or other cordyceps mushroom powders for liver support and cellular regeneration because of their adaptogenic properties, along with the switch to distilled water and the other dietary and lifestyle changes made during this period will change the body and one’s life. The accumulated parasite strongholds and toxins a lifetime of all of these parasites (the serpent in the gut being the most tenacious of them all) removes what YHVH calls impediments in the Bible. Jesus called it the serpent in the gut.

Constipation not only results from dehydration, but from parasites blocking and deforming the bowel and anus, and many people have been constipated since childhood: it’s almost the norm in Western culture! Here’s what happens: the ropeworm attaches its sucker mouths up and down the entire GI tract, and some of these mouths span over an inch. Smaller parasites bite into and also attach, all the way down to the opening of the rectum and even outside it, appearing as redness and sores. Hemorrhoids result from parasites, and eventually the bowel forms scar tissue and biofilms, is covered with cysts and dens and strongholds, and becomes non-functional and can’t pass stools, lacking motility to the point of total constiopation. Some people becomes completely unable to move their bowels. One such person is Anna G., who was in my Facebook group, and her pleas for help are scattered all over the internet. Tragically, many poeople develop what the medical industry calls diverticulitis, Crohn’s, H Pylori, fibromyalgia and lupus, pancreatitis, chronic infections, thrush, ear and sinus problems, recurring infections, have bowel resections, develop endometriosis, have hernias, cancers… ALL OF THESE AND MORE ARE FROM THE PRESENCE OF PARASITES, THE WORST OF WHICH IS THE ROPEWORM (and do not forget those caused by spirochetes, synthetic biology genetically modified foods and organisms, Lyme and Morgellons, and all that they have been raingi down on humanity from the skies in the chemtrails of  the climate operations’ stratospheric aerosol geoengineering, now called ‘the dimming of the sun’.

Hydration preloading: Beginners to the Ropeworm Protocol should drink an extra liter of distilled water a half an hour before consuming the quart of fermented probiotic cabbage smoothie, to pre-load hydration restricted by years of constipation and diminished gastrointestinal functions. Further concerns are discussed in the two books. Remember! The Ropeworm Protocol Bible is merely one chapter from THE ASCENSION DIET EATING TO ASCEND book.

“Oh, I have fallen so far from there.” Because ALL DISEASE IS PARASITES and we have all been under a veil of deceit regarding what disease – and its cure – really is, addressing it all in one or two books or websites is impossible in the time we have left.
We have all fallen. Actually, we were set up to FAIL by this inverted world Satan rules.

Your “come to Jesus moment”! Prayerfully this means that you have been born again in Jesus Christ, who taught us how to remove the ropeworm 2,000 years ago. We can detox and cleanse all we want, but Yeshua is The Door and our only hope from this soul trap wheel. He, as God incarnate, came on a DNA rescue mission. He explained it in the Essene Gospels https://eatingtoascend.com/essene-gospels-of-peace/  I’m praying for you! Please consider joining the Patreon group, sister, where others are also on this path.
With love, in Christ who is the Light, the Door, and all Truth,
Laura Handwritten signature

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January 23, 2023
I’m loving The Ropeworm Protocol Bible Human Ascension Manual, and am dispersing your book to friends and clients.
Will spare you a novel but … now I see the ropeworm everywhere! After getting more strict with the cabbage, the things I’ve seen come out of me!
I guess you can say, your writing and the space between your writings has allowed me to see.
The Ascension Diet Eating To Ascend book – I’m only on page 700 first time through, can’t wait to read it again and again!
Thank God for somehow attuning me, all the way from here, to you, and your getting this information out.
Much love to you, a trillion blessings,
Betsy Von, LMT
I cannot believe they sent you to me, and I can’t even remember how it happened! But I’m so glad it did, Angel.

Betsy, as a Licensed Massage Therapist, what you are doing for those who come to you to improve their health by empowering them with the knowledge of – and treatment for – the human ropeworm and other parasites is, whether or not you know it, advancing the Kingdom of God. You thank God for bringing you to me, but in truth, it is GOD bringing you to His Truth: I am just a messenger, and you called me “Angel”. From one angel to another, we are in human form working to unite our fellow humans with the reason they are really here, as we work to dispel these archons in the body.

One of the earliest followers of my work is also an LMT, “Jashula”, and her she wrote:
I am a massage therapist and I can feel the parasites in a person’s muscle tissue. Sorry to freak you out, but those knots you feel are actually usually parasties rather than being inflamed tissue (which is what most doctors and therapists tell you). (She directed her ‘freaked out’ apology to blog readers.)

Since you have read the Ropeworm Protocol book and increased its power by strict adherence and attention to the instructions given, you are now fully aware of the fact that what Jashula wrote above is correct, and that all of us are exposed to the parasites (resident evils) of others, by family, friends, workplace contact, touch, association, by drinking, eating, medications, animals, the outdoors… THE WORLD IS A CESSPOOL OF MRNA AND THESE ARE THE DAYS OF NOAH.
It was Eden before The Fall.

How to help others… I have been criticized for ‘catering to the new age movement and millenials’, and find far too many who call themselves Christians blinded to the fact that they could be so much more, and do so much more for God, if they would get off their laurels of comfort foods and detox the serpent from their guts and clean up their temple act. It came as a shock, but I see these men and women in their very conventionally safe Christian walks as modern day pharisees who cling to the lies we have all been taught and wait for a new body at Rapture while ignoring the tools to make the best of the one they have. These tools are detoxing the ropeworm and removing the parasites. This is what Jesus taught but it was hidden. There is very little time left to save souls before the digital currency net snares mankind. Jesus ministered to the sinners, not those who already believed who need their bibles dusted off with 5th grade reading level mini-sermons they can’t really receive because they are polluted and therefore deaf and blind. But you are leading others from the paths of destruction, Betsy, while you yourself are being cleansed. Like the disciples, your eyes are opening as you do this work. Thomas doubted but still followed Christ. Peter denied him three times before the cock crowed. Betsy, you were led to help in this DNA rescue mission of God’s. Elected. Praise God!

“…your writing and the space between your writings has allowed me to see.
Think of the space between my writings as the period in between the breaths.
[   ]
[   ]
The breath comes from God, not me.
The inspiration – the indrawn breath of life-giving energies…
The expiration which expels what’s used, or what should not be.
I was led to write, led to these truths, because through being denied diagnosis and threatment of Lyme disease, I developed Morgellons, this after a lifetime as a targeted individual who made the tragic mistake at age 50 of marrying a secretly cross-dressing Washington, D.C. career newsman who did all he could to destroy then kill me after I asked for a divorce. Yet…
The Hand of God was in all of this, and in my trials I was refined.
In turn I am trying to help others by sharing what I am shown.
I could not see this clearly if I had not detoxed, but God choose those who serve Him.
But for His Grace, we would not be here.
Even Paul of Tarsus, a “Hebrew of Hebrews”, needed to be reborn in Jesus Christ.
It’s so much easier when the scales are removed from the eyes!
With Paul, Jesus appeared to him on the road to Damascus and as Paul recorded, scales fell from his eyes after he saw Jesus’ light.
The Rockefeller medical conspiracy mainstreamed parasites. But remember what I shared in the books: (1) in the 19th century after the train system was set up, the elite contaminated the Chicago livestock yards with Trichinosis to give parasites to the pigs shipped all over America. The biggest pork processor is named SMITHFIELD, which in England is the place where more Christians were murdered by the Catholic Church than any other killing field. And pork is the other white meat, a hybrid of wild boars and humans crafted by the Egyptians. That’s why God – YHVW, Jehovah – THE ONE TRUE GOD and the only Living God – told the Israelites DO NOT EAT PORK in the Torah.
(1) https://eatingtoascend.com/2020/03/26/they-invented-trichinosis/
(2) https://eatingtoascend.com/2022/12/27/testify-this/
(3) https://www.kingjamesbibleonline.org/Leviticus-11-7/

“I cannot believe they sent you to me, and I can’t even remember how it happened! But I’m so glad it did, Angel.”
I am too, dear sister! It is such a joy to me when the light that shines is passed on like the torch that it is, to help others. O how sad it is to me when self-professed Christians and deniers alike reject these truths. All I can say is how thankful I am, how grateful I am that you are here and are helping others, and that soon we will be together in eternity if you accept Jesus Christ as your saviour, and Lord, for all of this freedom is His gift to us.

For, like you, I am just a messenger too.

In Christ, who IS LIGHT, and the Door, eternally, our peace,

Laura Handwritten signature


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